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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. meh, watson was bumping refs and having a pissing match bc he was getting wrecked, and yanking defenders around by their facemask.... if hes too high profile to be ejected, for these bigger issues, squeaky clean (actual) superstar josh is certainly fine. lets not install the QB Vigilante Justice into our weekly gameplan, but these types of intangibles make him great, and has his teammates willing to die for the dude. it elevates everyone around him
  2. i have no clue the context of this, and i dont want to know because its extra hilarious this way!
  3. THIS IS AN AMAZING POST (that will only be read by ppl who dont need to hear it)! glad to hear other ppl out here coaching to try and fix the insulin resistance first and foremost. its easy to spot the types struggling with it visually.... classic skinny all over guy, huge rounded meatball belly... and for those unsure im not being mean here, when you see this body type i can instantly tell the bulk of the food types youre eating, and the fairly simple fix. want to lose weight but scared of starving? stop buying food "products", if its in a box or package, its a no. fruit, veggies, meat, you can basically go ham eat as much as you want and stay under macros...... its impossibly hard to over eat on REAL foods, even if you tried your hardest (ask a bodybuilder) very simple switch to get going without having to count/calculate, check lists or nutrition labels. eventually you might hit a wall and need to evolve, but so many ppl have analysis paralysis and never start. literally the easiest way possible to get rolling!!!!!!!!
  4. 90% chance hes cooked, but hes a freak. small chance hes been healing like wolverine, and has gas in the tank.... but doubt it. my fav non-Bill of all time
  5. Moved to NC few years back and its totally different here. I call it voluntary segregation up there. I wont pretend to know that about areas people live, but voluntary social segregation is very fitting. Its just so rare. i love it down in my state, at least socially, it never feels like that to me
  6. sounds like a good game plan by the police really. listen, i have fun memories of lynch as a seahawk, i can seperate the art from artist.... but dont let his silly goofy stick fool you. he strong armed $20 from some chick at an Applebees (think he slapped her? dont quote me), who ended up being a relative to cops. Walked out on Bills. brought his own mini bottles places. anybody in NY will tell you the city you're driving in with expired registration/inspection, is going to pull you over, and farm you for $$, no matter who you are. now go drive around drunk on chippewa with a gun and weed, run over some chick... STOP BEING STUPID! i am not a rule follower, especially trivial ones that hurt nobody else, and effect me, i wont do em. i get it marshawn, you can do that and also not be a scumbag, but non-aggression pact is the only way. this dude racked up MVP's in the Tread On Innocents League, his entireeeeeeeeeeeee time here. i like the guy still even, he grew up some, it happens. its pretty crappy to be a well off black dude in America, yelling racism, when you're really just being a dumb ass. I dont condone cops harassing black people for driving, but to be a high profile black man, doing the type of things that causes more black people to be stopped and harrassed, while crying about it......... its hypocritical, and a disservice to the black people hes supposedly "standing up for." go be a good example.... or hell, just go NOT be a bad example.
