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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I think they also pick a DT at some point in the draft as well.
  2. I remember taking mother's maxi pads from underneath the bathroom sink cabinet and sticking them on the stop signs throughout the neighborhood. I was seen doing this mischief by someone and my mother beat the ***** out of me. Think I was 8yrs old at the time. I know, swell isn't it.....
  3. Not sure about McCoy, but I think it's pretty much "written in stone" so to speak that he will be gone. And I'm all for it. Wouldn't mind if McCoy stays since the OL "should" be much better, but honestly I wouldn't be butt hurt if he left either. Between the two, McCoy definitely has the bigger upside as far as helping this team next year. Clay is useless IMO
  4. If he is not on the Eagles roster next season he will be going somewhere to start in all likely hood, not to be a back up.
  5. My Super Bowl wish is The Bills vs whoever My prediction is Chiefs vs Saints.
  6. They probably just going by the stats and paid no attention what so ever to the actual games. My guess.
  7. I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here?
  8. No thanks to Eifert. I'd rather have a TE that will actually be on the field and play.
  9. He has always danced a little too much. Even when the OL was pretty darn good. It's just who he is. Sometimes it works and most times he losses 2-3yds. Even with the OL (hopefully) getting a lot better next season, I guarantee you will still see him dancing too much majority of the time.
  10. Yes, they don't have to be the fastest IMO. It all comes down to route running ability and being able to get separation and get open. Speed helps but as long as they aren't as slow as KB is then I think they will be just fine.
  11. I agree. Depending on which route they take and how things fall in the draft I wouldn't mind trading back and grabbing 1 if need be. Could also possible land a good 1 in the 3rd depending on how things fall.
  12. Correct. This also shows not only how bad of a season the RBs had but shows the bad play from the OL. The RBs would have done a little better if the Oline wasn't so bad, however the RBs (McCoy) has a habbit of dancing and losing yards and I believe some of it is on him as well. I think you start with the OL though, get that revamped and get some good/solid guys up front and it should drastically improve. That itself would help Allen out a lot. WRs however are a different story. I think we all know that has to be addressed outside of Foster.
  13. two and a half men with Charlie Sheen and not Ashton.
  14. I agree with this. However if that happens and Allen does take that next step and plays similar to the way Goff and the Rams did in his 2nd yr, I wouldn't count them completely out for challenging for the division. Of course this is wishful thinking, but if Allen gets the tools he needs with better blocking and continues to play at a high level like towards the end of this past season then the Bills will be putting a lot of points on the board. I don't expect too much to change with the defense, I still expect them to be playing at a high level anyway, so it will be interesting to see how all this plays out.
  15. Read up on this guy, and I must say I have a good feeling about this one. Hopefully his success will continue and if they can grab another couple decent/solid WR's via trade/FA/draft, it should really improve the WR core. With that and whatever upgrades on the OL they manage to land, it's exciting to think what may happen especially if Allen continues to improve and play as well as he did towards the back half of this past season. I feel as though good things are to come and look forward to it.
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