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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. I've always been in the stop crying and play defense camp. I'd still prefer a 15 minute sudden death OT. But that's a great point about how the league has changed Boatdrinks. Wish my memory was better, I have a vague recollection of a team deferring possession in OT because they had confidence their defense would put their offense in a better position to win than a kickoff return would.
  2. Thanks. Two points: I wouldn't put it past the NFL to have buried the Bills report absent the Hughes outburst on video. It seems more likely than not that video/audio of the incident exists. We may need TMZ to surface it.
  3. I question whether the administrative leave would have happened without the unsportsmanlike conduct. The NFL needs TMZ to surface the video/audio of the alleged on-field incident.
  4. Thanks for posting, gave me a chance to hear the hour plus that I missed. Thoughts on each: VW: I liked his comment that he wouldn't have taken the job if it was a rebuild. He's looking to win now. Polar opposite of Sandy's patient approach, but of course he's benefitting from Sandy's patience. Mickeys Clubhouse: a few times he mentioned making sure players were comfortable where they were playing and batting. Bunch of wishy-washy BS imo. Not a fan of him. Coupon: best comment he made was about needing to change the fans perception of management/ownership's commitment to winning. Said he brought in VW to address that. Great, now open up the purse strings.
  5. Sleigh Ride is one of my favorites. Even moreso after last year when my son was fortunate to make the "honors" high school band as a freshman. As it turns out it's an annual tradition to close the winter concert with Sleigh Ride and they invite past grads to join the band on stage. And they absolutely nail the song right down to the trumpet/horse part at the end. Looking forward to seeing it again in a few weeks. In the mean time, no Christmas season should be without Linus & Lucy:
  6. Granted there's no rich owner, but for reference it looks like the going rate last year at Lambeau was $10/hour with no mention of lunch, dinner or a ticket. https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/sports/nfl/packers/fans/2017/12/18/hundreds-turn-out-clear-lambeau-field-snow/961392001/
  7. cbssports.com has the following headline on their landing page: "Bills trying to bribe fans into shoveling snow for them" Actual article doesn't maintain that douchey tone, even mentioning it as an annual tradition early on. Wonder how long that headline sticks on the main page. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/bills-will-give-you-money-and-free-nfl-ticket-if-youre-willing-to-do-one-small-thing-for-them/
  8. Yeah, I caught about a half-hour of it and Francesa was very well-behaved. Totally agree with the grain of salt, but they made it sound like they want Alonso to be part of the plan.
  9. I think I need come to terms with the idea that at least one of these guys will likely be an ex-Met before long: Noah, Conforto, Nimmo, Amed, McNeil. And at the minor league level Alonso could be trade bait as well.
  10. Looks like VW will keep the next few weeks interesting. “[Realmuto is] an attractive player to the Marlins, first and foremost, and I'm sure he'd be attractive to every other club out there,” Van Wagenen said last month. “That type of player — an impact player offensively and defensively — we will be looking to explore all avenues to acquire those types of players, be it free agency or a trade.” https://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/mets/j-t-realmuto-mets-marlins-1.24225435
  11. Blistering guitar solos, humorous lyrics, distinctive vocals and a revolving door of great musicians playing his music. What's not to like? One of my faves for sure.
  12. "Words matter"...and (with apologies to the movie Midnight run) here come 2 for you: STFU!!
  13. No doubt Francesa is highly arrogant. He's an absolute @ss to the majority of his call-ins. Bobby V always held his own with Mike and the Mad Dog but I don't expect tomorrow to go well. Hopefully we get the good Mike tomorrow where he presses them without turning it into a poop show.
  14. That was my takeaway wrt to the Jeff clip as well. Talk is cheap....which is appropriate for the Wilpons. I like what VW Bug had to say about Noah, especially since the stated goal is to compete/win next year Fun radio stuff. WFAN radio ranges from highly entertaining and/or informative to a complete waste of time. This morning was highly entertaining. Wish I had a link, but they had an audio clip of someone's interview where Bryce Harper was asked who he idolized growing up. His answer was Robinson Cano and they ran with it. Tomorrow starting at 4 PM VW Bug, Mickeys Clubhouse and Jeff Coupon will be on for awhile with Francesa. I don't expect that to go well for The Three Stooges.
  15. Marklin electric train set. It was a starter set that I added to over the years. It's around 47 years old and comes out for Christmas most years.
  16. They say that memory is the second thing to go. I can't remember what the first is.
  17. On Friday there were reports that $60 million was coming the Mets way. $20 mill from the Mariners means we are paying Cano $20 mill per year for the next 5 years. This deal seemed to get worse with each passing day.
  18. I had the same exact thing happen in a pre-season LL game. Pre-season is worth mentioning because it was cold and it hurt and it sucked when I realized it wasn't an HBP. I played slo-pitch softball for years and from time to time I'd go through a batting slump. One slump was particularly bad and I told the guys on the bench to watch my next at bat and let me know what I was doing wrong. For the first and only time in my life I struck out looking....in slo-pitch....when I got back to the bench I was informed that the problem was that I didn't swing. A lot of laughs at my expense over post-game beers that night.
  19. It's pretty clear to me what we should do: Eat Eric Roberts!
  20. Imagine the uproar if NFL investigators were caught bribing someone with access to the video let alone bribing the person that knows the someone who has access to the video and the guy that knows a guy.... I'm assuming that's what it takes for TMZ to get what the NFL couldn't. I doubt TMZ invoked the Freedom of Information Act
  21. Tough to argue against the Cardinals. I'd add the Titans. They were must-see back in the McNair/George days, not so much for awhile.
  22. Nice call on Kelly/O'Neill. Assuming the deal goes through as currently advertised here's my positives: - Cano at $12 mill per year is better than Bruce at $14 the next two years. - Cano at $12 in years 3-5 is less of a boat anchor - Moving Bruce gives us a better chance of retaining Conforto and Nimmo - Diaz was the best closer in the game last year and the bullpen got better by dropping back Gsellman and Lugo That said, I still don't like the deal. Feels like DiPoto suckered VW into it.
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