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Everything posted by YattaOkasan

  1. Tre is a great spider man. Glad they didn’t complicate it with dion. Captain rocket seems a bit better for josh. Overall was pretty good “original” designs. I might need a copy
  2. Shoot that must mean our run defense ranks poorly.
  3. I agree it feels that way too. I think he showed some of the whiffs on tape earlier and now teams have figured out where/when hes good at coming from depth and when he is not. But agree feels like those players are more common. Agree. I think playing nickel will be about personnel and not how much Chicago runs (which is what the poster you replied seemed to imply). If Chicago goes 11, why wouldnt we want Taron out there when a WR has to block him. He is incredibly effective in the run game because of the personnel match up (he even plays against 12). Diggs is a treasure. It was all there to see when he was traded. He stayed at Maryland to keep his brother out of trouble when he couldve gone to a big school; his brother went to Bama. Amazing some of the things that were said about him.
  4. Great analysis. Wonder how it will change with 1 seed being the only team that gets a bye now. That so huge to me. Might affect both the 2 seeds that made the Super bowl. This year I think its even more important because then KC will play Cinci (sorta how Cinci didnt have to play both us and KC). The only other matchup im sorta rooting for in the first round (again dependent on us getting the 1st seed) is chargers versus KC. LA has been really close both games this year and are starting to get healthy (though they would still probably blow it).
  5. Bradshaw is def not worth listening too. His best completion percentage was 62.5%. He doesnt know what it takes to be accurate. His TD % is good at 5.4% (a tick over Josh's career 5.3), but his INT % is putrid at 5.4%. Overall, he has a below average HoF score for someone thats in (from PFR) and his most famous play is a lucky bounce. Combined he played with an all time great defense I think he gets much more respect than he deserves.
  6. I agree the easy shot is to Singeltary on this play. I dont agree that Josh can make this play if he stays in the pocket as Warner says. If he stays in the pocket why is the spy gonna move. I think Josh opens Singeltary up by moving. Overall, agree with your other posts that he does a good job identifying missed opportunities like the McK above. I also liked the end of half play (where he shows the high low that should be thrown) and the strip sack where Beasely is wide open. I wholly disagree with the TD to Knox. That was exactly the right play. The outside guys are playing 3 on 2. He spent some time talking about throwing to those routes when Knox was the right read all day. Additionally, I dont know that Warner is appreciating the disguised coverage that Josh sees (which is weird cause im sure Warner saw it too). I dont think the 40 yarder to Knox was MOFC but rolled into MOFO after the snap. This negates some of his analysis on that play. Overall though I think Warner does a good job finding some of the meat on the bone, but think some of the other posters arent off when they say Warner is overly critical of Josh.
  7. its a saturday game so i think it should be available. theres no other games at this time so I dont think youll get bumped. you may need nfl network though.
  8. I think separation stats would answer this. They are a bit subjective but compare snow games to other games played by the same team that season. That would be a good indication if the offense is getting a separation advantage. I don’t have access to the stats
  9. Unclear. I would also say that being aggressive and making plays is Milanos role so I can live with a higher missed tackle % than Edmunds whos role is to clean things up more. It has just been frustrating when folks have said in the past that Edmunds misses tackles (he is doing his best by the metric this year) more than Milano when thats not really apparent. lol. everyone is negging on our skill players but doesnt realize our offense is outperforming the chargers. I get that they have been banged up, but its illogical to say that Herbert is better than Josh and their skill players are better yet we have better offensive out put. Some cognitive dissonance there
  10. Ive been very ambivalent about potential Hyde return. Obviously want him back on the field but also want him healthy long term. Those things are sorta fighting each other in my head. I think the place I have settled is that would like him to return behind Damar. That way he doesnt have to overplay as Damar is doing well, but if Damar gets nicked up we feel GREAT about our back up. At that point he could take over starter duties again.
  11. I dont know where. He may mention in his podcasts this week (I think it was herd mentality). His acceptable is his feeling. I think it makes sense. 1 in every 5 attempts is a lot of misses (probably 2-3/game for a LB), 1 in every 10 seems more palatable (probably only 1 for a LB). I dont know how they contextualize these things and agree its important. If there are others about to swallow someone up, then a missed tackle doesnt matter as much as a missed one in your gap and theres noone else to clean up or one in the open field without anyone else nearby.
  12. Thanks. I have Damar Hamlin with more by my eye than PFR (5.9%). Apparently PFF (not that they are great) had him at 14 missed tackles through 12 weeks so there is some subjectivity to all this (as I mentioned). Would like to know where Marino got his numbers https://t.co/vNJwxghrtz" / Twitter Tua is listed at PFR as second in intended air yards per target. I dont think its fair to say he throws just short and intermediate (agree on the over the middle). The dolphins run an explosive pass game that wants to stretch you vertically. Working in the middle of the field mitigates this some, but I suspect Frazier is gonna take that away. I think the elements could really affect Tua if hes trying to throw deep and outside. Also Josh struggles in poor weather? Please review the WC game against the Pats and come to the same conclusion
  13. Yes its ~15% for Milano. Joe Marino has 10% as his acceptable level. I think Tremaine was a bit lower than 10%. As a team I dont think we have a good number.
