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Real McClappy

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Everything posted by Real McClappy

  1. Holy Crazy field conditions right now. Props to any fan making that game. This could turn into the Browns 6-3 game back in the day.
  2. Good luck to Peterman today. Tear it up Man!
  3. Here's a new one for Bills FO and ownership - Focus non-stop on getting a Damn legit QB. Once you have a QB build around him = DONE All the wasted picks in the past 20 years are maddening to me. Only drafting 2 QB's in the first round since Kelly in 1983 is just a slap to all Bills fans in the Face. Stop whining about the Pats being in our division, along with rule changes that every team has to adapt too. Holy hell, even the Browns finally get it. http://www.nydailynews.com/newswires/sports/browns-owner-finding-quarterback-top-job-new-gm-article-1.3686422 OP, I know you said excluding the Bills themselves but honestly there is no-one to blame but ownership and the FO for this mess. RIP Ralph, but a lot of this is on him and I pray Pegula doesn't let his FO follow suit, whomever they are or will be.
  4. Great thread but depressing. Can't wait for the day I can argue with people on here of who is/was better in a Bills uni. Kelly or Bills QB X? Seeing some of the lists is just flat out sad and what has held this team back hardcore for so many years.
  5. I'm happy he's playing decent for the 1st rd pick we used to replace our former 1st rd 2012 pick or 2nd rd 2013 pick. White is Darby 2.0 right now which is great and I have nothing against him as a player. Not happy with the Bills pathetic offense when we desperately have needed a QB for only 15 years now is all. This crap is wearing me thin.
  6. I'd still take Watson over White draft day and today.
  7. Same here. Typical Billsy thing to do though right taking a LB and DT with 2 first rounders?
  8. 1.5 sacks, 3 QB hits, 1 pass breakup and a INT is far from nice plays. The Bills straight up screwed up. https://nesn.com/2017/12/patriots-president-takes-jab-at-bills-after-eric-lee-torments-old-team/
  9. This is a good post. If the Bills were sitting at 8-4 right now like they should be would anyone ? Rico or TT? But we are sitting 6-6 and those 2 games fall squarely on TT's shoulders with 125 and 166 yards passing. I think we all knew the Carolina and Cincy game would come back to bite us in the ass.
  10. So give Peterman 3 QTR's of NFL football but broken Tyrod 3 years? The Bills are screwed if we ever draft a high end QB as fans will run him out of town in 6 games, we would have run Peyton out of town after his first season. I think I'm here with you after reading this one. You mean our Defense won against KC. 16pts on Offense was actually pretty pathetic as well.
  11. Is this post QB related? I know Bortles is no world beater but the other 2 have QB's now.
  12. 1.) After the game when McD and BB met midfield McD brought the hit up and BB apologized. 2.) No penalty in the NFL is reviewable, called or not called.
  13. These numbers prove he is a top 10 QB in the NFL, more like 6th or 7th. He has 31 INTS over 42 games as a starter, less than 1 (.73) pick per game average. Pop him on a team with a decent D and give him a real running back and good things will happen.
  14. Yup! Redskins have him playing behind 2nd and 3rd stringers pretty much all year on the Oline. His numbers are still right there in the top 5 with the best.
  15. Agreed. I honestly think the Pats looked beatable today. Our Offense needs a lot of work and D needs some better run blocking.
  16. What's up with the alligator holding the key though? I need to know what that key unlocks...
  17. Refs would not let them challenge a non Penalty call. The Bills challenged that he was down by contact which was a bad call.
  18. Because Dan Synder and Bruce Allen are morons, hands down trying to go cheap on a contract. It's really that simple. The Skins do want to keep him but I have a feeling Cousins and his agent knows what they can get on the FA market. The Dude is going to get paid one way or the other because he is a legit QB in the league.
  19. LOL, flattered you placed BB and I in the same sentence. Gronk did not need to re-enter the game as the game was over. I don't understand how BB sitting his player the rest of the game and the rant of ripping off a players helmet and punching him in the face go hand and hand though? Good luck ripping his helmet off and punching him in the face. Try that sometime and let me know how it works out. I've been in plenty of that in full football gear through pee-wee and HS. I was never able to rip off opposing guys helmet, usually just F'd up my hands punching it. Gronks play was flat out dirty and it will be dealt with by the league.
  20. Cousins is far, far from a hand me down or leftover. He's a legit top 10 developed QB in this league with about 10 years left in his career. Not a 50/50 rookie QB that might never develop.
  21. I'd prob be ok with him going anywhere but there and having success. Was free game though for all. I'm a little bitter though with the amount of support we need at LB and on the D-line.
  22. Really sucks seeing this guy start the last 2 games having success supporting the Pats. Kudos to the undrafted rookie with 2.5 sacks and a INT over his first 2 games with them though. Always like the underdog stories. Wish we could have kept him.
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