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Everything posted by GoBills808

  1. It's kind of a given I've 'accepted' that crossing the border illegally is illegal- I've been referring to illegal/unlawful immigration the whole time. The population I'm referring to is here illegally as a result of their illegal immigration.
  2. Almost certainly less than 5% of total unlawful immigrants regardless of nation of origin. They tend to commit crime at a much lower rate than the native born population. Re: the hypothetical grieving family- murder is always heartbreaking. Percentages large or small won't provide any comfort. These figures are useful in crafting effective policy, not particularly so when utilized in your example above.
  3. Almost certainly less than 5% across all nationalities.
  4. The amount of people immigrating unlawfully to the US with some nefarious goal in mind is the significant minority, whereas 100% of people breaking into your house are there to rob you. The two situations are so vastly different to render the comparison ridiculous. Your property lines are not an international border. Your house is not the United States of America. It's totally useless rhetoric.
  5. I was talking about comparative motivations, but if you want to do it by numbers just take the square footage of your house and divide it by the 3,800,000 square miles. Pretty sure its less than 1/1023.
  6. The suggestion that the motives of a person breaking into your house are somehow analogous to the motives of a person unlawfully crossing the border...is that what the argument over immigration has become?
  7. Going by your username then I'd guess you were being ironic, but then looking at your avatar I'm going with confused.
  8. Not to mention the countless sharps that have bankrolled their families for the next few centuries betting the Pats since 2001, coincidentally also the year Goodell became NFL VP and COO.
  9. Definitely not entitled to anything, but if I were a taxpayer in an area that utilized public funding of NFL stadiums (I'm not) I'd like to know that my money was being spent in support of a level playing field.
  10. Would be easier to know the extent of whatall happened but Goodell destroyed the evidence.
  11. ...in the Winter of 1969, an elite force of the US Army was sent on a top secret assignment in Southeast Vietnam. The objective: rescue Sgt. Four Leaf Tayback from a heavily guarded NVA Prison Camp. The mission was considered to be near suicide. Of the ten men sent, four returned. Of those four, three wrote books about what happened. Of those three, two were published. Of those two, just one got a movie deal. This is the story of the men who attempted to make that movie.
  12. How don't we as Bills fans not already have this guy on retainer since like forever?
  13. Going to buy a 350 hp Steiger/International with an engine oil leak...probably going to try to fix that myself too. Will let you folks know how it goes. GD thing pulls a 14' offset disc...what a monster. No electronics to mess with but still a bear of a job getting into an engine that's 8 feet off the ground. And nobody wants to help...go figure.
  14. I only pay someone to do something for me when I don't want to do it or don't have the time. I CAN and DO most everything. I have the tools and the skills. But sometimes it's easier and/or cheaper to pay someone else to do it. For example: -just finished building a custom harvesting rig that took about a week and $5000 worth of metal that would have cost over $45,000 to purchase and have shipped -dropped a new propane engine into the forklift that lost compression in three cylinders (still haven't started it yet, fingers crossed) -mowed the orchard (25 acres) -BUT I just paid my guy to come and change oil/hydraulic fluid on 3 of the tractors because I didn't want to do it and didn't have the time. Would have taken a couple of hours. But I'd rather spend those doing other things. Like putting finishing touches on new cooler unit w/overridden AC to go down to 34, or finish glassing bulkheads of this piece of ***** boat I just bought. Rather do some things and pay for others. But can do everything and honestly usually do
  15. I'm pretty sure everyone registers when they turn 18. I know I had to and I had no intention of joining the military.
  16. I literally laughed when Vince Vaughn and the big Mexican guy decide to settle an argument with a basement fist fight. It was precipitated by such dialogue as 'You ain't that thing no more that you used to was' and 'yeah you tall, but you really little. And you're old'. Ridiculous. Then I watched in sheer amazement as he proceeded to rip out the guy's gold tooth with a pliers and his buddies just stood by and watched. I thought to myself, 'Well, this can't possibly get any worse.' But then...while removing the offending incisor, some writer thought the line Vaughn absolutely needed to utter in that moment was, and I quote: 'What kind of way is that to greet the world?'...I just shook my head in disbelief, turned off the tv and didn't watch a single minute of season2 thereafter. It was an absolute mess.
  17. Doesn’t everyone sign up for selective service?
  18. Stanhope I cannot listen to anymore. He’s progressed so little that I’m beginning to think it’s not an act, which is just sad.
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