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Everything posted by LABILLBACKER

  1. If I'm Del Reid, I'd be livid right now. Really surprised the Pegs would go in this direction. They know the history and story behind BillsMafia. Why an obvious money grab here?
  2. Well if that's going to happen someone might want to notify our defense.
  3. So true....our defense this year terrifies me.
  4. And that's why he's our last wr. Stick to returns (which he also fumbled). Aside from Beasley & Yeldon, the whole team was just not focused. Hopefully Brown is back Monday. How about calling up Duke?
  5. I'm sure he'll bounce back and put up points, especially with smoke back. What terrifies me is our D?
  6. It's helped in the past. Besides I never trust guys with a chicks name.
  7. It's pretty obvious the boys are trying to turn AJ into Zo. He even has his number. He'll have to improve his coverage if he's ever going to be an outside edge guy.
  8. Hate auto correct. Knox just flat out has stone hands. The boys will be shopping for a TE next year.
  9. I won't deny that Singletary & Moss have hardly wowed with their production. And aside from the Titans game, the coaches for some bizarre reason just refuse to give TJ Yeldon a shot. Also Bell is the type of RB who needs some gaps to run thru. And right now that's not happening with this one dimensional OL. Maybe league minimum only I could live with. But somehow we have to create a run game.
  10. Call me old school. Old fashioned, but it's just so sad that everything is predicated on money. But I totally agree with you Shaw that the NFL will "soldier on" through these covid incidents. Their ultimate objective is just get this season completed. And it won't be easy as Falcon news breaks today. Once bye weeks end it will really get hard to make up games.
  11. So what have we learned today boys and girls. There's actually 3 primary objectives. Money, Money and Money. Watch the Bills start getting infected? How will I perceive that Shaw? The bottom line is the shield had no intention of ever punishing (forfeit) the Titans. It would be a stain on the NFL more than any team.
  12. Bozo held all last year for House. How does this fool still get it wrong? I'm sure Bass just loves staring right at those laces. Belichick wouldn't tolerate this crap. So on top of worrying about Bass drifting kicks right, we have to worry about Bozo.
  13. We need Milano, White and Wallace back asap. Then McDermott has to find a creative way of pressuring the QB. Would it kill Sean to occassionally blitz Edmunds?
  14. We've played 5 games with a grand total of 10 sacks. Addison has 2 which projects him to 6 for the season. Murphy & Hughes combine for 1 sack. Our opponents now know they have time to carve up our backup dbs. At least last year Jordan & Shaq generated pressure. This year is no hurried and a nice protected pocket. If you want to get a laugh watch Daryl Johnson give a lame attempt at a bull rush. Without any pressure on the qb it won't matter how talented White is.
  15. The league crapped the bed in the way they handled this period of indecision. The Bills has no clue who to prepare for. This gave Vrabel a huge advantage. And because of the carelessness of the Titan organization, the Bills get to play 2 straight games on short weeks. Great punishment for Nashville.
  16. But when our #2 wr is down and they start doubling Diggs all of a sudden you wish you had a TE corp. The top 2 TE's in the NFL played in last years SB. I remember this guy named Gronk in a few SB's too. The TE position is much more important than you think.
  17. Sorry but dude has stone hands. The Knox experiment will soon be over. Back to the drawing board. This is why I wanted Hunter Henry so bad. We haven't had a stud TE in forever.
  18. At this point I don't know who's running this defense anymore. Frazier or McD? Maybe it doesn't matter considering they're both getting schooled. The Bills are now giving up 28.5 / game. Wow
  19. 100 balls out of the jugs will not help Knox. You can either catch or you can't. He'll eventually be released.
  20. They did it because the Titans were giving up 5.8 yards/carry. Apparently Daboll didn't get the memo that his OL is incapable of any form of run blocking.
  21. At this point I would draft 100% defense. And sign defensive FA's.
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