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Everything posted by Rochesterfan

  1. We will see how it goes, but I am guessing they were looking for a nice split because of the heat and trying to make sure each guy is fresh. For Game 1 - I think they tried to ensure people got plenty of rest and down time to ensure each snap was at 100%. I also think when the 3rd quarter started - the Bills wanted to pass more and I think they wanted Moss in for protection reasons - although Singletary did stone a couple of guys - I think in general Moss is both a better blocker and slightly better at releasing for routes. He is just no where near as dynamic as Singletary. I would of loved to see what the mix would have been like without Cook’s early fumble as I think they would have split the Moss snaps with Cook and it would have been more like 35 Singletary, 15 Moss, and 10 for Cook - which is about 60% for Singletary, 25% Moss and 15% Cook.
  2. Yep and if they waited until this off season it would have been 350,000+ per reception because they were bringing him back and the TE market is going up during and after this season.
  3. I mean it was not like in preseason OLine rankings the Bills were considered top 5 and were considered to have top depth, but keep believing what you want. Look around the league at OLine depth and you might understand why Beane is able to consistently trade off OLine depth - because they accumulate some of the best depth across the league. You may hate Hart, but as a #4 guard he is excellent depth. I think this is you not really getting the lack of OLine talent in the league. Hart, Van Roten, Quisenberry have all been starters even up to last year in the league - that is something almost no other team has across the league.
  4. This is why we signed him before - already moved from 6th to 7th TE 17+ million a year for Waller
  5. First you should add the time stamp 4:12 or 4:13 the play starts. At least part of this is correct - Poyer recognizes it at the last minute and alerts Edmunds just before the snap. As he slides back - Edmunds slides to his left just as the ball is snapped - so for that you are incorrect. He is following what Poyer saw - the recognition by Poyer came late and the crowd noise prevented communication from his deep spot. Then Edmunds was not a step too late really - the Edmunds thread has both still shots and the video showing him starting to breaking down right in his lane when the OLine from the Rams shoves him from the right and behind causing him to move a step beyond and into Johnson. The still and videos also show Johnson getting held and blocked from behind preventing him from making the play originally. There are lots of things you can blame on Edmunds, but I don’t think this play is one. He reacts immediately at 4:15 before the snap and he get to his spot to force him inside. The play was there for Milano to stuff it and drive him back. The support was there for the tackle, but Oliver recognized he could not drive him forward and with incredible agility passed the scrum set his feet and tried to drive him back just as the OLine reached it and collapsed the pile forward causing Ed to twist his ankle. I could understand the anger if Edmunds had missed the tackle, but he didn’t - he got to his lane and prevented Kupp from going there and forced him inside to the free tackler in Milano. It was well played and only successful because an OLine came up and was able to shove them forward. The real question is if Poyer recognized the play and gave explicit instructions to Edmunds - why did it take him so long to get to the spot himself. If he was expecting screen and saw screen - he should have been rushing to the spot, but he actual enters the screen shot at 4:19/4:20 as Milano is making the tackle and does not head to the scrum but is jumping like we made the stop. If he keeps going in and hits the scrum they maybe get the stop.
  6. I know they lined up at least 2 or 3 times with LBs in the A gap - because I remember them resetting the RB tight to the LOS because of the amount of pressure. I guess maybe they did not rush or they dropped someone else out. Not sure exactly how they count “blitzes” for statistical purposes.
  7. Although I agree in principle that we had several issues - Cover 1 showed a video of this exact play being used by Daboll several times over the last couple of years and it worked with great success.
  8. I agree I has been a strange time on TBD since the win.
  9. That would be fine, but that is not what you said. You said - “For a RB that is kind of smug and full of himself, boy did he disappoint” And - “his personality is a bit abrasive to me.” And finally - “For a guy who hasn’t proven a darn thing, I see no reason for him to have such a disproportionate level of confidence.” That is what people want to understand and are dogging you about. You are fine if you had stated - I was disappointed with Cook because he fumbled on carry #1 and seems to lack the potential to run between the tackles. No issues, but you spend 2/3rds your post belittling a player you have no personal knowledge of for an attitude that you do not know anything about and assume he is smug, abrasive, and full of himself. Eliminate the non-sense with the post and you might be ok - the other stuff is just your own personal garbage - it is 100% a you problem.
