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Everything posted by Ridgewaycynic2013

  1. I can't figure out how he found time to record 'The Lady in Red'. πŸ€” 😁
  2. I would start whistling the theme from 'The Littlest Hobo', but the dog was always successful in each week's adventure.
  3. A man brought to God through the grace of Robert Kraft. πŸ€” 😁
  4. Game scheduling this year will be like gangs of the 60s trying to arrange a 'rumble'.
  5. Just for that, they're awarding the New England Patriots a compensatory conditional draft pick. πŸ˜‡
  6. Compensatory draft picks is my suggestion. You're not going to like the recipient, however. πŸ˜•
  7. Too new a picture to be Anson Williams, but that guy looks like a real 'Potsie'.
  8. Irsay has Dylan's first electric? Some 'dealer' will be picking that up for a fairly cheap price. You can decide what type of dealer.
  9. Bride the Second and I used to visit either casino in the Falls (Ontario) enough that meals were comped, and twice we received a very nice room. The reservation for one of the rooms was only a few days after a beloved uncle's passing, and his memorial was not yet scheduled, so we still attended. Dropped a twenty in a machine that was a 'theme' we enjoyed playing, never noticed it was valued 25 times the normal amount we normally played per spin. Paid off close to $500 on a spin, and a couple spins later, just under $200. Cashed out of that machine, and headed back to the cheap machines we were used to. To this day I insist it was Uncle Joe sending final regards from the Great Beyond.
  10. Agreed and understood; my comment was more an indictment of the CF that franchise has been. 😁
  11. Meanwhile, at stately Daboll Manor: "Beth, call Allied Van Lines! That bunch at TSW has me going to the Jets, Houston, and Atlanta!"
  12. Never mind selling Q-Tips, the Johnson boys might as well buy Brinks.
  13. Are you saying that in your 'Hulk' voice? πŸ€”
  14. Thank you! Scrolling through, there are some real gems in there. πŸ†πŸΊπŸ‘
  15. So, the rail and tar and feathers many of us had reserved for him still might come in handy?...πŸ€”
  16. That's why the officials have that huddle after a penalty is called...Vegas calling them to say which way the foul favours the bookies. 😁 (Communication capabilities courtesy of the New England Patriots Electronics Department.)
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