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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. This isn't the place for this discussion, but obviously crime is going to increase as more people exit pandemic-era isolation, return to work, etc. How do the numbers compare to 2018/2019? Of course there are other dynamics at play too.
  2. He can play, but he isn't the same player he was 5-10 years ago
  3. It's not meaningless to Clemons. It's a ***** thing to happen to Tyrod. I really like the guy, but people get hurt ever week. I hate pre-season football as much as anyone, but I wouldn't ever want the NFL to be without it. What makes NFL football such a good sport compared to just about every other sport or level of football is how high the bar is. I want every team playing their best football and ready to roll come week one - not a bunch of teams that have no idea what they're doing halfway through the year. The Lions, Commanders, and Jaguars give us enough of that.
  4. King (if still in the same form he was) is one of the top 2 options available along with 40 year old Dustin Colquitt. I'd be thrilled to have him here.
  5. That was stated right in the lawsuit - i don't see how there's any contradiction or how her admission of being unaware of all the parties involved is highly relevant. That's what the police are supposed to be for. She claimed that she knows she had sex with Araiza (which is a crime on his part) and that he led her back to a room where she was raped (which would also be a crime(s) even if he did not take part). I agree that I don't think there's been any success here - beyond getting attention and public pressure on a story that a university tried to bury (yet again). However, that in itself is meaningful given what we've seen over the years as related to incidents of sexual assault. Had he made the team, he'd at least have a couple million dollars to go after. Now he'll be broke. Not sure why they'd want to get him released if their goal was financial restitution.
  6. Even if it's video, 3TB is ~90-150 hours of 4k Blu-Ray quality video. I find it unlikely that much material is actual evidence. More than likely, they have dumps of multiple devices that include mountains of unrelated data.
  7. Maybe, maybe not. Before her lawyer got involved this whole story was buried for nearly a year, so I'd say they've done a lot more good than bad. Regardless, what you think about someone's lawyer shouldn't have any bearing on the case unless they are making seemingly false or provably false accusations or are acting in a defamatory manner - none of which I've seen so far.
  8. I believe it's a distraction from the subject at hand and irrelevant to the truth.
  9. No, I didn't. My take has been consistent from the very beginning. I wanted him released regardless of guilt due to his distraction to the team. I believe I e told you this on multiple occasions. I'm perfectly capable of saying what I believe without you having to define it for me. I believe in truth and justice, which victims of sexual assault overwhelmingly do not receive. If he's innocent, he'll walk. If he's guilty he may walk too. All of that is to be determined. If he was trying to convince anyone of his innocence however, he hasn't succeeded. No one says he has to, and maybe legally that isn't the right thing for him to do. It doesn't make him guilty, but it's an odd look to not publicly deny the allegations in a stronger manner than he did.
  10. Not really, no. See my previous comment. Going after her lawyer just seems like an ad hominem to me. Jane Doe could fire him tomorrow and we don't have any reason to believe that anything about the story would change. To me, that's the only thing that matters. There's been an attempt to discredit her legal representation since the very early pages on this thread based on things as unrelated as who he talks to on Twitter. That's very troublesome to me.
  11. Attempting to discredit the plaintiffs attorney only serves to discredit the plaintiff which is highly inappropriate. So the attorney can't issue subpoenas. Cool. We know that and can move on froma pretty innocuous detail. With respect to lying about a settlement offer? I think that's all caught in the bickering between the two lawyers, and if it isn't again I'm not really concerned. I care about the actual story, not the way the lawyer does his job.
  12. Ok, cool. That all seems like fluff to me well outside of the main story.
  13. I didn't levy the accusations. I responded to them. Pay attention.
  14. This is nonsense. The baseless attacks attempting to discredit the broad journalist community over the last several years based on ominous "agendas" is a tired take. What "agenda" is in play here? Should the news be burying the story like the university did?
  15. What does "the media" have to do with it? There hasn't been anything said in reports fromt he media that I've seen that wasn't presented directly by the victim's lawyer. To me, the biggest part is that the university buried/covered up this story., and my question is did the police help them? if it is determined there was a coverup here, I would sure if I were the Bills
  16. It's almost like maybe police don't always do the right thing. I dunno.
  17. Same. I was a very big fan of Rudolph, and I still think he cans tick around this league for a while and carve out a career. He didn't play bad in a rookie season he wasn't expected to play in. Since then,he really hasn't had much opportunity.
  18. Coming from you? A compliment of the highest order my friend.
  19. Haack was due to make 1.8M in salary. I'm guessing they didn't want to pay him that.
  20. I mean this with all due respect, but who you know and what you know about them appears to be very narrow compared to the cornucopia of people and their activities. You could find thousands of consensual examples of the exact thing you don't think exists with 20 chararters or less and any search engine of your choosing. Except Ask Jeeves - I'm not sure he can find that for you.
  21. I actually said that gang rape is worse than murder. I didn't say anything about sexual assault.
  22. Hodgins is doing a very nice job, but I don't really care much if they keep or cut him because he shouldn't ever play meaningful snaps for the Buffalo Bills. Best case scenario, he's our #6 WR and 9th receiving option (behind Knox, Singletary and Cook). It should take at least three significant injuries to our WR group for him to see meaningful snaps there, and maybe even 4 if they decide to make Cook more of a WR in that event. Even if he does all the right things, next year he would be no higher than 4th. It's not worth losing sleep over.
  23. I'm not trolling, but don't recontextualize my statement. There's no need for less accurate descriptions.
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