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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Grow up? By me saying that you thinking an XFL team in Buffalo would mean the end to the Bills? No. Get a clue.
  2. Ummm, no. No to everything you just blurted out. You even bringing up the Bills moving tells me you know nothing about anything.
  3. LA sucks as a sports community. An XFL team in Buffalo would do way better.
  4. Yeah, I mean, who needs a decent option at the backup QB position, right?
  5. I’m watching but both of these games have been boring.
  6. He's not going to jump in the car after practice and drive to DC and I'm pretty sure he can afford plane tickets so I don't imagine location from Carolina really has anything to do with where he'll sign otherwise why even waste his time with Seattle?
  7. 16 million for a rotational guy? No.
  8. You will hear more informative football talk at your neighborhood watering hole on a Tuesday night than you will ever find at PFF.
  9. I have a better idea. Do away with Monday Night Football.
  10. Yeah, because McDermott will have no say in who his next O-coordinator is and have no say in how aggressive the offensive play calling will be.
  11. Oral sexual battery? What, did she put a pair of braces on and bite the kid?
  12. Clubber Lang: "I reject the challenge, 'cause Balboa is no challenge, but I'll be happy to beat up on him some more."
  13. Fine. But then we will still need a true #1....and what do you do when we already have two 2/3 WR’s in Beasley and Brown? The signing of Funchess would make no sense to me though I’d be good with it if they also draft/trade/sign someone that can be a true #1 and the price tag was right or the contract very short term.
  14. Apologies are a lot more acceptable for an incident or two. Not this. Fake apologies are easy to see.
  15. I have to think ticket sales may increase as the weeks go on. It isn’t the NFL for sure but it is entertaining and the networks are doing an outstanding job in their production.
  16. I want to see LA score a TD here to see if they will go for 3.
  17. I think it’s a renovation with what they have done to the locker rooms and the state of art workout facility built....and they will expect the County and State to chip in a huge portion of the cost. My bet is the upper decks are torn off and a smaller upper deck replaces it that wraps around the stadium in a horseshoe with the admin building being the “open end”. A huge scoreboard will be on top of that building.
  18. That’s why Zorn isn’t a big time coach. 3rd and 1 at the 5, down by 12....run the damned ball twice.
  19. Good thing for me that my wife is a huge sports fan. She’d have the game on if I wasn’t around.
  20. This is enjoyable football. It may sound dumb but I think the smaller stadiums like DC and LA have are meant for this league. The optics of a near full stadium are nice. The presentation by ABC is excellent.
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