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Everything posted by co_springs_billsfan

  1. That's an old statistic, like Passer Rating. The QBR of calves is "cottage-cheesiness". ESPN came out with it a few years ago.
  2. I told my wife before this game started that I didn't care really if we win or lose (obviously cheering for and prefer a victory) but season was already a success in breaking the drought. I just didn't want the bills offense or defense to look pathetic. The offense has been pathetic. D had been solid.
  3. Whoever scores first wins? I don't think either team is built to come from behind. I get the feeling sending Shady out to stretch today is just gamesmanship... But I hope I am wrong!
  4. Rams didn't just get wins this year, they were blowing opponents out. They are an excellent team. I think the change from Fisher to McVay has been night and day. Fortunately for them, they don't have to play in the same division as the Patriots*. Buffalo has many flaws, and going form 7-9 to 9-7 isn't a huge turnaround. However, the turnaround is more drastic when you consider that all the experts were picking the Bills to win 2-4 games and said we were tanking. That will be glossed over by the media though. It pains me to say it but Doug Marrone taking the Jaguars from 3-13 to where they are also deserves consideration. However, playing in the awful AFC South makes the turnaround much less impressive. They are 1, 2, 3 for me.
  5. We aren't allowed to successfully run screen plays - only teams that play against us can do that
  6. I've just become less passionate about my fandom in general in recent years. After so many years of investing emotionally and getting nothing in return... I always want to squish the fish but it means less knowing that the season is inevitably another lost cause. Wake me up when parity is brought to the NFL.
  7. No. They had to beat an NFC team. If they beat Jacksonville their AFC conference record would be better than ours.
  8. Not one domino currently falling the Bills' way at this moment... ?
  9. Poor refs! They're gonna have to learn a new jersey number to not call offensive holding against, and with hardly any warning!
  10. Not fun rooting for terrible teams, leaves you disappointed too often
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