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Everything posted by KingBoots8

  1. Flush these turds. Stop letting them float around
  2. Jeez the holds are out of control this drive
  3. Agreed. We are up 2 scores. Get the rook out there for some experience. Also he’s probably better than Dodson
  4. Oh for sure- that’s was less of a critique on Diggs and more of a compliment to Shakir for coming up big tonight.
  5. Sam Martin absolutely deserves to wear # 8 after Moorman. Great punter.
  6. Did Diggs put Shakir’s jersey on by mistake? Dude is balling tonight
  7. Damn good showing tonight on all 3 phases of the game
  8. Credit where it’s due- Mayfield threw that at the absolute last second to avoid the safety
  9. Sam just showing off on prime time since he punts so rarely 😂
  10. I thought there was a lil’ something in the neutral zone myself so I get it, but that’s a bummer
  11. Looks like the season isn’t over after that player only meeting, JJ.
  12. He’s watching this game in his tighty whities crying into a bowl of Butter Rum ice cream
  13. Not that he gets a lot of work, but Martin has been a phenomenal add. Makes losing “Punt God” not sting at all
  14. I said this was gonna be his game to take TE1 and never look back. Keep those eyes forward, kid.
  15. Oof, Floyd was so close. Normally he’s money so I won’t complain too much
  16. I’d agree if it weren’t for the KC game a few years ago when he snagged that last TD
  17. Keep it quick, keep it simple. Great series.
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