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Everything posted by Rochesterfan

  1. For example - if Josh is rushing toward the sidelines - his feet are in bounds and he dives to avoid a big hit and nothing has touched down out of bound and he slings it sort of side arm and the ball stays over the white out of bound the entire way and Diggs dives with both toes down in the end zone and the ball is beyond the goal line- it would be a TD. The ball on a catch does not have to be in the field of play - just the QB and the WR. The ruling is the QB threw the ball while established in-bounds and the receiver caught the ball while established in bound - where the ball went does not matter as long as the catch was made beyond the front of the goal line. Now take that exact scenario, but Diggs is coming back toward Josh at the goal line - he dives at a 45 degree angle to make the catch. His feet are established in the end zone, but his hands are at the one yard line outside the end zone. It is a catch, but the forward progress is not to the feet for a TD, but to where the ball was caught - so it would be downed at the 1 yard line - even if both feet were in the end zone. The last part to this is in this second scenario- if as Diggs dives and makes the catch - he extends his arms trying to bring the ball past the goal line before being down - either touched or OOB - if he brings that ball past the goal line and it is inside or over the pylon it would be a TD. If he extends his arm backwards, but the ball does not hit or go over the pylon it is still out of the field of play - it is not a TD and the ball is spotted at the spot it left the field of play.
  2. It is correct - the NFL changed the rule for rushing or receiving in the field of play several years ago because players were running and then diving on the sidelines and at the end zone to get extra yardage. The old rules used to be wherever you landed was the spot, but the NFL has adjusted and now the spot where the ball is when you last are in bounds is where it is marked down. At the goal line if you are crossing from the field of play into the end zone - the ball must cross over the goal line or the pylon or hit the pylon for it to be a TD. That is why you see the players diving and then sticking the ball out and trying to get it inside the pylon. They have made minor modifications that actually help the defense even minimally. I believe the idea is part of their eventual push toward being able to electronically determine spotting and TDs - the sensors need to be in the field of play.
  3. The ball is still deeper in the end zone past the goal line. On a reception the ball must be deeper than the goal line and the player must make the catch and establish possession - exactly the same as anyplace on the field - either sideline and the goal line are the same. It is also why when a catch is made in the middle of the field the ball is marked where the ball was caught not he feet. The balls forward progress is what marks the line - Same as the end zone - if the ball does not reach the goal line as a player makes the catch - even if the majority of their body is in the end zone - it is spotted short.
  4. I do not think this is true for the goal line. We have seen guys make catches and get their feet down in the end zone but we’re falling back into the field of play and if the ball did not cross the plan - they were ruled short. If we are looking at the sides or back lines of the end zone this is correct - the ball can be well off the field of play if you get both feet down, but the ball must be beyond the front of the goal line. Now for chase that was irrelevant as the ball was above his foot and his foot was in, but if it was in his hand outside the goal line - then no TD spotted just short. Unless something has changed since last year.
  5. They actually have drafted pretty well over the last several years. I agree they do not want to give up draft picks, but mostly because that is where their talent has come from. They have done a much worse job at pro scouting and retention of proper talent. We will see how quickly Dak comes back, but the timeline will most likely be dependent upon how they do while he is gone and how the NFC East looks. I think they will be struggling - so I think they let him fully recover, but could rush him if they are still alive.
  6. This is incorrect. You can only enforce 1 penalty on a team on each play - you can call a bunch - off sides, holding, illegal contact, pass interference- they could all be called on a defense on 1 play, but only 1 would get enforced. The rule was implemented so that if at the end of a game a team purposely committed several infractions like defensive holding of all of the WRs say to prevent them from running patters - the referees have the option to assess a 15 yard penalty and reset the clock as if the play did not happen to keep a team from doing exactly what is suggested here. I do not believe the league has ever called it, but the situation would be very rare and most coaches are not going to resort to essentially cheating at that point. The rule is multiple intentional fouls on 1 play to manipulate the game clock.
  7. Because they did not do what you suggested. They did not have their DBs intentional hold the WRs on each play - so why would it get called. You had 2 plays where a DB was out of position and held and 1 play where he was out of position and did not hold and gave up a big play.
  8. I agree - the issue with Salah that I have seen is how and what he says to the media and then what happens. He is meeting the media on Monday and Tuesday basically saying Zack Wilson may be ready for Game#1 we are working him out. He then says after both practices that there were no set backs with Zack. Then Wednesday it is he will be inactive until game 4. The fans are WTF. I know it frustrated Bills fans that they would not give a timeline on White, but I think this is why. We do not know what the doctors are going to say - so we will follow up with on schedule and no real info. The injuries are bad, but he has handled the media even worse - even the Brown injury was sort of a WTF moment that he never gave context to. Those things cause ill will and now the fan base is starting to call him “Steroid Pinocchio”. I can’t see the owners loving that even though he is Joe Douglas’s guy. Just crazy.