  14. I think there are a few people that track it. For sure its a bit subjective. However, there seems to be good agreement that Milano has an above average missed tackled rate (not good). Hes not the worst. Hamlin is the one I think needs to be better (~20% iirc) for sure. Dane could serve to be better as well, but they have managed Tre having a high missed tackle rate (though he is great in coverage where Dane is not). Poyer is also missing at a higher clip than normal this year, but I forgive him since hes playing through an elbow injury.
  15. Beasley was not a YAC guy with us at the end of his time. Only 3.7 yards per catch is very low. He is a reliable option to catch the ball which is why i want him. Give Josh that security blanket so when he needs a play to go well he can sling one to Beasley with ease. But after the catch I dont expect much from him. footballoutsiders.com/player/39534/cole-beasley Maybe but we were favorites against Mahomes in KC. Bengals are hot but i wouldnt be surprised to see us as favorites
  16. They did! I was so happy when they flexed us a day early. i think they got in from the week away at 7AM yesterday. The 3 road games in a row has been discussed, but I think this is a big factor. Go on the road to "bond" and fall on your face in back to back games. Now you got to come back to your family, get things in order, and prepare for the bills. hoping this really wears on them. https://www.si.com/nfl/dolphins/news/miami-dolphins-ready-for-big-california-trip
  17. He did go to the hospital after the game. so youre right and i can edit to say "why the jets trainers thought he should go to the hospital after the game" rather than "he had to go." Its not a head issue so if he says he wants to play through the pain then noone is negligent. Respect the nit picking, but was there a harder hit on white? really wanna make sure im remember it correctly
  18. Now with your other post I think you need to weigh the risk of punting in that weather. Considering we had one blocked already that game and Josh has been fine on designed roll outs I think the risk of the punt may have been the worry versus the risk of a TO and or them moving the ball on us after the punt (pretty much 0% with our without a TO). Lastly, I dont think McD said everything was fine with the kick after 13 seconds. I though he very quickly said there was a miscommunication on that and he took fault. This play sounded like no miscommunication (the lead up to these two plays was very different, OMG we scored a TD what we do vs we wanna take a shot after we get the ball)
  19. I like alot of your post but youre all over the place here. Why is a sack bad if youre so concerned with stopping the clock? I think thats why the call is great cause josh can run and take care of the ball rather than be in the pocket where fumbles/picks are much more likely. you dont think we should take a kill shot at all fine. McD is on the headset too. McD could stop Dorsey if he disagreed. McD was ok with taking a shot too which is why Dorsey should not and will not be fired (shees). If we wanna go down the rabbit hole of things that could happen (as you did with picks and fumbles and lions and tigers and bears oh my!), then consider we had a punt blocked in that game already. I think the risk of punt block yesterday was greater than the risk of josh not taking care of the ball on a roll out (designed roll outs have not been an issue for TOs). How do you think 46 seconds, 1 TO, and 79 yards could have screwed us in that weather? If they were down a field goal im with you make them get in range without a TO. As it was they took 16 seconds with only 1 attempt going beyond the sticks. They werent gonna be able to get to the endzone if they completed all those and got OB. Again I like a lot of the things you post but I think youre over the top on it. You disagree fine; but pretty obviously McD was fine with the call and it did not "Put his job in jeopardy"
  20. picking a nit. Who hit him harder? That was by far the hardest hit of the game and was probably why he had to go to hospital.
  21. Discussion is giving this thread too much credit. It literally says Dorsey should be fired. Thats not happening. We could be discussing run game or short passing, but the premise that Dorsey should be fired is silly and makes this place hard to swallow. I'm fine with the kill shot. It did NOT totally screw us. Jets got the ball with 46 seconds left to go get a TD. Thats a long shot. ESPN win % had us > 98% after that play. Also he did roll out Jos,h and Josh decided to throw the ball. He gave Josh the option to throw which Im fine with it. I would argue the kill shot on 1st down makes more sense than 3rd down when teams are expecting it more (it is creative at least sheesh). I would like to see the run more but wow this post.
  22. not going through the rest of this thread cause it is depressing but yes i remember a game. Last game against the jets. We schemed John Brown open deep and he couldnt make a play on a slightly underthrown ball that had DPI. Diggs was open across the middle for maybe a TD but Josh missed him on the first drive. Later we got Diggs unguarded in the slot and ran a curl. It got tackled pretty easily, but later in the game we see the whip route from the same formation. Also the Play action pass to Davis that set up first and goal on the second TD was scheming a person open. Thats a lot of schemed open peeps (I think there may have been more). Execution has been a problem. we had what 5 dropped passes. Dorsey hasn't been perfect but hes been fine.
  23. Not sure but it’s a common thing that most teams do. Motion your biggest WR into the box to get another blocker at the expensive of bringing in a CB (maybe). Dorsey has used this to set up for big plays too. See first TD of the year for one
  24. Gabe is known to be a big OBJ fan. I think he would be there no matter what as he has stylized his game after him and idolizes him.
  25. When I see all the coverage from that play last weekend I sorta shrug and think people should see what he did to the Jets at the end of last year. Stiff arming Quinen Williams and then shrugging off his brother to throw to diggs is still the most bonkers play I have ever seen a QB make.
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