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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Excited to see what QB they bring in now, as some others have posted, he probably has great insight on the QB class this year.
  2. I think the schedule actually looks better than this past seasons myself. Either way though, you can never tell what teams my be good next season or not so.... but looks fine to me. My too early prediction is 10 wins lol
  3. Yes, I am the Duffster, but it doesn't have much pull anymore like it used to.
  4. I want to see that he has been fired tomorrow morning. I actually EXPECT to read it at the bottom of the screen on NFLN or when I get online tomorrow a.m.
  5. Hopefully moving on from Taylor AND Dennison. The main 2 reasons this game was lost today IMO. Defense let Bortles get out of hand a with the scrambling some and dropped 2 INTs, but overall gave the offense PLENTY of chances. This falls on the OC and Taylor all the way IMO
  6. Always loved me some Berman. Miss him on NFL Prime Time
  7. Yeah this was awful officiating for this playoff game. This pathetic officiating should not be tolerated, especially in the playoffs. Down right awful job by the refs. Hope the crew for Bills-Jax does a hell of a better job than what these refs did tonight, My god!
  8. I know you guys will have a blast. Wish I could be there. Unfortunately I can't make it b/c I got a full Brazilian wax done and it usually takes me a few days to recover. I nominate the person that said they were "hung like a gnat". If that doesn't scream "I'm in charge"! Then I don't know what does....
  9. In no way shape or form do I see a 1st going for Alex Smith from any team. I guess you never know, but I for one would be very disappointed if they did that.
  10. lol, can't wait to see what that stadium looks like tomorrow. Probably hear the same amount of noise when Jags have the ball as you will when the Bills do. Very excited!
  11. I would be surprised if he doesn't play. Don't know how close to 100% he will be but I would bet he is going to play.
  12. This is correct, for most fans I would think anyways. I think a lot of the "hate" if one would call it that, was with Hackett and his awful play calling. As I recall the only biggest problem with Marone was his "obviously" and "obvious" media addresses.
  13. I'm actually more worried about Campell than Dareus tbh. I think Dareu will be fired up yes, but believe it will wear off pretty quick and the Bills Oline for the most part should keep him under control. I'm hoping so anyways....
  14. yeah I think so too. Definitely ahead of Mariota and Foles. Maybe neck n neck with Bortles.
  15. I agree, the thing is people have tried that. It has sank off the 1st page a few times, but then the nutcase will always come back and bump it back up with his nonsense. So unfortunately I don't see it dying off, unless it is finally locked and stays locked.
  16. Remember it as if it were yesterday. Another game that will never be forgotten.
  17. He will probably get a little more playing time than he usually does and yes I think he will make an impact, more against the running game. But I think our guys can take care of business for the most part. He will wear down after the 1st qter or so. Either way it will be a big test for the Bills Oline.
  18. He said Darnold wouldn't declare for the draft earlier though. How can that be? I would look back and find where he posted Darnold would not come out but I don't feel like wasting my time. He probably deleted it by now anyways.
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