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Everything posted by gomper

  1. If you can get the games on your phone and have a Samsung phone and TV, you can use the SmartView function in the 2nd page of the toolbar. Works great. Good luck !
  2. I think I understand what you're getting it. First, you may simply just acquired a higher tolerance over the years. It effects everyone differently. With steady drinking, sometimes you can fall over the edge into sloppiness out of nowhere. Depends on so many variables. I will say that if your friends behavior when they're pounding drinks bothers you, then you may have evolved passed that. I know one guy who turns into an emotional 15 year old when he gets a buzz on. "Whooaz" this and "B*tches" that. He's 49 too. Has patio furniture as well lol. Don't overthink it. Change your scene if you feel the need or simply adjust as you go. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. Cheers!
  3. 3/19/90. Hartford. Foolish Heart is off the charts good.
  4. Over medium with Rye toast. Simple. Classic.
  5. I just don't get the Sal love. He's so boring and is basically regurgitating accepted opinions. Nothing insightful or groundbreaking.
  6. As Hunter S Thompson said of Nixon after his death: "He was so crooked that they had to screw him into the ground" Here's a great book on the splinter groups of that period. Fantastic read. https://books.google.com/books/about/Days_of_Rage.html?id=QPUVBAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button
  7. Totally agree. I feel that everyone just assumes that the NFL is teflon and September is so far away. Reality may tell a different story. I'd be really surprised if the season starts on time. I just don't see it.
  8. I enjoyed this but it's really just an overview. Nothing too new. No mention of BB"s defensive scheme which is a major oversight.
  9. Oh God yes. Great Scarlet/Fire. It was so hot. We parked early. Some Heads walked by dripping wet. I asked them what was going on and they said there was a community pool a block or so away. Really? It was true. I can't remember but maybe it was a 1.00 to get in. Heads took over the pool and the party was on lol. We swam for hours and then came back to the lot to continue the party, refreshed and ready to go. Fantastic Loser and Blow Away that night as well. Last event ever at JFK. They sent it off in style.
  10. 7/4/89 at Rich. They always played well the hometown. Great scene too!
  11. Give this a try and get back to us.
  12. That 63 yarder was one hell of a kick. He kicked the hide off that ball. RIP Tom.
  13. It'll be a crash of metal if they put Manning in the booth. It's one thing to be marketable and likeable in a commercial when you have 174 takes to get it right. In a live setting with no net? Him? Hayseed? Good luck.
  14. It was live on CTV at 5 and tape delayed on ABC at 8.
  15. Sad. Jerry had a nice show. Plenty of topics and a different perspective. Signal strength hurt. Like him or hate him, an alternative to WGR is needled.
  16. Placey's. Closed in 2001. Great dive bar. Cheap drinks and an atmosphere that encouraged rowdiness. Fun times.
  17. Easy way out. Friends are hosting. Pizza and wings with 20 plain to dress in my garlic hot sauce. Heinekens and vodka. Niners 34-24. We'll try to pull in Greg Papa and the SF broadcast online and synch up the DVR. Should be a great night.
  18. No offense but she's brutal. Listening to her trying to get in and out of a segment is painful. Maybe she'll improve.
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