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Everything posted by TheyCallMeAndy

  1. No one can convince me that he isn’t either 10000% over rated or betting on games.
  2. I did read last year that Gabe was 220+. Nice to see the training staff take feedback and adjust things. Healthy, confident Gabe is a dangerous one.
  3. If you’re curious to see what he would be like if he did eat/train correctly, see T.O. Statistically he’s always been a high level #2.
  4. I also liked Evans coming out of school!!
  5. Full ratings are out. Josh is a 94, Diggs a 96. Kincade is dang close to Knox athletically. No real complaints with any of the ratings.
  6. John Brown did nothing when he was #16, he did all his damage as number #15. Greatest #16 is probably Brad Smith.
  7. $7.2 million sounds like a lot, but it just means it was $250k house about 6 years ago lol
  8. There is actually pretty lengthy highlight videos on YouTube of both guys, if anyone needed a reminder at how insanely good and unworldly talented Josh Allen is.
  9. You’re entitled to that opinion. I think we can both agree that neither dude should’ve got as many starts for this team as they did.
  10. I think the best way to sum up Fitz vs Tyrod is this: Fitzy could win you a game, but also single handedly cost you a game. Tyrod didn’t win it, but he also wouldn’t lose it with last minute INTs. But again, two backup level guys who played on some mediocre at best teams. Their locker room and off the field legacies are much more significant than their on field accomplishments
  11. None of that is true. Fitzy actually played 10 more games for the Bills, Tyrod won more games than he did. Tyrods completion percentage is higher. Their TD percentage is about the same. Fitz had a little over 1700 attempts to Tyrods 1200. Believe it or not, Tyrod had a higher yards per attempt (7.2) than Fitz (6.7). That means they both checked down plenty. Obviously Fitz had more TDs (80) and INT (64) than Tyrod did (51 and 16). Both are backups, but let’s not pretend one is all world better than the other.
  12. He should be more respected than Fitz, but Fitzy has way more personality. I have nothing but appreciation for Tyrod Taylor, a dude who gave us a few awesome years and played way above his talent level.
  13. This thread has provided nothing to the over polluted MB. Where are the Mods? Lock this crap up already.
  14. So sad. I remember his sophomore year of college he was the #1 prospect on some scouting websites, many on the BBMB loved him. For the wrestling fans out there, Shad Gaspard died the same way a few years ago. Saved his son though. Those rip tides are no joke.
  15. It’s to the point where I don’t even check this MB anymore, and I doubt I’m the only one. This is what the end of the BBMB was like.
  16. I 100% agree, it’s Twitter level toxicity around here. You’d think this team was crap.
  17. They need to keep focused, stay healthy, and have the right amount of luck on their side.
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