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Everything posted by Plano

  1. Should have done a shooting star through that table. Bad form.
  2. He's a fat, out of shape, loser, who relied on roids, that, in fact, didn't work. His body looked like sludge today and we embarrassed him.
  3. That was a weak hit, the defender weighs like 12 pounds and is a loser, Allen will be playing Sunday. Next question
  4. I am sure Kraft is SO EXCITED about this workout after he read the name.
  6. Someone needs to tear Van Noy's ACL. Simple
  7. Looks like they had a lot of fun @ the Bills tailgate and nothing but good love and fun was shown
  8. maybe zolak will do us all favor and guzzle a gallon of bleach
  9. Bojo needs to be cut ASAP. Go for it every 4th down, he's garbage. Insert other media
  10. The city will burn, the stadium will explode, sheer insanity will ensue.
  11. Literally not a clue who any of the people you just named are or what they do. Stopped watching ESPN about 10 years ago, they're just fluff trying to get ratings. Garbage really.
  12. believe me i like the call, just pointing out that it was huge that we got the 2 pointer compared to the 1 or whiffing altogether
  13. or if we went for 2 and didn't get it...Cincinatti likely has a chance to win it at the end with a field goal into the wind.
  14. We need to knock brady OUT of the game early. Put him on his head, send him into the locker room mid 1st quarter. Then we can crush them. Otherwise, I see a typical Bills loss. Let's go Buffalo.
  15. Bills fans need to tip over the patriots bus when they are inside playing.
  16. You put him on his ass early, bounce his head off of the turf, knock him out cold, then watch them crumble.
  17. EXACTLY what I came here to say. Season Opener in Arrowhead in 2011, I had a similar altercation. We were walking to our seats (last time we EVER sat in the cheap seats, btw), and we were wearing Bills gear, a dorky twig of a Chiefs fan wouldn't allow us to pass through, I asked if he was serious, and he would NOT move, I laughed and said ok, I'll just step down a level and walk around your ass, so I step down to walk around and he slaps the back of my head, like WTF?! I grab him by the jersey and yank him down into the row beneath me. Guy is yelling like a little B word, screaming that I assaulted him. I keep walking and laughing. The crowd hysterically laughs and I get a few hi-5's from Chiefs fans on the way to our seats. The guy ended up leaving about 10 minutes later when everyone continually laughed at him. Idiots.
  18. Cut him. We don't need him. Bye bye, stop wasting a roster spot.
  19. But is he a MIGHTY Taco, that's the question?
  20. THIS is the exact move that we have always done every visit. No problems at all.
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