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Everything posted by gomper

  1. The love the SB every year no matter who is playing. It's an unofficial national holiday. Should be a really good game for a championship. KC is one score better. 30-24 Chiefs.
  2. Your right. I have a soft spot for French looking women. Makes a man defensive. Go Bills.
  3. I was speaking more to her angular facial features. If you like living in stereotypes, have at it
  4. She's gorgeous. That French look is outstanding. Real men know what I'm talking about:)
  5. If Shanahan can't get anything out of him, the CFL is next.
  6. It's a really good show. Definitely a deep intelligent dive into everything relevant. I knew when I saw the title it certainly couldn't refer to the local "Mike and Chris." Lol. That show is an abomination.
  7. Not sure if this has been posted but here's a good explanation of what's up with Wentz.
  8. Given the Covid situation, does anyone find this in poor taste?
  9. That's a tough spot to be in. ESPN confirmed that he'll have a TE designation Sunday and reassess after. I'm biased because I picked him up yesterday because Schultz and Burton have done next to nothing. I figured with Brees out, he may throw a few. I didn't expect this. I don't think many did. What if Payton is playing games and it's a 70/30 split with Winston? Like I said, tough spot.
  10. I picked him up yesterday on ESPN because my TE's haven't really done anything all season. So, I have 2 QB's starting? Lol. Awesome!
  11. Congrats! You'll be amazed how your paternal instincts come out of nowhere and help guide you. It can be terrifying but you need to realize that people have gone through this since the first human. It's been done over and over. Now it's your turn. You'll be floored by the experience. Oh yeah, get your sleep now.
  12. Buying candy for the brave few that show up and give them 3x the normal amount.
  13. Welcome. Hopefully everyone will keep it civil. Chiefs can be beat but I'm not sure it'll be us, this season. I, for one, feel for you. We went through 17 years of some of the worst/mediocre football that no fan base should ever suffer through. We finally have some light here and good times ahead. Gase is totally incompetent and Chris Johnson is clueless. They are going to ruin Darnold. At least you have Joe Beningo's epic Monday morning rants lol. Maybe you'll get lucky when they fire Gase like we did.
  14. MSG has been doing this as well. First time I've ever seen that.
  15. That's exactly what I do too. It helps me sleep and it can make for some strange dreams at times.
  16. Get two in a month in 97. None since. Lesson learned. Strangest ticket: Facing the wrong way parked on the right side of the street. Christmas morning at 2:25 am no less. I stopped at a buddies on the Eastside for some Xmas drinks. With all the snow and the direction I was coming from it was easier to park that way. I stayed the night and in the morning found the ticket. The woman at City Hall looked at and said " In my 23 years. I've never seen this." I told her I was sorry someone had to work Christmas, but c'mon. To my surprise, she dismissed it.
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