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Everything posted by SoMAn

  1. It wouldn’t surprise me if Cook gets more looks on KOs if McKenzie gets extensive time at WR.
  2. Quite a diverse set of opinions. That’s what makes this forum great…especially if you agree with me 😜
  3. Both bass players were from Poco, the Eagles farm team basically. The countrified California rock of the early 70’ was evolving with Grateful Dead, Jackson Brown, Stone Canyon Band (Rick Nelson), Nesmith’s First National Band, Linda Ronstadt, and Poco among others. The Eagles early recording were the most successful of that group. Man, we’re getting way off track here, but anyway, I can do without these acts who had hits 50 years ago and whose voices are shot but now charge $300 at live shows so we can bask in their history. The Eagles, Skynyrd (and others) are effectively tribute bands since each has only one remaining member from the days of their early success. I’m eagerly anticipating the rematch of the surviving members of the 90s Bills and 90s Cowboys. That would be right up there with watching and listening to Ozzy.
  4. yeah, like that. My wife (Luther Vandross nut) absolutely hates that song for some reason. I’ve performed it in the past, but since Covid, it’s getting harder to hit those notes at ‘don’t your feet get cold on the wintertime’ section. Part of my distain for The Eagles is that I think Henley is a total dick. He’s got guitarist Don Felder to thank for putting million$ in his bank account. It was Felder who created the iconic chord sequence and guitar solos for their biggest hit, Hotel California. Eventually, Felder and co-dick Glenn Frey fired him.
  5. I’ll give it a listen. Just for perspective, when I saw Sabbath in ‘78, the opening act had some guitar slinger…Eddie Van something. When I saw Johnny Winter in ‘74, the opening act did a killer version of The Beatles’ Helter Skelter. The singer was some dude who looked like a lady and their only hit to date was called Dream On. Great memories, but still need to explore the current scene occasionally. I have the same feeling about the red-helmeted 90s Bills. Far more excited about the current and future Bills than re-living Jimbo, Thurman, and Bruce as if they’re anything more than a ‘long time ago’ and another life away. Time to put those dusty bobble heads in a garage sale. I don’t need to be reminded of wide right and ‘almost’ anymore. Same with the endless loop of 70s classic rock.
  6. I agree There’s a lot of crap today, but lots of good music too. You just have to dig a little deeper than what’s on mainstream airwaves. Plenty of great indie acts in every genre. My beef with ‘classic rock’ radio is the nonstop playing of the same tired songs for over 40 years. The Stones (for example) have released multiple studio LPs in 50 years, but you’ll never hear anything beyond 5 or 6 of those tracks. It’s the same with Sabbath, Floyd, The Who, Zep, Skynyrd, etc. They get about 5-6 songs each. But yeah, pump Ozzy up with whatever they give to you know who, push him towards center stage and let him belt out a $hittier version of Crazy Train or Paranoid. I’ll be in the loo taking a piss.
  7. I’m a musician and grew up in the era of ‘classic rock’, but can we please just move on? Enough already with these 70-something relic rock acts and this worn out 70’s music. If I never hear Hotel California or More Than a Feeling again I’m fine with it.
  8. Good news! We’re even closer now. I can almost taste it.
  9. 6 more sleeps? You must be one of them young’uns whose never seen the Bills in a Super Bowl. I’m thinking at least 20 more sleeps for me before kickoff. Hell, it’s barely after noon and I just dozed off for 10 minutes. I call it ‘rehearsing for eternity’. Now I’m rested and ready for any takers in a shuffleboard match. Please Bills, just 1 Lombardi before the long sleep.
  10. As good as Tre is, there's plenty of support in the secondary with Poyer, Hyde, T. Johnson, and mid-field with our experienced LBs. With (hopefully) added pressure this year from the front 4 on the D line, it should make it easier for the secondary. They played pretty well after Thanksgiving last year without White. They're already improved at CB with the Levi Wallace's replacement(s). As long as the offense does as we expect, and the defense does their job, they'll be fine.
