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Everything posted by Beerball

  1. Still can't grow facial hair like a real man.
  2. I wonder how Bryant feels about this. To me, he's always been a supercilious anal orifice.
  3. Is this duplicate thread really necessary?
  4. Thanks for the clarification. That really clears things up.
  5. Likely already answered, but $50M to the league and any cost overruns.
  6. The question wasn't about talent, it was about whether or not he was going to be a Bear. You said he would. & you being higher than most on a player is a given for every player who has ever donned the uniform.
  7. how long has it been since you've had to use the "this is fine" dude? Been a nice stretch for Bills fans.
  8. Or maybe it’s because his QB now ha$ hi$ $econd contract. Now it makes fiscal sense to keep Allen on the field. Before? No big deal.
  9. Far be it from me to be critical of someone’s choice of words, but don’t you think that a more accurate thread title would be “It’s gotta be 5:00ish somewhere.”
  10. If Olave is there at 25 it's a no brainer. I expect he'll go earlier, but I'd love, love, love this pick and I don't think he is someone the Bills could pass by.
  11. I once had to dive in HS and the weather outside was frightful. Ohhhh, sorry I read the thread title incorrectly. My bad.
  12. Because that’s the approach a sane GM would have with ANY PLAYER.
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