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Everything posted by Rc2catch

  1. Henry is going to cost a ton. He’s going to get the same kind of deal as bell got from the jets. But we can afford it as long as Beane gives himself an out after 2 years. Henry is a game changer and does not have the wear and tear you’d expect from a back finishing his rookie deal. They always had him in a timeshare rather it was with demarco Murray or Dion Lewis. They didn’t begin to feature Henry finally until the second half of last season. He is a monster. Him and singletary would be the best tandem in the league. I can’t see Tennessee letting him walk but you never know.
  2. I’m a bit in the minority but I actually worry more about the short game. I have always thought completing those keeps you in better rhythm and makes the deep ball easier to complete while your confidence is booming. His ball placement is pretty bad and he doesn’t give his guys much of a chance to run with the ball. And occasionally it’s too high to catch or so low they have to go to the ground to catch it. The homerun deep balls I like your assessment on. It is definitely an all arm kind of throw. Also like the baseball reference included. In my perfect world Josh would make friends with Russel Wilson and try to hang out with him in the offseason. I have never been a big Wilson fan just cause I don’t like the Seahawks but he’s a helluva quarterback and who I would like to see Allen mimic his game off of a little bit. Wilson has the same kind of arm strength but has been able to evolve with hard work like you suggested Allen will and can make any and all throws now.
  3. It was excellent coverage. I would of preferred brown go get the ball though in that case as opposed to waiting for it to get through. It was a rough play. Gotta give peters his credit for playing the route and ball as good as it can be.
  4. Ok whatever. You can’t even type a coherent sentence I don’t know why I would expect you to understand anything. Hold your ground hater, and jump on the bandwagon of hating a bills player. And a player you don’t even have a reason to hate on. ?
  5. In years past December is basically the start to our free agency and draft prep ??
  6. This was just basic observations over the season. I’ll generalize against the Ravens though. He missed a ton of throws. And his receivers missed some of his good throws. The obvious short throw to maybe John brown where he threw it 8 feet over his head was the easiest of throws. A screen to singletary he threw it before the play had any chance of developing. And he did have a little more time on that play to let it develop. The screen to the outside singletary dropped was super low. That’s on both of them. The obvious missed deep balls the first 3 drives. I mean seriously you need examples of this? Simple short throws are missed every game almost. Mostly low or high, he rarely hits a guy in stride and allows them to run after the catch which is basic quarterbacking. He almost never hits his check down or even looks for it he forces things 15-30 yards down the field which are much harder throws and it can be kind of maddening when we’re 3rd and 3 or something and singletary is in the flat and can run after the catch and obviously we know he can make a defender or two miss. It’s a simple swing pass every quarterback in the league makes routinely multiple times a game. Im not here to dog the guy out or bust him in year 2. Just saying he’s nowhere near what we make him out to be. He has gotten better in some areas but there’s a really really long way to go. Part of the reason the offense stumbles even against weaker opponents is Allen’s inability to stay in a rhythm and complete basic simple throws. Every week in the game day thread it’s mentioned and sometimes argued over if it’s a bad Allen throw.
  7. It’s been talked about a ton how he is running this much and not being hit and gets out of bounds so easy. If you are going to run and be that big of a threat and game changer you cant really complain when you do get hit. Don’t like it, Don’t run. Then you can have some of the Brady protection if you stay in the pocket. I don’t watch all his games so I don’t know maybe he has taken some questionable hits but I didn’t see anything in buffalo that was even close to out of line.
  8. Guy caught 60 passes his one season in Cinci where he was used due to their injuries. Can’t dog him out that he had to play behind Eifert and Uzomah or however it’s spelled. 60. Our wide receivers barely catch 60 balls in a season. Sooooooooo the point I was making was people saying Kroft has done nothing here in buffalo, yet nobody says why? Is he too slow after the injuries and can’t get open? Is he not running routes? I’m not a huge fan of his, I’m just not going to jump on the bandwagon of “he’s done nothing” with zero evidence of why he’s done nothing. One poster says something and it becomes gospel around here. One guy becomes a whipping boy and has to be ran out of town. That is just ignorant of people on here. People blame him as if it’s his fault they don’t throw, or that his contract was too big when he has a season under his belt with more production than we’ve seen from a tight end in a very long time. Please if you want to bash the guy give some examples of him not being able to beat coverage or catch a pass? People are seriously suggesting a 220 pound receiver with like 6 career catches play tight end. I appreciate your sarcasm of my reviewing of game film lol but no I just happened to pick him up on my fantasy team that year and watched him play occasionally on the Sunday ticket. Crazy to think Andy Dalton could check down to Kroft for easy safe short completions but here he can’t even get open at all. I don’t do the film reviews of our games but I’d love for one of the better educated guys on here who do the reviews to see if Kroft is never open, or never running routes. If I was to be a betting man I would wager on his routes Allen isn’t looking his direction ever.
  9. Shame.. Shame.. Shame.. We’re playing meaningful December games with a shot at the division and the playoffs. There should be zero talk of draft, and zero talk of a quarterback in the first 2 rounds. Please put your dunce cap on and sit in the corner. You’re on timeout until April.