  11. To everyone concerned about Stevenson, Mancz, Hodgins, etc.......chill for a few minutes. There will be a lot of roster juggling and gamesmanship within the next few days that will allow the Bills to retain players they feel have potential and may end up on the 53 at some point. There's some risk when attempting to sneak prospects through waivers* to put on the practice squad, but that's the price you pay when you've assembled a playoff caliber team. The NFL is structured to have competitive teams and a certain degree of parity. The 53 you see this morning will not be the same 53 we see Sept 8. *correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that's kind of how the Bills ended up with Jack Kemp. He was with the Chargers, got injured, then was waived. The Chargers assumed they could bring him back onto 'the taxi squad' (or whatever their version of injured reserve was at that time) after clearing waivers. But their plan didn't work out for them. DOH! Instead, Lou Saban put in a claim, the Bills paid the $100 waiver fee, and the rest is (AFL) history. You win some, you lose some.
  12. You just don’t understand the rules and jockeying that’s now taking place. Stevenson couldn’t go on IR or he be done for the season. He will be put on IR tomorrow and then he can be activated again at some point. His place on the 53 will last only 24 hours. That’s how the system works.
  13. Lists - the means for lazy broadcasters, commentators, writers, columnists, to submit content when they have nothing else. Their opinions are no more valid than yours.
  14. Not sure, but the Bills were already looking for ways to get under the cap and have some funds in reserve for the inevitable injury events. Now, they unexpectedly have to pay for a second punter (probably a veteran)and I assume still have to pay something to Araiza.
  15. That was awkward. I don’t think any of the press even bother to ask about how they will address the replacement punter. Have they already brought anybody in?
  16. It’s being reported that he will not play tonight
  17. Who is this Jane Doe anyway? She seems to get into trouble quite a lot.
  18. After reading the lawsuit, it should be a concern. But, the Bills must have known about this prior to drafting him. Did their investigation give them confidence that the claim was frivolous? Why was no arrest made following the police report and physical exam? Were the alleged perpetrators ever questioned directly at a police Interrogation room? Did law enforcement look the other way because they were influenced by somebody involved with the team? The timing - why is this just coming out now, days after Araiza was effectively named the starter on special teams? If the allegations are true, it's sad for her. But, if it's all a fabricated B.S. money grab, it's sad for everyone, but especially for actual victims of violent acts. It wouldn't be the first time a woman has attempted to extort money from a high profile athlete or entertainer. Hope this isn't just the first of several unexpected stumbles in the Bills anticipated Superbowl run.
  19. Sorry if this was already mentioned, but if he's on PUP list, it's probably more than the 4 games dictated by that designation. He's not allowed to practice on PUP, and when he's eligible to be activated (following those 4 weeks), they're not going to throw him into his first full practice on Wednesday and have him defending WRs on Sunday. With that in mind, the earliest we could hope to see him (if he goes on PUP) is the KC game. And with a bye the following week after KC, I believe they'd hold off until after the bye. We'll know a whole lot more in about a week when he is or isn't on the PUP list. If there's any consolation, remember the Bills fared pretty well after Thanksgiving last year when Tre went down. They still have a decent secondary, and with greater pass rush pressure from a bolstered DL, it should make the CBs jobs easier.
  20. Its draft capital. Assets. Having extra 6th round draft capital gave Beane the ability to jump ahead of other potential suitors to snag Shakir- who may turn out to be the steal of the draft.
  21. I hope Haack doesn't get called up by another team and just pulls a 'George Costanza' and shows up at the airport on Thursday as if he was never let go. Can you see him looking at McDermott with a baffled expression of 'whaaat'? That? I wasn't even trying to punt good. I was just warming up for the Rams game. Didn't want to pull a hammy before the opener. Sooo, is there a window seat available seat up front?'
  22. If any youngsters ask, I am officially from ‘the olden days’. How and when did that happen!!!?
  23. Almost the same story. Moved to Atl in ‘86. Had been to many games before and since. Had seasons in ’92 & ‘93. Even following Super Bowl appearances, that was still affordable. I can afford to go to Buffalo and get tickets for my wife and myself, but for the cost of airfare, hotel, tickets, meals, it’s just not a great value at $1000-$1500 (or more) for one weekend. On top of that, there’s no guarantee it would be a good game and/or that it won’t be raining cats and dogs. Still, having seen OJ, Kemp, Namath, Unitas, Kelly, Thurman, Marino and so many other greats in person, would love to see Allen just once. It’s the same with concerts. I could see the Stones in ‘75 for the cost of 2 or 3 hours labor at my pizza job. To see a top act or ball game today, it would take that same worker a week’s salary. Apparently, there are enough people with deep pockets or disposable income that are willing to spend a grand on a single event. I’m not one of them.
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