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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. I agree with everyone that says there has always been manufactured acts without talent. However I think country music used to be different. Pop and rock music always had a superficial surface. Just look at McCartney signing Hey Jude at a royal proceeding and you'll know what I mean. Rock and pop is filled with boy bands and superficial stuff since the beginning. As much as I love rock music there have always been acts that showed no dignity. Country used to be different. I didn't get into country music until about five years ago, and the country music that I discovered was the classic stuff. I always thought I hated country music because as a child of the 90s all I knew was today's modern country garbage. Real music fans are so turned off by today's country because it used to be the last real American Art form. Although not completely true it once seemed removed from corporate agendas. If you lived in rural West Virginia your favorite singer might even show up at your local country fair. Country acts used to play everywhere. Now they play the summer shed circuit at places like DL in suburban areas for soccer moms. Country singers also had a certain level of " street cred" they lived a crazy life and sang about it. Today's guys are a bunch of former frat boys that think doing a keg stand is wild. Just pretty boys picked by record execs to sell records. Classic country guys like Merle Haggard and David Allan Coe have legit claims. No one cared how attractive the classic acts were, it was all about music and story telling. Rock music always had the pretty boy element while country didn't. Basically country has been ruined by becoming more like pop. So those of you who say it's always been that way, you're right. However, country used to be different. Tom Petty said something recently that "today's country is like bad 70s Rock with a fiddle" I thought that was the perfect analogy.
  2. It is very concerning to think that the structure of contracts could make a player want to lose. However, I think guys like Ross Tucker speak a lot to the culture of this team during the 00's. For some reason I just don't see too many guys having that type of attitude with Rex as coach. Ross was the journeyman type player that Donahoe seemed to love signing. The kind of guy that bounces from team to team with a less than stellar track record. Maybe that lack of competive fire is the reason he never stuck anywhere. Im not naive enough to think that there isn't a player on every team that doesn't care about winning, but when I look at this years roster I think we have more guys that do care about winning than maybe past years. As much as we all can't stand him I doubt Tom Brady would ever make a statement like that. True champions always want to win. That comment puts Tucker on my list all time least favorite Bills. Made me thinks that with the exception of Mormon and Moulds the 00's didn't have many likable players here.
  3. The thing that some people are missing is that Fred Jackson is still the second best running back on our roster right now. Why cut your 2nd best option? Sure, he is on the downside of his career. However, he showed that he can still play last season. He may hit the wall at any point, and no longer be productive but guys at the level of Bryce Brown or Bilal Powell can be picked up at any the time. Fred has shown to be far more productive than either one, so why get rid of him for guys like that? I feel like I'm one of the few people on this board who isn't in love Doug Whaley. We all know Whaley loves Bryce Brown since no one else would have made that trade in the entire league. If this happens I might begin to be more vocal with my concerns about his ability to construct a winning team. It would be extra painful when we see Fred take on a big role in expanding the Patriots offense, but he wasn't good enough to play with Dougie and Matt Casell.
  4. I say sign him. At least we know he wouldn't get himself in trouble spiking the drinks of Buffalo women.
  5. Agreed. No one including myself wants to see EJ fail. We have invested too much, and he is our best hope to win soon if he can step his game up. However, I have grown skeptical about giving young QBs a lot of patience. All the younger successful QBs today have shown at least flashes of brilliance within their first two years in the league. I was someone who adovocated for giving JP Losman and Trent Edwards time to prove they can play in the NFL. Now in hindsight I think giving them too much time set back the franchise when we could have been drafting QB's. I'd hate to see that happen again, just because we spent a first round pick on Manuel.
  6. You're point is fair enough. I just remembered watching a lot of Eagles games for some reason during Browns rookie year in 2012 when he had 4 fumbles on 115 carries. That season it was definitely an issue. Being that he only carried the ball 36 times this season, I don't think any of us can definitively say if he has fumbling problem or not. I am just leery of looking at him as a feature back considering this history.
  7. I hope I'm wrong because I want EJ and this team to succeed. However, accuracy cannot be taught. Personally I'm not extremely impressed with Carr either, but he has shown the ability to make legit NFL throws, and be accurate. That's why people view Carr differently than Manuel. Has everyone forgotten how close Manuel came to killing our recievers before he was benched? His shining moment was the game winning drive against Carolina his rookie year. That drive was all check downs, and the brillance of Fred Jackson.
  8. Maybe we can acquire him via a trade for a Kiko Alonso jersey.
  9. That sounds about right to me as well. Although we all know that teams are so desperate for QB's that a couple of them will jump into the earlier rounds. I see a lot of Bryce Petty love around here. I think Petty = system QB. I recall the Cotton Bowl announcers mentioning he isn't required to make the sort of reads and decisions that NFL QB's are. He reminds me of all the Texas Tech Quarterbacks that put up huge numbers under Mike Leach. I'd rather have a guy who played in a pro system, and not an Xbox style offense that puts up 70 points a game. We all know that doesn't happen in the pros. How will Petty react to struggling in the pros when it doesn't come so easy ? That being said my favorite QB is Mannion.