  10. Duke is literally the same size as foster just 20 pounds heavier. I have mentioned before people keep saying Kroft has done nothing. Well of course not he had one target in the raven game and played like 20 snaps. Knox is the pass catching TE as far as the playbook goes. He’s the only one schemed in the playbook for passing routes. Kroft can’t do anything if they don’t throw him the ball. You know what he can do? Run out 5-8 yards and catch passes all day long if they actually throw it. He can also body a defender in the end zone if they throw it. If they had any interest in upgrading the passing game via tight end they have 2 options they don’t even try to use. Sweeney showed a little flash for making catches and Kroft can. They just don’t try. Or Allen doesn’t look. I keep defending Kroft and I’m not even a big fan of his, I just can’t believe he’s become a whipping boy around here who “does nothing” when they don’t even throw him the ball. If you are looking for production from tight ends and what Knox gives isn’t enough look not further then Daboll and Allen. Guys are missed open short all the time. Allen is fixated on 15-30 yard completions a lot. Singletary for example could catch passes all day from the backfield he’s open a ton and Allen never even considers looking that way unless it’s a designed play. Cheer for duke as we all should, but stop hating on Kroft over make believe “does nothing”
  11. Why would it be Kroft or Duke? If they decide to activate him Kroft won’t be the one sitting. Kroft had 21 plays he was out there vs Baltimore. Don’t even think he was targeted. McKenzie played like 50 something meaningless snaps and basically did nothing.
  12. Lol this won’t even work on madden.. Fun idea though Atlanta has plenty of money. They can make a lot of easy cuts and free a ton of money up. All depends on who the new coach is cause you know Quinn is done there. GM probably as well. Vikings may be losing some decent players though. They’re a good roster to keep an eye on. Panthers have a few nice players but I don’t think they would sell off anyone of real value. McCaffrey and Kuechly have to stay put or they’ll never sell a ticket.
  13. This is seriously becoming an obsession around here on multiple threads. I don’t get it.
  14. I thought the Pegulas picked Rex because they wanted a “big name” I could be wrong but I want to say Whaley wanted an offensive coach? From Atlanta maybe at the time? Kyle Shanahan? Whaley wasn’t that terrible. He wanted to hit homeruns he just missed on some big ones and hit on some under the radar ones. He did build arguably the best defense for one season I have ever watched live. I actually was so excited and thought he had a steal in Bryce Brown that kid really looked promising in Philly and they were loaded with backs.. Until he got here. If EJ Manual would of hit even as a fringe starting quarterback (Alex smith, Foles, Flacco kind of guys) it’s possible Whaley would still be here. Rex would of been done regardless I have never seen a worse coach. Either way his tenure ended ugly and his picks mostly washed out. His time here was a failure but he takes an awful lot of hate on here. I liked the aggressive nature he had. We should be thanking him though, without him we never get Beane and mcdermott which regardless of some opinions or how their time ends here are very good at their jobs. What mcdermott has already done with inferior rosters previous to this season speaks volumes. Definition of maxing players potential last season with the ugliest roster. And I don’t think anyone can argue Beane is not some sort of magical wizard at contracts and trades. Draft is still to be determined but sure looks good there too.
  15. It’s possible we could see Hughes, star, Murphy, J Phillips and shaq all gone next season. Kind of extreme but possible. Obviously most of us would like to keep shaq and Phillips. I think Hughes is about gassed out and Lawson seems to rush better from that side too.
  16. I would agree on the worth of that kind of deal, but seriously? If the guy continues as is someone is going to pay waaaay more than that. The way contracts are going he’s going to get an insane deal by our standards. Beane is never going to match or pay more than his value but other teams will. I have been a shaq supporter since day one and I hate to see him go but as soon as they declined the option he was gone. Should of picked that option up so they could negotiate exclusively instead of letting him into the bidding war. Now he’s improved his value quite a bit and this is probably the biggest payday of his career.
  17. The key is active for sure. If the offense struggles you need all hands on deck. Yeldon and duke need to be active, if we lose a special teams player or two so be it. Does no good to have special teams exclusive players active when Bojo kicks it 35 yards or 70 yards either of which to not get returned.
  18. I can read this one no problem on my phone if that helps ?
  19. That’s what I was thinking. He was top3, like 3-4 years ago. Not a fan of investing monster money in a guy who should be retired before the contract ends. But he’s a “name”
  20. Kroft caught 60+ passes his one good season in Cincinnati. Guy can’t catch now? Broken foot issues slowed him down even more he’s never open? None of the tight ends last season could catch or get open? Other teams don’t seem to have this issue. Guys like Blake Jarwin and Darren Fells and Ryan Griffin are better than all of buffalos tight ends since they catch more balls?
  21. I said earlier they are responsible for him they brought him to the booth. That’s why they’re guilty no matter what. They broke a rule.
  22. The Bengals have the original copy. Diana Russinni said so anyways. And she said she contacted the Bengals but they will not release the video to ESPN.
  23. Nope.. He was an “independent contractor” Not technically an employee. They can terminate his contract but can’t fire him per se. Lol I’m just giving you a hard time but that’s actually how they’re classifying the guy. They should check his W-2 and see how much this independent contractor makes filming low budget website documentaries ??
  24. Obviously just my opinion but bill is safe probably because of the independent contractor part. The league would have to prove somehow he was involved at some point. The organization is still responsible and can be penalized since its Krafts media stuff. So money and draft picks. Not much else they can do I don’t think. The league and owners could pressure Kraft behind the scenes to sell the team but I don’t think they can make him without proving he’s directly involved. Those guys are extremely smart I will give them that.
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