  9. I agree with this 100%. I don’t think McCarthy goes during the season and if he does it is like the last game - not at a bye or anything. Kliff should be gone - I just do not know the full extent of the Murray/Kliff relationship. Murray with the new contract essentially owns that team - so if he wants Kliff gone - adios. If he wants Kliff around - I think he stays. That team looks like it could underperform badly until Hopkins gets back. Then I worry they have some talent to turn things around. I think Rhule is dead man walking - that owner wants to win now and they just are not set-up to win. I also think Salah in NY might be in some trouble as the fan base is killing him for the injury debacles and rolling out Flacco repeatedly. That looks like a bad situation if they do not get their hands wrapped around it.
  10. Saw it when it happened - pretty sure Watt knew that was exactly what happened. That was a big win for Pittsburgh, but boy it could end up being costly as they had a number of big injuries at key positions.
  11. I do not think they can get Jimmy without a couple of nice picks or a big player. I think they may have to suck it up and see where they are in a few weeks. I think they were in for a dogfight in that division and now they are in trouble and I for one say let it burn. 🔥 Jimmy G is at least going to fetch SF a third as a comp pick and I am not sure they are comfortable with Lance yet - so Unless Dallas blows them away and Jimmy wants to go - I just don’t see it.
  12. I did and I did not think Lamar looked very good. The difficulty to me was the talent he played with that bad or did he just struggle. He did hit a few nice passes in the second half - down the field, but especially early - he was off target on many throws and struggled as the strength of the Jets was the middle of the field and LBs - normally Lamar’s bread and butter. I also noticed he was no where near as explosive running the ball and took several bigger hits as he could not explode to the outside. I am not sure if that was again the way the Jets played defense, the lack of talent on the Ravens OL, or just game 1 trying to get back into things. I will say they beat a Jets team with a terrible QB and OL, but I do not think Lamar did himself any favors in the game in terms of showing he deserves what he is looking for. At least that is my opinion.
  13. Einstein - The rule is designed so that if a team intentionally commits multiple fouls on the same down - it essentially nullifies the down and gives them 15 yards. This means on 1st down - if the Bills had intentionally held both Kelce and Hill to prevent a completion (multiple fouls intentionally on the same down). The Refs could award a 15 yard penalty and reset the game clock to :13 seconds. So if the Bills had intentionally tackled Hill and Kelce (or held them near the LOS right off the snap and prevented them from their route) on the first play and the NFL chose to use this - which would depend on how blatant it was - it would have gone to 1st and 10 on the KC 40 with :13 seconds left. The bolded does not mean anything. It is on 1 specific play - if the defense has multiple fouls deemed intentional to manipulate the clock - ie allow the time to run off by preventing the WRs from getting out to a route - the NFL can enforce this. I believe this was added due to that exact scenario happening several years ago. Just like the NFL addressed the NE manipulation of the clock on punts. They look for these and address them when possible.
  14. Ok Einstein - yet the titans did move to well with FG range at a closer range than the Bills KC game. The difference was the kicker. Also the Giants held twice on the drive, but allowed 4 additional completions - several that went out of bounds to stop the clock - so if the strategy was to hold and prevent plays they did a bad job. Also both times they held was on 3rd down giving automatic 1st downs rather than 4th downs. Maybe it was the plan, but boy they allowed them to move the ball down the field with completions rather easily if that was the plan. That plan would of made sense for Buffalo - assuming they did not get called for intentional fouls if it was blatantly done. You also have to hope they don’t call DPI as that is a spot foul in the NFL for that reason.