  7. This you misread my post because that's exactly what I, atleast meant, to imply. Do that s*** in private. I just don't think there's a need to dress a guy down in public, great way to lose a player.... not to mention I think it's more effective to handle it calmly, with the player knowing and thinking about having to go to principals office back behind closed doors. Also gives emotions a chance to cool down, where real listening can happen
  8. I wouldn't let his calm demeanor fool you. Mcd is a type a, microdetail oriented perfectionist in character. I think he's a good man but professionally if he thinks someone isn't giving enough, or is cutting against the grain, I have no doubt he will bring the hounds of hell upon you lollllllll He has major dad vibes. When he's on camera I sit up straight in my chair, close my mouth and listen 😅😂 Could be me but his type scares me more than the blowhard always yelling types. Nobody wants to let dad down. Nobody gives a **** about the step-dad always yelling
  9. He is.... in RB years But for real I think he was a rookie or year 2 at latest the year we broke the drought and Saint Doug evicted us from playoffs
  10. lol! ill say this. sometimes this can lead to bad blood, and sometimes it can lead to being homies that are close quickly.... theyre the same guy,same fire, same conviction to protect teammates, just on the opposite sides. can mean instant mutual respect. could also lead to fist fight at practice #1 do rob ray and tye domi hate each other? they fist fought what? 50 times! lol rob ray and matt barnaby fought on the ice, theyd had dinner at robs the night before, and barnabys wife at the time STAYED THE NIGHT AT THE RAY'S HOME! LOL ever had an akward morning after a 1 night stand? imagine Mrs. Ray and Barnaby waking up the next morning haha that said, could be cool, fournette is a younger murray and older harris. makes sense
  11. Anybody else notice Josh looking pretty teary eyed after the game..... no excuses, however, these dudes absolutely have some lingering ptsd. id bet the ambulance put a lot of these guys right back to where they were in Cinci I do not think josh was teary eyed over an ugly win
  12. Not looking for discussion really. Blind stat sheet. Davis and Beasley, all we can see is both had a 50 yard game. Which is more impactful? Bump lol
  13. He would have the same stats as a #3 as a #2. He can still start on the outside and be a #3. We need someone catching more balls than him. He could easily do all this and maybe more as a #3.... its not like his targets would go down, hes not a reliable option play to play
  14. 2-3 per game is not enough for a #2. simple i dont understand how anyone could have seen this team, and 2020s team, and not understand why this is killing us
  15. Unacceptable stat lines. He has played better at times, but its not enough. # unacceptable games. If this were in a vacuum, maybe this is OK, but its a continuation of what hes showed his entire career. Put it this way.... Cole Beasley 50yards or Gabe Davis 50 yards.... same numbers..... which one of the two would be more impactful? Theyre the same number, yet 90% of the board would know which one would be more impactful. Yet every WR is subject to the same variable
  16. This really isnt complicated. Were not breaking down the nuance of Y-Banana Split 2 Zebra Cake... you need to have 2nd mopst targets, catches, yards and help move the chains. When you can reliably move the chains your offense can stay on the field and start to get in a rhythm. Getting 1st downs is the most basic fundamental goal of an offense. Field position, time of possession, keep the defense fresh, wear their defense out, incorporate more plays/looks which makes defenses have to think more than react.... when you go 3 and out none of that happens. Getting a first down does so much more than just "move 10yards"
  17. i literally cant believe im still reading this, this isnt complicated. a #2 can consistently get open, have 5+ catches that helps keep defenses honest and MOVE THE FREAKING CHAINS. gabe does not help us sustain drives. he has the occasional random intermediate catch for 20yards, and then his night is done. #1 & #2 should be the pillars, having several catches, moving the chains, and help open things up for one another. #1 & #2 should be release valves to help a QB get in a rhythm and allow the QB to neutralize a pass rush.... if ones not open, the other almost always is bUt GaBe iS oN pAcE fOr 1k yArDs...... 50% of games he disappears, he does NONE OF THIS ^^^^. no offense, but just looking at his season stats as a whole is a completely simpleton way of looking at a player. are you intentionally ignoring your eyes?! were you pretty happy with a #2 having 3 catches, 21yards, and a fumble
  18. If the team pays any attention at all to fan expectations, they're in the wrong. Good teams keep the blinders on to fan criticism and praise. I believe we do that, but who knows.
  19. sounds like it was windy and wet there, i cant confirm, but sounds like he just didnt have it in warmups
  20. Pipe dream and i know it aint happening, especially in the time frame im looking for..... but mike mcdaniel gets fired and comes here for OC ****WHOS AN UP AND COMING UNDER SHANAHAN OR MCVAY? I WOULD GIVE SERIOUS LOOK THAT WAY UNLESS SOME PROVEN STUD OC FREES UP AND WANTS TO COME HERE****
  21. Yeah idgaf about arm forward if its underhand, that's a pitch and a fumble to me
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