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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. I'm already worried this is going to be one of those ugly Thursday night games. Also I see our friend Ronald Torbert is the Ref. This has all the signs of being awful.
  2. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/13717171/buffalo-bills-guard-richie-incognito-says-return-miami-little-more-meaning I'm glad someone's letting their play do the talking. Especially considering that Incognito is talking a bit too. I really hope Rex doesn't create a sideshow by naming Incognito and Clay captains as well. Sounds like Incognito might be. Lets just win games before we start trolling people.
  3. We traded the universe to get Sammy, and Woods can be a reliable number 2. The balls that are going to Harvin could be Sammy's. Also if Harvin plays an entire season I'd be shocked. Karlos Williams looks like a soild back, and who knows if we'll ever see the old shady. Running backs aren't valued high in the league anymore, unless your name is Doug Whaley. Charles Clay is a nice addition, but I like Gray a lot. No question we over paid for Clay. The strength of this team was supposed to be our D. I think the Ryan system will really struggle without shutdown corners. Sorry but Gilmore is not a shutdown corner, and Darby is still young. I really believe this defense would have been elite with Revis in the secondary. We were supposed to be relying on our defense this year anyway. We don't even know what we have at QB yet. All the weapons in the world won't make a difference without QB play.
  4. This post is just making think I would have gladly taken Revis over Clay, Harvin, and McCoy. I know it sounds extreme, but I think he's that much of a difference maker.
  5. I honestly read this when quickly glancing as saying Boobie kicked Gronkowski's balls.
  6. So is Aaron Rodgers, and we did an amazing job shuting him down last year. That's why I think everyone excepted so much more from this game. I knew the Pats * were going to put up some points, but not that many. Today ranks up there with our all time worst defensive performances.
  7. I think it's safe to say this defense isn't "all time great" like all the talk we've heard around here. All time greats don't get pushed around like that by anyone. However, only time will tell how good this D really is. I don't think we should overreact to this game, or the Colts win. We don't know what the Colts are yet. We know the Pats* are always elite, but Indy has a lot of question marks. Let's wait and see how we look against the fish. Then I'll have a good idea what I think.
  8. I don't like this post, I'm having visions of Haynesworth. I know it's too soon. Just hope we don't see a different player now. It's happened time and time again.
  9. All I will say is 9 times out of 10 Sammy would have made that play at Clemson. That's exactly why we traded our lives away for him. The only issue is that this is the NFL, not college. The footsteps come at you a lot louder. He's no longer a man amongst boys.
  10. I've seen bad high school teams play less sloppy games.
  11. I'm so glad we didn't go after Alex Smith. He's like a more successful (win wise) Captain Checkdown.
  12. Naked boot, what a stupid call with Manning at QB.
  13. He's getting into a groove now that they're letting him sling it around from the shotgun. I think Manning really needs to get into that groove to play well. He always relied on getting the D on their toes, and then hitting the gas.
  14. I think he is done though, if Kubiak doesn't let him run his offense.
  15. If I were Peyton I would have retired or demanded a trade if I wouldn't have been able to run the offense that I have my entire career. Everyone wants to say he's done, but it's crazy to learn a new offense at 39.
  16. I agree, the only thing left to worry about is Marsha and the Hoodie finding new ways to cheat.
  17. Exactly, and Kubiak is going to get a free pass this year because all the talk will focus on the "decline of Manning"
  18. I'm really tempted to turn the channel. This is getting more awful by the moment.
  19. Put Manning in the shotgun, and let him throw quick developing short passes. Instead Kubiak somehow thinks he has the credentials to dictate the offense over Manning.
  20. People need to quit throwing Manning under the bus. This offense reminds me of Nate Hacketts. Not playing to Mannings strong suits at all.
  21. How in the world did the Refs all miss that fumble? It wasn't even close
  22. Yeah, Manning might in the twilight of his career and on the decline. However, this Broncos O line might be the worst he's ever played behind.
  23. Good point about the defense, I think we all need to see a larger sample size from Manning this season before we rush to judgements. Although we might have plenty of evidence to support his decline. You never know until you see him play enough. Last year was last year, this one might be different. As far as Flacco goes I don't attribute too much to Denver's defense, though they do have talent. I think this could be a brutal year for Flacco. Steve Smith ( in his final NFL season) Kamar Aiken, and Marlon Brown. I think that says it all.
  24. I can't help but get the feeling that one day this whole Chip Kelly experience in Philly is going to end real ugly.
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