  15. I hear you, but he does do exactly what he should. Look at 4:16 - He, Taron Johnson, and Milano are all exactly at the same depth reading their keys. As soon as the OL let’s the pass rush through and Stafford turns to his right - Edmunds breaks to the spot. He is the first to react. At 4:17 - you see Johnson move forward and does his job outside contain - turn the play back toward pursuit. Edmunds breaks down 3-4 Feet to the right of Johnson in his lane and attacks under the 2 blockers. He has 2 Jobs - 1 to make the play if Kupp hits that hole and 2 fill that hole to force Kupp further inside to pursuit. Edmunds fulfills that duty with his movement and Kupp is forced horizontally further inside to the next pursuing LB Milano. Milano is the unblocked defender that has to make the play. It is exactly how you want that play to be covered. Most likely an Elite MLB might have not broken down just shot in an made the play, but as has been stated - that is not Edmunds. The issue is that he does exactly what he should within the scheme. Compare what Edmunds did on this play with Wagner multiple times on outside zone runs - Wagner multiple times got picked up and stoned out of position by OL and a FB. Wagner not only did not make the play, but never got to the spot he needed to with the defensive scheme allowing positive plays. The part I have a real issue with is the bolded. Of course his first couple of steps is backwards - the same as Taron and Milano. The defense call for them to be spaced evenly across the field. He has a primary responsibility to that middle third and must fulfill that first. The Rams could have also run a shallow cross with Kupp and if Edmunds immediately abandoned his spot - he could open up a whole different issue. Also what exact information do you think Poyer conveys to Edmunds in that brief part of a second. He is saying - watch the screen to your left most likely. Edmunds again does his job and reacts first toward the spot at 4:17. Again I will ask you - If Poyer knew the play was coming - where was he. You say that Edmunds should trust Poyer and cheat left, but then shouldn’t Poyer have trusted himself and stayed closer to the LOS and been available to help make the tackle? Poyer did not do anything on the play - in fact at 4:19 you see Poyer enter the frame running forward just as Milano is making the tackle - Instead of driving forward to the pile to assist with the tackle - he starts to celebrate as the OL come forward to assist in getting the first down. He is standing 2 yards down field at 4:20 as the OL arrive and push him forward. If Poyer had attacked the pile most likely they drive him back and blow the whistle, but he did not. So in conclusion- to me - Edmunds on that play reacted based upon what Poyer saw as he was the first defender to move toward Kupp as soon as the keys said that was the play. He got to his spot and forced the WR further inside to the unblocked defender who was in position to make the tackle short of the1st down sticks. You are looking for him to immediately abandon his responsibilities on the play and head left beforehand because of what Poyer suggested and then make the tackle. I to would of loved to see Edmunds not break down and just missile fly up and kill the WR, but if you watch Edmunds - those are many times that he hits but slides off the tackles. He needs to break down and be under control to make solid tackles - when he is running full speed the offensive player can slide enough and cause him to miss his attack point and then miss the tackle. It is who he is. Many LBs might have made that play, but after watching several other MLBs in the league - he played it better than many. As I said in that game alone the OL picked up and easily handled Wagner in situations like that as he was 2-3 steps slower all night and that was a player many on here wanted to replace Edmunds with.
  16. No problem - lots of crappy teams across the NFL
  17. Jags lost. Indy and Houston tied and are tied for 1st.
  18. The 5 carries were mostly RPOs - Josh had multiple options to hand the ball to a RB, pass the ball or ultimately pull it down and run. I think as the season wears on he will make different choices, but in front of his family and the nation - Josh will make choices to bet on himself in those cases. What I think will be nice is for the next several weeks - defenses will bite toward Josh and probably leave something else open to attack.
  19. There are several things I think are going to happen this year because of Tre’s injury. 1st - even when he returns - I do not think the Bills roll him out for whole games this year. I think they let him ease back so he is healthy and refreshed going into the playoffs. Therefore I think a potential 4 man rotation allows them to protect each player and keep them all healthy. 2nd - speaking of healthy - at some point players get nicked - the rotation allows each of them to limit their play/snaps and recover better than in the past. The Bills can feel more confident allowing Dane to sit if he rolls an ankle because Benford or Elam can fill in. 3rd - Gameplan- I think there are going to be some switch offs based upon opponents and style/players. I also do not think the Bills will create tendencies with Elam/Benford - man/zone, but I could see when Tre comes back some mixed Man/zone combo coverages with Elam actually being a man coverage and Tre taking zone to help recover the Knee. 4th - Competition- this is what McD loves - he wants these guys competing every snap (but he also wants them working together to help each other improve) - so I think you are going to see all of them rotating - which I think creates some confusion in the WRs mind - because film study might show you how to beat Benford, but now you have Dane covering or Elam or eventually White and if there is even slight confusion between the route run by the WR and the QB - that can lead to big plays by the DB. I think this becomes a season long rotation with the Bills charting what works best versus what players and then come playoffs - they will settle on a gameplan to attack teams. If the DL plays the way they did in LA - it simply will not matter about the DBs.
  20. Also - I appreciate you posting the video - there is nothing against you in any of this - I totally get it. The issue I have was more stemming from some posters in the now gone Edmunds thread that stated a true MLB like Ray Lewis makes that play - why can’t Edmunds and second a true MLB does not allow himself to get blocked by the OL - Edmunds sucks. I hate having to be an Edmunds apologist because as I have stated several times - he is clearly a mid level starting MLB in the NFL and that is ok - he has potential to be better, but he could be worse. To that point - many posters wanted to replace him with Bobby Wagner, but refuse to acknowledge that Wagner was not good in that game as a MLB. There were several runs that he was slow and got blocked by OL, TE, or even Gilliam as a FB. He also got driven into the end zone by Josh on a play that the Rams paid him to make - read and make that 1:1 tackle at the goal line. I just think some posters have unrealistic expectations of Edmunds - they want Ray Lewis hits and tackles and that is not ‘Maine - he gives you steady I will be in my place - 1/11th doing my job every time. That means sometimes things will look bad because he will work to ensure the opponent has to turn back inside to the pursuit, it means sometimes he will fill a gap that is his responsibility and the running back will cut and take a different gap and people blame his instincts. Edmunds just does his job and that is very frustrating as a fan when you see some LBs go way above and beyond and make a highlight play, but the fans miss the other plays where those instincts caused him to misread the play.
