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Everything posted by Beerball

  1. You shouldn’t be so hard on your nephew.
  2. I'm happy that you are happy. I realize that is just a singular thought, but it's all I got at this time.
  3. Mr. Ags, who should not be confused with Mr. Augie, should most definitely stay. This reminds me of a time when I considered leaving medical school. I was becoming disillusioned & I was feeling blue because my then wife was supporting me. Her trust fund was substantial, so I'm not sure why I was bothered by it. Maybe it was my male ego? Maybe it was insecurity on my part? Anyway, that's around the time that I met @BringBackFergy on the sidewalks of EA. He gave me a good talking to & reminded me about the pre-nup that he had put together for me, I was a very lucky man, whatever choice I made about my future. So, to make a long story short, I hopped on a plane the next day and headed to Columbia. The first guy I met was named Pablo, but that's a story for another thread.
  4. So, the process involves poor communication, poor game management, atrocious scheme & poor execution? Sign me up.
  5. Dude, don't die on this hill. 13 seconds.
  6. so, we’re counting ifs now? Common man, it was a royal screwup. You know that and so does everyone else with half a 🧠.
  7. Thanks Leslie. Not when your playing super duper prevent defense it isn’t.
  8. Is anyone as excited as I am for the start of the MLB season? This is our year. LET’S GO METS!!!!!!!!!!
  9. We’re Bills fans. Of course we’re setting ourselves up for disappointment. wide right homerun throw back 13 seconds
  10. 13 seconds is serious bidness. It ranks up there with wide right & homerun throwback. Huge Failures by the Bills.
  11. Y’all should reach out to your reps and make sure that your feelings are known. If enough do the message will get to the right people. All y’all deserve some perks and freebies etc.
  12. The fact that a player doesn’t complete their contract doesn’t mean it was a mistake. Contracts are constructed to explicitly give teams an out. Calling Morse (it ain’t your money and we’re talking pre Joshy’s extension), Beasley and Brown mistakes is extremely short sighted and shows a lack of knowledge about how the league works. (IMO)
  13. IMO, good coaching can win you a game or two/year. Bad coaching and bad player execution can lose them all. Players deserve some of the blame. Whether it wide right and the partying ways of the 90's Bills or Homerun throwback (equal coaching and player IMO) or 13 seconds (communication which is on coaching, scheme which is coaching, poor tackling which is player) the FO put together tremendous teams. Coaches and players didn't do their part.
  14. Player execution (I'm for it) & scheme/strategy are two, maybe three very different things. Lumping them together and then adding coaching to the mix a'int right.
  15. That was not punny; no way you can tap dance your way out of this one.
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