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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. 3-0 Great game by the Sabres I don't understand this thread at all. I always rooted for the Bills when they sucked and I'll always root for the Sabres regardless of how long it takes for them to be good again. I used to sneak a transistor radio under my pillow to listen to Bison games before the Sabres even existed. I've been a fan since they began and will be as long as they exist. I'm pretty sure the Sabres have nothing to do with the Bills success or failure and I would be psyched if both teams have a great season. I'm also pretty sure the Sabres didn't design the Bills soft underneath coverage with the safety 20 yards deep and everyone standing behind the line to gain on 3rd down.
  2. Here we go Spread offense all the way Make them play 5 dba that will open everything including the run
  3. I was about to suggest the same. Every game, every sport is available. I run an HDMI from the laptop to the tv and never miss a game I want to see.
  4. The technology has been there for some time now and would be relatively inexpensive to implement. Not to be overly cynical, but maybe the league likes having more influence in determining outcomes for maximum revenue? (entertainment value$$$) (Tim Donaghy stated they were told by the NBA the stars to give preferential treatment to. He also said he is hardly the only problem gambler in debt to the mob who was influencing games.) Otherwise I can't see any reason why they would delay making the game more transparent and fair.
  5. I remember reading that the NFL actually used the 'we are just entertainment' defense in a court of law, so that is their stated position. The fact that people wager billions of dollars a year on a sport that the league asserts a right to script is just mind boggling.
  6. I like tossing cow pies! I won a cow pie tossing contest at a charity square dance in Sonoma, got a nice dinner for 2. I just threw it like a frisbee.
  7. Go Sabres 2-0 Great goaltending today by Tokarski. Keep it going
  8. Yep The 'good energy' in this thread is just overwhelming. I watched the game yesterday and saw them playing like a team. It was really good to see. Maybe some 'fans' should quit kicking them and piling on. It's a new team and a new opportunity to turn it around.
  9. What ***** garbage that game was. Watching the Sabres dominate their opener tonight was awesome, so good to see. ☺
  10. That was a 15 yard penalty and first down at a key game deciding moment what a joke
  11. The refs are an embarrassment. As if TB needs all this help.
  12. I cannot stand to even hear his voice anymore. I had the sound off and music playing before the end of the 1st qtr. I left it off the rest of the game. It worked out really well.☺
  13. I criticized his inconsistency catching the ball. I had doubts he would ever get it together. Now I'm just really psyched he is breaking out. A tight end threat has been missing for so long. Good job Dawson! With Knox' emergence and breakout, Emmanuel Sanders playing like his best years in Denver and the running game fired up, this offense threatens from every position now.
  14. Lots of sacks are about luck, being in the right place, etc. I'm just glad to see more energy, power and presence from him this year. It's a great sign for the d so far.
  15. Oliver is playing well imo. He is winning his battles. Star is playing well. They are the #1 defense so far
  16. He's playing with more power, drive and energy. He has 2 sacks already, equal last year's total. If he continues playing like this they will be hard to beat.
  17. Evidently Dallas was afraid they would be on the hook for a guaranteed 9.5 mil next year if he got injured and felt their needs and his play didn't warrant that risk. People thinking he's washed up at 27 or that he sucks are probably going to be wrong in my estimation. I think a change of location will be good for him.
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