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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. It's the cement shoes he bought earlier in the week
  2. This is why I initially said he would me a believer if he could pull out the win
  3. thanks for bringing me back man...almost lost it there, for a moment
  4. If Tyrol can pull this game out I will become a believer
  5. And the odds are that they WILL fall imo- at some point in the season depth will become an issue as it always does- and we r already thin at the skill positions...I compare this bills season with that of the 2017 Yankees- sure it's a nice story but it's still the first year of a rebuild...so I will keep my expectations low and consider anything positive that happens this year a bonus- go bills
  6. Winston making me appreciate Tyrod more
  7. The most frustrating thing about whole situation is that when they were taking a while to negotiate his contract a few years back, I remember Marcel basically saying to the FO, "Come on, guys, do the right thing." By that he meant give him what he was asking for...people figured, ya know, he's right...he's been productive his first few years in the league- why not...boy if we only had a time machine to warn the organization.
  8. Agreed...with Gaines, I think we are set with our starting CB's.
  9. I know I wasn't born yesterday, but last time I checked wins were considered a good thing. sure...the OP thinks the world is flat
  10. It's funny you post this Gugs...during training camp Derek, his family, and Del Rio were being interviewed by Derek's brother, David...I remember thinking at the time that I thought it was odd how he spoke to his HC- he was probably just playing around, but one could definitely take it as being a little disrespectful to his superior...I kinda just brushed it off as never really hearing Derek speak before, but after your post, it does somewhat seem like he has a wise-ass attitude with his HC.
  11. I kind of have to agree- between not going for it on the goal line and then trying to run out clock at mid field with 4 minutes to play
  12. Sorry but those three plays are the epitome of loser football imo
  13. I wouldn't mind drafting Falk and letting him duke it out with Peterman...we could potentially have a good starter with a solid back up.
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