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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. I find it absolutely hilarious that this post has turned into a debate about natural medicine vs Western medicine. I have my own opinions on this topic, but don't even have the time to sit down to write it all on this post. I think as with so many debates, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Doctors often do resort to medicine far too quickly, and people are rarely aware of the true side effects. There are many circumstance that alternatives should be used. However, people get sick as well. More so today as people live longer than ever before. Sure some of you here might be "ripped" at the age of 41, and you believe that you owe it all to your natural medicine regiment. The side you fail to see is the possibility that you might just be blessed with good health to begin with. Not everyone has this blessing. Your replay would be that your regiment prevents it, and 90% of people's illness could be prevented with a better lifestyle such as yours. I agree in many cases people's illness could be prevented with a health regiment. The fault is trying to throw out numbers that can't be quantified. Trying to say the majority of illness could be prevented can't be proven. In these cases Western medicine becomes the answer. This debate is far more complicated than just saying Western medicine is bad, or alternative medicine is the sole answer or vice versa. Also just my little belief that Tommy boy uses a little synthetic Western medicine with the way he's playing at 39. Just saying.
  2. I'm sick of this guy. Can't wait until he's out of the league. Continually doing dumb stuff without producing on the field is not a recipe for success.
  3. Exactly like how they portray Southern CA. From the episodes I've seen it's all about country music, and that's it. As other posters have mentioned Nashville is economiclally diverse, and has a lot to offer beyond country music. However, I will say that without Nashville being the home of Country music I find it hard to believe it would be where it's at now. Country music really was the original economic driver for that town. Just like gambling was for Vegas, and now there's a lot more to that city too.
  4. I'm happy we won, a win is a win. We needed this game. For all intents and purposes, our season was over with a loss. Every team wins ugly in this league from time to time. That being said, I'm going to care less about this win if we don't win next week. We really had to have this one, but it's just step one in what needs to be done. Playoff teams have to be able to string victories together. We can't keep up the win one lose one cycle. If we win next week I'll be optimistic.
  5. I've never been the type of Bills fan with constant blinders on, but that's an idiotic remark. Next week's matchup doesn't look too promising for us. We haven't played well of late either. We have shown nothing that indicates we have a chance next week. However, this is the NFL. Anyone can win any given Sunday. Even with the odds stacked against them. Every team plays a clunker every now and again. To call anytning a "lock" in the NFL is crazy.
  6. It always seems to be general knowledge amongst us Bills fans that had we won that game we would have been in the Super Bowl. It makes sense given the fact that the Titans made the Super Bowl, and the AFC was relatively weak. However, no matter how great our D was that year we had Rob freaking Johnson at QB. The Titans had Steve McNair. Although Johnson played competently in Tennessee, does no one remember the horrifying play he was capable of? Maybe it's always been my coping mechanism for the Music City Miracle, but I truly believe it. We worry about our offense going into this game, but I'll take TT over RJ everyday.
  7. So many people thought the Colts were dead when they were 1-2. People must have forgot what division they played in. How I wish we played in a division like that.
  8. One of the worst throws I've ever seen, and decisions. Wow
  9. There a lot of really bad teams with plenty of needs. The fact that no one picked up Brown speak volumes. He's good enough to show flashes of being brilliant, but bad enough to lose games for you.
  10. That sounds about right from my experience living in CNY too. Syracuse is over 2 hours from Buffalo, and for many people with no Buffalo ties that is a really long ways. Many people don't identify with the Bills as being the local team. Others do because the Bills are on TV in Syracuse. However, I think it is just far enough away that a lot of NFL fans just go with the winning teams.
  11. Growing up near Syracuse all I can say is that I personally only knew a few Bills fans. I knew far more Giants fans, and then all the bandwagon fans of other NFL franchises. Syracuse being an NFL town is the most accurate statement in that article. My family is from Buffalo, and I went there quite often which explained my devotion to the team. Even this article claims that the Giants get more mentions on Facebook from Syracuse area people than the Bills do. I think that's a more accurate representation than the poll. I've lived outside of Rochester as well, and until you actually get into Rochester, Bills fans are few and far between as well. Go just a few miles east of Metro Rochester and for the most the only true Bills fans you meet are people who came from Buffalo. No one from Syracuse or CNY without Buffalo roots are going to get attached to this team until they win. For the last 15 years I've been hearing it from Giants,Cowboys,and Patriots fans how my team stinks. That's what you get when you live in CNY. Imo the Buffalo area is the only true Bills country. We have fans other places, but to claim them as Bills country would be false. Russ should worry about winning, then the marketing will follow. In many ways I find Syracuse to be a disappointment, no matter how much marketing is done. Syracuse has been in the Bills television market for as long as I can remember, the Bills are jammed down their throats every week. We haven't been a winning team, hence the lack of fans. Too many bandwagon fans. That's why Jets fans are a rarer breed than Giants fans. Same distance from Syracuse as the author mentions, but the Giants have won Super Bowls. That's how the Syracuse markets works for the most part. Everyone from Syracuse to Buffalo would be onboard if we made a run. Great article, Thanks for posting. Hopefully it is the case now.
