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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. Both of those teams looked like ***** I thought. Burrow sacked 9 times, running backwards out of fg range like a rookie, and their secondary looked lost. Luckily for them Tannehill completely sucks and they used Henry as a decoy on 3rd and 1 😂 Take care of business Bills, no looking ahead. Laser focused intensity and execution on every single play. Beat KC
  2. For whatever it's worth Herron is rated 75th out of 85 on PFF Wynn ranked 30th big dropoff
  3. Wynn being out is huge, replacement will be a big drop off in talent. Same goes for Mills being out. 'Mills was lights-out during the second half of the 2021 regular season. In the last nine games, the veteran gave up seven catches on 21 targets (33.3%) for 72 yards, two touchdowns and four breakups. The Patriots played more zone defense this year in an attempt to make up for some of their man-to-man coverage issues, but Mills provided stability opposite Jackson.' The guy gave up only 7 catches for 72 yards on 21 targets in his last 9 games. That's pretty extraordinary.... and really good news that he's out. ☺
  4. This may have already been said but Harris is still playing through a hamstring injury and muscles tend to get real tight and tear in zero degree weather. I wonder how he'll manage in that kind of cold.
  5. Wife and I were driving back from Buffalo to Park City and stopped in Laramie. One of my shoes had fallen out at a rest stop and I needed a new pair. It was really windy and the whole town is really exposed. Got a cheap pair of shoes at an old department store and stocked up on snacks at the little health food store. Seems like a good place to get some studying done, definitely wouldn't live there for any other reason.☺ That was in early Sept 2016. Josh was there at the time starting his sophomore season.
  6. I want whoever is the most dependable at catching the ball or getting out of the way, the offense can score the points.
  7. Jones grew up in Jacksonville and college in Alabama. I wonder how zero degrees is gonna rock his world. I've been to Univ Wyoming in Laramie. That place gets bitter cold and windy in the winter.
  8. I'd love to be there myself. Instead I'll be 2600 miles away sitting by my fireplace. I used to love the heavy weather games. I remember a bunch of us bombing out the MNF booth with snowballs in a heavy snowstorm and Dandy Don and Howard were looking at us laughing. I think it sucks that Saturday night was already forecasted to be extremely cold when the NFL scheduled the Bills game. The Bills could just as easily have been the Sunday afternoon game. It makes no sense at all which is what makes me think they did it on purpose. Making paying customers suffer in order to realize their long term goal of a dome in Buffalo is a sleazy way to do business. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe they didn't know the forecast, maybe nobody told them that night games in Buffalo middle of January are not a great idea; ya right.
  9. So you are saying that more people will watch the Sat night game than will watch the Sunday afternoon game? Or that more people will watch the Bills vs Pats on Sat night than would on Sunday? I'm not sure about that. You could be right but I'm still thinking they knew how extreme the temp would be and did this on purpose. Highly irresponsible to put paying customers at risk and great discomfort to further their long term goals.
  10. Cayenne pepper in your socks is a good trick to warm your feet. It's perfectly safe and really works.
  11. Gee, I wonder what the issue could be? When was the last time you were outside for 4 hours in subzero wind chill? Older folks will be suffering. Pay a lot of money to suffer or watch the game in comfort eating, drinking and smoking what you like. I don't see whats hard to understand about that. What bothers me is that this night was forecasted to be extremely cold when they set the schedule. The Bills should have been the Sunday afternoon game. 0° is dangerously cold to be outside all day, especially considering how drunk people will get by 8 p.m. They are putting people at risk and should care more about the safety, comfort, and enjoyment of their fans imo. Personally I think the NFL did this on purpose to punish Buffalo into building a dome. It shows how much they care about the fans.
  12. My dad used to say "when your feet are cold, put a hat on" I know a little bit about staying warm. I lived in a cave at 8,000 ft. off of a ski run in Park City Utah winter of 1988/89. In the morning I would put on my skis and emerge on to the ski run just above town, Quitting Time was the run. Temperatures plunged to sub zero at night many times that winter. I wore silk top and bottom and made my own polar fleece sweats and sleeveless vest. After that more layers, wool and Gore-tex. A balaclava mask over the face and neck, and ski goggles. No exposed flesh in sub zero temps. The gear nowadays is so much better. I'm sure Josh will have the best.
  13. Strong ginger tea and lots of cayenne pepper are really good for circulation, somebody tell Josh.
  14. That fg sealed Fangios fate That was a pathetic ending to a good game that the crowd was into. Unforgivable Embarrassing Fans will run him out of town
  15. Kicking the field goal was so incredibly stupid, they still need a TD. The FG changed nothing about their situation except give the ball back to KC.
  16. How could you run into that front? before the snap I said throw it for an easy td Chiefs had the whole team on the line and you don't change the play, so stupid
  17. Mahomes should have been picked twice already, hit them right in the chest.
  18. http://www.espn.com/nfl/playoffs/machine answers all playoff seeding ?s
  19. Chiefs #38 didn't want to tackle Lock at the goal line. Stayed out of his way with his hands up like tackling him would be a penalty. What the ? was that
  20. My mindset is beat the Jets this Sunday and win the AFC East. Bills haven't clinched a home playoff game yet.
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