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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Maybe there's an injury that's not being disclosed. Which would still drop him down the draft board either way, but that is quite surprising for a fellow that size.
  2. Yes but Bills are not trading all the way up to #1. Highly, highly doubt that.
  3. Not as long as Brady is there. Now if he leaves and they start to take some of these QBs off the Bills hands then yeah, they will start to suck.
  4. Would rather them leave it how it is but not call as much of the ticky tack calls. And would also prefer to make it where you could challenge P.I calls.
  5. Wow! Polian must think a lot of Foles I see.
  6. Agree. Could use those picks to replace the players that would be gone. Granted they would be rookies and not have the type of experience that the vets have, but still I would rather keep those picks and build around Cousins, but that's just me. I just have trouble seeing them able to land him with all the money he would want, but I would definitely take a swing at Cousins.
  7. My thoughts as well. Looking at giving up a major amount of real estate to move up that far. But if they do, then so be it.
  8. Wonder if they are basing that off of Taylor being the starter? Anyway I'm a Cousins hopeful myself, and if they can get him in Buffalo I would guess 10 wins, so definitely over for me as well.
  9. Don't really know yet, I'm just not big on him myself (not that the Bills FO isnt), but I wouldn't just jump on to try and grab him right away. Still a lot of time to see who else may become available or draft that may be better.
  10. I would think DL should be added to the list of biggest needs, but anyway. I think they can do a little better than Jarvis Landry myself.
  11. Yes was going to say the same. There's much more to be interested in just besides QB, speaking for myself anyways. Curious about the Dline, what will happen there, will Kyle retire, what new guys will be brought in because that is definitely an area of need. And LB, loved MM and will he be a starter next season. Need help at that position also. More than just QB to be talked about or interested in. But I see what you mean, at least I think I do, is that nothing is really going on too much since Alex Smith and Jimmy Grop stuff was anounced. So maybe you mean it's just "slow" as of right now. But anyways.....
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