  10. Grow up - you started a stupid topic with no point and nothing to back it up. You are getting fried in every response because your LAMP post was so off based. What proof do you have he is smug, abrasive, full of himself? As can be seen by the reactions you are all alone - enjoy drowning in your pitiful sorrow. JHC
  11. So just a loser troll thread - nice! Have fun with the topic. 🤮
  12. Just an incredibly bizarre take about someone you have most likely never met and know nothing about. Why do we allow these incredibly bad threads to keep popping up? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🙄
  13. The data Sal had stated that just over 20% of the final ticket sales went to NY state addresses. They were also to told that just under 20,000 Bills fans present - which in a 70,000 seat stadium is 28%. So the best guess would be 24-25% of the fans were Bills fans - could be a few more or a few less, but that seemed to be the sweet spot.
  14. They wouldn’t move - because they were not interested in extra draft picks from the Bills to move and they had no use for Wilson at that time with Luck still being healthy. The only real move was to #1 or #4 with Cleveland and that only happens if the Browns wanted Russ more than a cost controlled pick and they didn’t.
  15. That is basically what he is doing - just instead of a TV - a monitor with the game film cut down and loaded to it. He does it like that to turn it around and get the content out - similar to how these guys would watch film in preparation. I love it.
  16. Agreed, but Lamar was 7-5 with the same injured squad prior to his injury. Huntley has looked good - especially Preseason against Vanilla teams. Even coming in he has showed well, but even putting up nice numbers - he could not get the wins that Lamar got costing them a shot at the playoffs.
  17. Yep, but compare that to letting him walk in free agency for maybe a 3rd round comp pick. You can use it as either an extension to signing him long term - although now you set the parameters of 42-45 million a season or you use it as a way to trade him if needed for picks.
  18. I don’t disagree, but Huntley was only 1-3 last season as a starter versus 7-5 for Lamar. I think the Ravens like him, but it is not like he is something special - I think they still need to get something if they are moving on from Jackson.
  19. I don’t disagree, but they have built that team from the ground up specifically for Jackson. If they move on - they become an afterthought n a good division- just like last year when he missed time. The Ravens have little choice but to either sign him long term and try to keep rolling him out or tag him and try to get a Watson style package back rebuild the offense to fit someone new. A comp pick isn’t enough - they need the 3 1st round picks and several other pieces to move the rebuild along in my opinion.
  20. The WR would still be Ramsey’s responsibility, but typically when the man you are covering blocks down like that - it becomes the responsibility of the CB to fill as outside contain as a rotation to protect. Essentially the DE/LB that had outside contain switches responsibility with the CB to maintain leverage. That puts the CB in a very difficult position because if he stays off the line to protect against Davis releasing- that gives Josh a very soft edge to easily run and pick up big yards, but if he attacks the QB - it leaves Davis free behind him. I do not fault Ramsey for that play as it is designed 100% to put that 1 player in a no win position and by attacking Josh - you at least hope to pressure and maybe get an errant throw, but it lead to the easiest TD the Bills will have all season. The hope from the defensive side is the safety does not bite as hard and can get back over the top to limit the play, but the Bills had success running that play multiple times and everyone had to bite.
  21. I imagine the Ravens will block that by tagging him one or two more years - Ala Kirk Cousins. Then they can even look to move him for a premium of picks. I don’t think Lamar really sees FA at this time - they will use him up and then move on.
  22. I know and you are no Einstein. Your just inane.
  23. Nope just wondering how you got the name Einstein? It must have been given sarcastically based upon your posts. 🤦‍♂️
  24. Not likely - he is considered one of the best TEs and if available would be looking at Near the top of the TE range money. It happens all the time that next guy up gets paid - look at the WR market. Many guys got paid that are mid level production, but we’re free where you are bidding against 32 teams. We just signed him for exactly what he is worth right now - just as we did with Josh. The next group of TEs will not be as good as Dawson, but will get paid more because they are FA. The Bills just got ahead of the curve - just like they did with Josh. They see where the market is going with the Ne signing last year and Browns this year and they signed him to an equal deal to ensure that next year they do not get priced out by the 15-20% increase we will see with TEs that reach FA.
  25. I just do not understand what is not to like. If he played out the season and produced similar to his stats from last year - what do you think he would cost on the open market as a FA. I can tell you it would be significantly more than he got today. You would also then have to replace him - most likely with a significantly worse player like Gisicki at a similar or higher price. He is not perfect, but he is an excellent fit at the proper pricing for what he will provide and starting as a top 6 paid TE and seeing where that will be before the contract even kicks in will make it even better.
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