  21. I agree he does not completely sell out - but he also has a job to do and if he had sold out and it had been a run up the middle where he should have been people would have blasted him for that. I mean really as I stated if Poyer recognized it and after notifying Edmunds - he also could have been in a better spot to assist, but he had a deep area to cover as a primary responsibility. The players can not give up their primary responsibility 100% just because they recognize a potential play or you see what happen to Jalen Ramsey on The Diggs TD. He was looking at Josh recognized an underneath route and Josh rushing to his side and slowed enough to put himself in no man’s land. Looking at that play either Ramsey or the Safety did not do their primary job of keeping deep contain on Diggs. The safety was moving to cover the shorter out route and Ramsey slowed down and tried to evenly space to make a play on both allowing the TD over the top. Poyer couldn’t slide down and add an extra body at the line because if they happened to run a fake with a deep route - he could get burned. Edmunds could not sell out to that spot because if they had run a straight dive - they would have been outnumbered and potentially given up a big run right down the middle. Edmunds had to play his primary making sure it was not a handoff/QB sneak type play. Follow his reads and then get to his spot to make the play. I am sure alarm bells were blaring as his reads lead to the same thing - quick screen, but he did his 1/11th got to his spot and forced the receiver inside to a funnelling Milano to make the tackle. It was played perfectly minus a new trend where the OL can drive a pile forward and in this case the Rams did that. Sometimes the defense does it’s job and the other team gets a break - Ala the Diggs back shoulder throw with Ramsey in perfect coverage that was just a thing of beauty.
  22. But as was pointed out earlier - if Diggs or Davis go down - you aren’t seeing Kumerow. First man in during Pre-season was McKenzie - then Crowder. So if you lose WR#1 - the spread is WR2, WR3 outside, and WR4 - with Kumerow giving spot spells as needed. They also have the ability to go to larger personnel packages with 2 WRs and Knox or Cook split out filling in for a WR. There is no difference either way a position group is short - they will fill in as needed. Lots of good players are going to end up inactive due to talent - game #1 it was Shakir. It will be someone else next.
  23. They improved their roster, but many players are having an impact. Along with other guys previously mentioned and misrepresenting starters on you list - in 3 minute I found: Mitch Turbisky - starting QB Pittsburgh Nick McCloud - #3 CB NYG Davis Webb - #3 QB NYG Matt Berida- #2 RB NYG Efe Obada - back-up DT in Washington Plus guys like: Jack Anderson- Back-up guard NYG that Philadelphia plucked from our PS I am sure we could find several more you left off and those are just guys from last year.
  24. What the heck does this even mean. You understand the injury that killed Cam's career was a shoulder injury that occurred in the pocket. The first rotator cuff injury in 2016 started his downfall because he lost power. The second shoulder injury in 2018 left him with nearly no ability and strength to throw. The injuries that destroyed his career were not from him running outside the pocket - it was passing plays where he got buried by defensive players. If you do not want to Cam Newton our QB then you need to protect him in the pocket. Cam had a few relatively minor ankle injuries that never seemed to have a big impact on his career as he was fine both before and after in terms of throwing. It is a myth that running hurt Cam’s career - the multiple shoulder injuries from in the pocket passing are what lessened Cam’s career. Protect Josh in the pocket and he will be ok.
  25. I think Moss has 2 slight advantages over Motor, 1) He is excellent at pass protection. Singletary did an excellent job in this game picking up defenders, but both times he did just what was needed for just long enough and the defender ended up at Josh. 2) When pass blocking - Moss has an excellent feel for chips on defenders and slipping out on patterns that Devin just is not as natural. Moss is also a more natural catcher of the ball than Devin. The issue as most will agree is that Devin is by far the better back - especially with the ball in his hands. Moss just is not the same caliber of player, but I think in terms of dual purpose - is it run or pass - Moss can give the Bills things Devin can’t - he just is not going to give you the bigger play. As the season wears on - I will be interested to see where we go as Cook gets his feet under him because I think they will use some different sets to get him the ball in space and that should lessen Moss’s role to some extent.
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