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Everything posted by Ridgewaycynic2013

  1. Casio, Timex, and Seiko? "I am geared towards the average rather than the exceptional."
  2. Switch to green and black uniforms, and have Jim Carrey and John Astin as honourary captains. A moment of silence in memory of Frank Gorshin.
  3. "I have found the cure for male pattern baldness, and brokered a lasting peace in the Middle East. Also, no signs of CTE!"
  4. Defense eats their Snickers bars with knives and forks? 🤔
  5. What jerseys does he still need for a primo collection? See if he can earn a couple more before retiring out of Buffalo.
  6. Have you and teef ever considered that you're the TSW version of Abed and Troy? (Community) * In other news, Chris Brown (OBL from OBD) called me up and asked me to host today's 'Today I Learned' segment. 😕
  7. Making room for Croom? They aren't exactly happy with the TE brigade. 😁
  8. Why would Beane listen to us and 'bring him in' if we're busy trying to fire Beane in the other thread? 🤔
  9. I just can't see Trevor Lawrence in one of those 'Weeb Eubank' - rookie haircuts they make them get...🤔
  10. Yay! We get to keep Daboll! (If we don't fire him. 😁)
  11. Make sure that the other teams don't stop at the Jets' garage sale first...😁
  12. Few can drive a standard properly nowadays, and many that do think the roads are a 'Fast and Furious' movie.
  13. What's the over/under on Jimmy Spag posts? 🤔
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