  10. It may be true that no coach has coached two teams to Super Bowl victories, but I couldn't disagree more. First of all you cannot use the failures of former coaches as GM's for an example. Coaching and management are two completely separate positions. Parcells only won a Super Bowl with the Giants, but brought the Patriots to one, and was successful with the Jets and Cowboys as well. Gibbs second stint with the Redskins was much maligned, but he did bring them to the playoffs twice. He also won a playoff game during his second stint. Shannahan was also highly critized with the Redskins during his time there. Shannhan made a playoff appearance with RG3 as his starting quarterback. In hindsight that looks like quite the feat. My point is that while "legendary" coaches aren't always as successful the second time around, they have still typically had moderate success. I think that our greatest wish at this time as Bills fans is to see our team in the playoffs. There is no reason why we should think Cowher couldn't do it. Like the coaches I mentioned above, he might not reach his former glory. However, if he could do what the rest of them did their second time around we would be happy as Bills fans.
  11. Now that you mention it, so am I. SinceFrancesa is known as the sports Pope, New York sports could have a Pope and a Saint.
  12. In defense of the QBR metric all of those future hall of fame QB's played quite poorly this week. Hence Orton having a better QBR than those guys. He was a beast during garbage time this week.
  13. We need a new regime if that's the case. What we saw from Orton this year is reflective of his entire career, we should definitely know what we have by now. Even if he were to play lights out again the Patsies, it doesn't change who he is from his overall body of work. I think Marrone just views him as his best chance to win, and hopes a big win in New England will help his job security.
  14. Just curious how you think has Marrone been responsible for Freds ability to defy age? If he is then Doug Marrone is the man many people in the world have been searching. He holds the secret of anti-aging.
  15. I love how every Marshawn Lynch debate ends up being about the kind of guy he is, and not the player that he is. Sure he made mistakes here, but let's be realistic. This is the NFL not a church football league. There are a lot of good guys, but there are also a lot of guys doing questionable things, and many times we don't even know about it if no arrest is made. I just enjoy rooting for my team and watching football. I don't need to live in some fantasy world that I'm rooting for a bunch of perfect men. I don't think 90s Cowboys fans cared too much when they brought the Lombardi trophy back home. Football is just entertainment, our entertainers can be flawed humans too. That's why I view it from a purely football perspective. The Lynch trade set us back no question. For a while it seemed we made a habit of letting productive players go. Only to create a hole at their position, when we needed help in other areas too. The Levy/Nix area was great at that, and we still are paying the price.
  16. Jay Cutler Brian Hoyer RG3 Colt McCoy and everyone else associated with the Redskins
  17. Never attended a game in Detroit, but I'm suprised it ranked that high on the crowd noise list. I know being a dome helps, but that seems like one of the quietest stadiums on television. At least when the Lions play, the Bills Jets game seemed louder than most Lions games.
  18. That would be correct about Gabbert. However, I noticed that the poster used the current conference for the teams that QB's played on, and not the conference the team was in when the QB was in school. There are a lot of guys on the list that played before a lot of the realignment began. Ex. No Big East conference is listed although when several of the QBs played they were in the Big East.
  19. We have a super talented defense that has allowed us to win eight games. An offensive that can do nothing, and likely cost us the playoffs this year. Marrone was supposed to be an offensive coach, and shows no aptitude in that area. If anyone should be given coach of the year it would be Jim Schwartz. Polian was a great GM, but once these guys get on TV it doesn't always mean what comes out of there mouth makes any sense.
  20. I was trying to figure out if there is any correlation between college conference and quarterback success in the NFL. However, it seems every conference has produced some good ones, and some not so great. Interesting list nonetheless. Also Jason Campbell played college ball at Auburn, so he can be placed with the SEC QB's, and Tavaris Jackson played for Alabama State in the SWAC.
  21. Statistical arguments aside, I'm amazed that Pettine was apparently unaware of the madness he was about to unleash by putting Manziel out there against us. With the Tebow like fanfare and media attention that follows Manziel, it puts Hoyer in a terrible spot. Whether or not Hoyer gives the Browns the best chance to win become irrelevant once JF was put in the game. Pettine says Hoyer is his guy, but all he did was increase the pressure on his starting QB. I'm not really certain who I would say the Browns starter should be. I just saw the Manziel move Sunday as one with no turning back. I think in the end its going to look like Pettine handled the situation poorly.
  22. Not at all. Goodwin would have never been as inspiring in practice as he was in the snow.
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