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Everything posted by Plano

  1. Is it me or was the 2nd half play calling overly conservative? Like OMG we have a lead, play it safe!!! Also, one timeout left with like 45 seconds to go in the first half, why not try a hurry up offense to close the half? I think we could have at least gotten into FG position. Stoked about the win, but those are things that stood out to me.
  2. good way to get kicked down the upper deck. Maybe when he reaches puberty, he'll be a good boy.
  3. I said run a lap, boy. I didn't say eat a cheese sandwich and breathe heavily.
  4. Go run a lap and get back to me tomorrow when you are halfway there
  5. Calm yourself, child. Was simply pointing out an obvious idea that it could have been a paid sponsor providing the watch. I even noted that it wasn't a contact sport. Oh, and the winner of the US Open made....oh let's see here...$3.85 million. How much you got, brah?
  7. Anyone who thinks that this was some sort of "grand plan" probably should just stop contributing to society now.
  8. So we'll just put Anderson down for good next time we see him. He doesn't deserve to play, he deserves an ass kicking.
  9. I'm sure it's a watch from a sponsor. Richard Mille is the brand. And actually, that's one of their lower level watches. I know it's not a contact sport, but many of the tennis players wear super high end watches when playing. Stan Wawrinka's sponsor is Audemars Piguet, and Richard Mille sponsors Rafael Nadal, I believe.
  10. When you're with Buffalo....you're with Buffalo...4-LIFE!!!
  11. I wore my Eric Moulds Jersey and my wife wore her JK12 Jersey, we ate ceviche and drank blue moons. Will roll that into next week and hope for another W!
  12. Too bad someone didn't throw a brick at his head when he was standing in front of the team. What a ***** loser. Rosenhaus is a very intelligent guy and I am sure opened his eyes to the situation. "Listen, Antonio, you have about 4 brain cells left and this team is about to walk away from your contract scott free.....so here's the thing, are you smart enough to do anything else in the real world to make money? Or do you wanna play football and quit being a ***** douche canoe?"
  13. Not true, his contract can be voided in certain situations. This may be one of them, the Raiders could potentially get out of this deal unscathed.
  14. Trying to get a package deal done. Bahamas, Greenland, Indianapolis Colts. $4B for all, the best offer, nobody offers more $.
  15. You just saw it, you didn't "just seen it" .
  16. It's not "racist again", he's always been a racist. Shown that through his character his entire life. NEXT. You will lose. Your brain capacity is pathetic if you still blindly follow this twit, so you are doomed if you dare to go toe to toe with me. Sit down and shut up
  17. Tax deducted at source? yeah, makes total sense. *fart noise inserted here*
  18. Are you blind or just plain stupid? If you don't think the things that he has done/said are racist you must be. Pocahontas? Nah, normal to call someone of Native American origin that. How about this? "I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes.... Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else... Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that's guy's lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks." "Shithole countries" Do I need to go on? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump for your reading pleasure. I'm sure you'll squeal "fake news". But as a Jewish individual that he just spoke out against yesterday, he just all but sealed his fate with that comment. He must know who runs the country, right? His BANKRUPTCY lawyers, accountants, media, etc. He's a moron who absolutely has zero business being in office, and if you can't see that...well, you're blind to the facts.
  19. Sounds just like someone we all know. The big orange racist moron in the white house.
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