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Everything posted by Augie

  1. I was born a couple weeks before the Bills came out of the ground. One of my early childhood memory was the day the season tickets arrived and we fought at the dinner table over who would get to go see the Raiders game that season. My dad relented and increased to four seats for the next season. That is a strangely vivid memory for me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope the 64th is a special year for our team!
  2. It is labeled on the drawings as the “Aquatic Urinal”. Fine print, easy to miss. 😋
  3. I don’t know why that is so hard, but WNY interiors do not always look…..current? Is that the right word?
  4. That was the closest to me, and may well have been the only one at the time in the 70’s. We would go there for pitchers of beer when I was 16-17ish but I was the young one in the crowd so nobody blinked. When I was back a few years ago I tried to get in and it was packed! Huge crowd outside waiting, but I went to look for a single seat at the bar. (I hate to take a table as a single.) It was so packed inside I didn’t even notice a bar! Do they have one? Is it small? I was always at a table and don’t remember. 🤷‍♂️
  5. Probably a well below average day for her husband, too.
  6. I used to go to Duff’s for the beer (when I was 16). Looks like I’m not alone? “Pre-gaming indeed! I’ve tried going to Duffs when I go back, but I can never get in without a ridiculous wait. I have always been able to get into the Anchor Bar. Duff’s get my vote if only because it was closer to home. To be fair, I have told people going to Buffalo there is a lively debate among locals about who has “the best”, but Anchor Bar is generally acknowledged as “the first.” Having said that the show The Foods That Built America (History Channel?) had some guy who lived by the Rockpile selling them at his place and in the stadium. I don’t think the flats and drums were split, but they were served in a hot sauce if my memory is correct. That was new to me. .
  7. We just sat in the stands and followed where Elam lined up, because THAT is where the ball was going. It must be a lousy feeling being picked on and letting your team down play after play.
  8. Bills favored by 8.5 points. Again. That did not go well last week.
  9. Please just do NOT tip what we are planning with personnel or formation. Without naming names, it seems we rarely surprise anyone. .
  10. I lived in a place with townhouses and garden apartments. The townhouses were great, but the garden apartments were two stories with four units per floor. Ring all four upstairs bells, then all four downstairs and you are in and out better than any of the Ocean’s movies! 😋
  11. Buy it the day after for nothing. The candy and the kids won’t know the difference. As a kid we were more into how may pounds we could collect.
  12. Is anyone else in WITSEC? Wait! Don’t answer that! Unless it’s a really interesting story. We’d love a great story.
  13. We went to a wedding in rural Georgia this summer where the Bride’s father and friends had a serious tailgate going prior to the service. He wore his best suspenders. They left their chainsaws at home I believe. They were not Mennonite. .
  14. Looking at the schedule, the Bills only have one more 1:00 PM game (on New Years Eve vs Cheats*) and a TDB vs the Dolphins week 18. That seems odd for having so many weeks remaining. I hope we are good prime time entertainment, as opposed to what we’ve seen lately.
  15. Well, apparently I’m missing something more obvious than I thought! 🤷‍♂️
  16. I suspect you are correct. 😋
  17. I must say, I think my weight loss had a lot to do with my reduction in snoring. There are obviously a lot of variables, but I think that was a biggie. It wasn’t a ton of weight, maybe 10 pounds, but it seemed to make a difference. .
  18. Chili is one of the best Fall weather foods on the planet! I’m a bit particular as my time in Cincinnati taught me what nasty chili tastes like! Is there a Sunday game coming up that may not be available on regular TV? Despite my current disenchantment with the NFL, I still love the Bills and our fans. Is there a good date to have a game day at our place? Chili, beef on weck, grill up some wings, etc. I haven’t looked ahead at the schedule for a date, but maybe you, @Royale with Cheese, @DrDawkinstein, @SoMAnor some others might have a suggestions? That might be a nice change of pace? 🤷‍♂️ Local ATL folks can feel free to DM me if interested in putting something together. I like Whitehall, but it can be a bit much sometimes. I go there once a year at most. .
  19. That wasn’t the question. He asked if there was any explanation as to why the flag was picked up. Not throwing a flag or missing a call is one thing. Throwing a flag, then picking it up when it appears to have been justified deserves an explanation. It’s not just that “our team,” got he short end on this one, I think some explanation was warranted. Maybe I missed it? 🤷‍♂️
  20. I’m sorry that happened. The cat will be fine after a bit. Maybe this is a lesson that will help strengthen the med regimen. That would be a good thing in the long run. Get your rest, stay on the meds and feel better tomorrow.
  21. I wanted to, but it just failed me. You did a much better job than I would have. 😂
  22. We have a great opportunity here. Has anybody UN-RETIRED at half time? This could be ground breaking!
  23. Get well and come back healthy. I appreciate trying to push thru it.
  24. The box score surprised me a bit. Gabe Davis had one catch on 5 targets for 6 yards. Shakir was 4 for 4 and 35 yards, while Kincaid was 8 for 8 for 75 yards. Cook was 3 for 3 for 46 yards. Diggs was 6 for 12 and Knox was 1 for 3. I know it’s not as simple as looking at a box score, but it helps me see what was happening. You tell me what we might want to try more of. I’m fond of the stuff that’s working, myself.
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