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Houston's #1 Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Houston's #1 Bills Fan

  1. Would have been nice to have seen a loss by the Steelers today. Sets up an intriguing game with us. If we continue to win out and they had one more loss, we'd own the tie-breaker! Home playoffs games in Buffalo? No way!!!
  2. So much intrigue!!! Nice to being playing for something in December!!!
  3. I can understand from the Bronco's side as they didn't have a QB, but Taysom Hill should have been better. No?
  4. I kept flipping between our game and the 'Phins/Jets. The Jets are pathetic. Just pathetic. I tuned in as they recovered a fumble deep in the Dolphins field, like 25 yard line. They couldn't do sh*t!! They even tried to go for it on 4th down, with old man Frank hitting the pile. We as Bills fans know how that goes. Dolphins ball!! Just terrible. The Jets could have won that game if they had some offense. Their defense held Fitzmagic for most of the game. Oh well! I agree: Let's petition to extend Gase!!!! 10 year contract, please!!!
  5. Yeah, but he missed that 61 yarder! 👎 I mean, COME ON, MAN!!!
  6. I agree. Total kick in the nuts losing that way, especially after getting the go-ahead score moments before. Very same feeling to the Music City BS, but that one is top 3 greatest loss disappointments. No comparison to these games.
  7. Which one felt worse: 1. This play 2. The Cardinals Hail Mary
  8. Jaguars HAVE to be on the list, right?? I mean, what the hell does Marrone have on them?!?!?!
  9. I am SHOCKED.........SHOCKED I tell you!!! Well, not really. Feel for the Lions fans. They have had such terrible teams. Only the Barry Sanders years come to mind as mildly successful and even that was such a waste of talent.
  10. I love how people indicate that Josh "seems" to be the type that would take a discount. But, we really don't know. I certainly hope that he is and that playing for Buffalo is the only thing he cares about. We all love those stories of "hell, I'd play for free, just don't tell them that!" But, that's not reality. All in all, I hope that he gets a fair deal that he likes and that doesn't preclude us from still obtaining good talent in free agency.
  11. I said this in another thread: There isn't a player in the league I'd trade for Josh. He's our kind of guy, has the right amount of swagger and keeps getting better. No thanks!! Although, if we could get Peterman back on the cheap, maybe......🤣
  12. I was going to mention this as well. By the time SB27 and 28 had come along, we had gotten older and lost some players. I truly think that the '88 team should have beaten the Bengals and played the 49ers. I think we matched up better than the Bengals did. Would have been a good fight against Montana for sure! '89 was also a good team, but the "Bickering Bills" discussion needed to take place and it set up the team for the SB run. As others had mentioned, SB26 was just a tough day at the office. The Hogs were mad thanks to Dickerson's comments. Just like Otis Anderson in SB25, how do you have a guy like Mark Rypien beat you?!?! SB27, that Dallas team was unstoppable. Every aspect of their game was top notch. SB28, we had the lead at the half, but just couldn't hang on.
  13. I wasn't compared quarterbacks at all. Merely that it's too early to throw $$$ at him, just like when we did the same with Fitzy. Fitzy needed more games to justify that payday. Nothing to do with talent level.
  14. Well, he's so diminutive.....................................oh wait
  15. That seems pretty good.....but does PFF agree??
  16. Hell yeah! I'm sorry, call me a homer all you want, but there isn't ONE quarterback in the league today I'd prefer over Josh. Just like Kelly, "a quarterback in a linebacker's body!" Plus, he is very Favre-like in his silliness, enthusiasm, and competitive nature. SO glad we got the "right" Josh!!!! GO BILLS!!!!
  17. Early in the game, he had a terrible angle of attack on the running back in the back field and completely watched him run past him. I thought, at the time, well, this is how this game is going to go. Klein sucks, dammit!! But, as the game progressed, he got better and was used in the proper positions. I think that's the key: use him correctly and he's a stud! He had a great game and certainly made the difference gaining a Bills TD with the sack/turnover! It was glorious to watch!!
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