  12. My respect level for the NFL=0 I will always be a Bills fan, but I haven't even been watching any other games this year. This league is becoming pathetic in so many ways.
  13. This is my biggest issue as well. It's one thing to miss holding calls, or PI calls because the NFL is hard to call. However, what accounts for the phantom calls? I've never understood what happens on the field after many of the judgement calls. How many times after roughing the passer or unsportsmanlike conduct penalties do the referees huddle up and end up picking up the flag? I've seen this so many times when the roughing or unsportsmanlike conduct was blatant. How does one official see something like this, and another says "I didn't see anything, let's pick it up". Only to have the replay show it should have been a penalty. That just doesn't make sense. These are judgement calls to begin with, how do you throw a flag and get talked out of it? If I were an official and saw what I thought were roughing, I'm going to believe what I saw. There would be no talking me out of it. Everyone should be seeing the same thing on these calls. The only way you could see something different is if you weren't in the proper area of the field to see. It really makes me feel sketchy towards the intentions of the refs.
  14. Even Clay's inability to position himself and fight for the ball on the interception was disappointing to me. That was a big momentum shifting sort of play too.
  15. Agreed, players not liking a coach isn't always a bad thing. I don't think Coughlin or Belichick care too much. No matter how much of a jerk you are, players will like you when they start winning.
  16. I'm feeling the same. The choice of the words "build a bully" while politically incorrect these days, is scary to me for a completely separate reason. Bullies act like idiots (personal fouls) and eventually get beat up by someone bigger than them (The Patriots and the Giants). So far this year Ryan has gone up against two coaches who are better than him. He has lost to both. Just saying.
  17. Yeah I'm amused with the "overreaction" crowd too. The last 15 years we've lost to good and average teams consistently. That's what needs to change to be a true contender. We all thought we'd be that this year. Now we're concerned because ugly trends are showing their face again.
  18. Marrone takes a lot of heat around here. So I'm almost afraid to even say I might take Marrone over Rex too. People like to marginalize his coaching ability because he betrayed us. That being said, forget about Marrone because he did quit on us. So you can't really say we'd take Marrone over Rex because he did quit on us.
  19. Couldn't agree more. With backs you're lucky to get 5 years out of them before they start to break down. It's McCoy's seventh season in the league. That's old for a running back these days. That's why people don't trade for running backs. I posted the same sentiment on today's game day post, and was accused of being an "armchair doctor" but every football fan knows this about running backs. Sure we all know Shady is talented, and we've seen glimpses this year. However, health becomes a concern with mileage like McCoy has. If he can't play, it doesn't matter how explosive he is. As a side note, we can talk about Shady and Sammy all day but I'm most disappointed in our defense. Rex Is a defensive coach and we all thought we'd be an elite defense this year. It looks like we may have been better last year.
  20. It's almost like we're becoming the Raiders
  21. Exactly those aren't usually the numbers of a playoff team.
  22. Don't worry, listening to the Bills radio network post game show the clowns whose names I won't mention said winning at home isn't important. All wins count the same.
  23. I will concede the fact that you may be right, but there are a lot of "what ifs" in play there. I was thinking more along the lines that we played terrible, and Carpenter was one of many players that failed at doing their job today. It's unfair to pin today's loss on Carpenter.
  24. To an extent I believe that we do lack leadership. Can anyone really name our leaders? These kind of dumb penalties don't consistently happen with soild leadership. However, you need leaders on both sides of the ball. Freddy showed quality leadership skills throughout his time here on the offensive side of the ball. However, I don't think Freddy standing on the sideline would help settle down guys like Aaron Williams and Jerry Hughes. We need a leader on defense.
  25. Usually I get very reactionary after losses, and I agree there is a good chance that Rex may cut him. This time I don't want to rush to judgements due to a loss though. He was already in Rex's doghouse during the preseason. However, as previous posters have mentioned who do sign then? It was a bad miss, and he's already missed a pat this year. I do hate to wait until we lose a game due to special teams, but he is certainly not the sole reason we lost today. I don't think it was the kind of horrible day that causes kickers to lose their job. At least it shouldn't be.
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