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Everything posted by sven233

  1. Diggs caught that ball, but that was PI all day that wasn't called. There have now been 2 blatant PIs on the Dolphins that weren't called. And Miami has gotten away with some obvious holding on offense as well. These refs are living up to their reputation they had coming into this game. We are moving the ball and making big plays. If we stop shooting ourselves in the foot, I think we will be OK, but these refs might be the X factor we need to overcome.
  2. They need to run Allen a bit on this drive. He needs to get into a rhythm.
  3. What the hell is Poyer doing there? Putt Rapp in there. Poyer has been a major liability the entire game so far.
  4. Dude.....it's 3rd and 14. You know where the ball is going. You don't play zone on that guy in that situation!
  5. Allen had the edge to run for the 1st there. Would have been tight, but I think he would have made it. He's too amped up. Tell him to put some headphones on and listen to that James Cook interview. That will wind him down a bit.
  6. Poyer so slow to react there........
  7. That pick hurts, but the refs took 7 off the board there. Inexcusable not to call PI there.
  8. Not gonna lie......it feels so much better going into this game knowing that no matter what happens, there will be Bills football next week. Going into the Playoffs, there is only 1 team I fear.......the Buffalo Bills. I worry much more about beating ourselves in football games than what the opposition does to us. Sure, anyone can beat us, but there is no team in this league that I feel definitely outclasses us. If we play our best, I think we can beat anyone. To win a Super Bowl, we're going to have to beat good teams. That said, not having the pressure of just getting in the tournament is a bit of a relief as a fan. I don't know how much it would impact the players, but as a fan, it will be easier to watch this game tonight knowing we're in the tournament. But man.....I really want to beat the tar out of the Dolphins tonight. Their 6 fans are miserable to listen to and a fish fry is exactly what I want for dinner tonight. GO BILLS!
  9. It's one of the things I hate most about the Playoff setup the NFL has. Teams with worse records get in before teams with better records every year. The Playoffs are supposed to be the best teams facing each other for the right to win a Championship, but every season, there are superior teams sitting home while worse teams are playing because they can win a crappy division or whatever at 8-9 while a team with a better record in a better division has to watch from home. In no scenario should a team either be the 2nd best team in the conference or completely out of the Playoffs, but alas, that's what we're faced with tonight. Just have to find a way to win no matter what it looks like.
  10. Unfortunately, the Titans punter can't catch the ball apparently and literally handed the Jags 3 points before the half. 21-13. The thing is, the Titans could be up 21 points and I still wouldn't feel like they were going to win. I would be shocked if they hold on in the 2nd half, but it is what it is. We just need to win tonight.
  11. This entire season has felt strange from the very start. Going into it, I was excited because, in my eyes, on paper this was the most talented roster from top to bottom that we have had since McDermott got here. Granted, there were some injuries that were going to linger coming into the season with Von and others and we didn't have a clue as to what we were going to get out of Tre. There of course were questions about Dorsey and the offense, the Diggs situation, and we didn't know how all of this stuff with Hamlin was going to be handled, etc. But, overall, there was a lot to look forward to. Then the season started and we came out completely flat. I mean, the first half against the Jets we were sluggish and it was obvious from the start that they were fully intent on neutering Allen and taking away the thing that makes him special......his legs and the ability to make plays outside of structure. They refused to run him in obvious situations that called for it. Heck, even the QB sneak seemed to be a last resort. But they had the lead at halftime and, as ugly as it was, it should have been a game that was put away easily given everything that happened in that game. But alas, this was one of many that were given away for no good reason. The next few weeks were a little better for sure. Big wins and shocking wins as well. But it soon became obvious that Dorsey was just in over his head. There was no creativity. No motion. No eye candy. No Allen runs. Virtually all shotgun, even at the goal line. It was mesh concept after mesh concept. It was a sprint draw over and over again in the running game. It literally looked like there were 7-10 plays in the entire playbook and teams caught on very quickly. Time management was (and unfortunately still is) a major problem for McDermott. Wasting time outs and still playing the softest zone imaginable in critical situations lead us to more losses that we should have never taken. Couple that with not being able to count how many players are on the field with the game on the line of course came back to bite us. Then, of course the London game happens and there were many reasons to think the season was pretty much over for all intents and purposes. And yet, here we are. After all this still with everything we want in front of us if we can find a way to just keep winning games. It's odd......where as the last few years there have been several games you could point to and say that we probably couldn't have played much better than we did in those games, I find myself thinking that I am not sure that has really happened this season. Sure, we had a couple of big wins this year. One was even against this Dolphins team we are getting ready to play tonight. But I still am not sure we have played one of those games where it just looked like everything worked. Where the passing game, the running game, and the defense and special teams all played to their potential. Look, I never go into a game expecting perfection. That really doesn't happen in the NFL (the NE* Playoff game aside), but you just know when watching a dominant game that when it's over, you just say.....yeah...that's what we would love it to look like all the time. We have been in Playoff mode for almost 2 months now. The way things have shaken out since we were 6-6 have made it very obvious that if we would have even dropped one more game than we did along the way, today's game would have been meaningless, the season would be considered a failure and a completely wasted one at that, and we would be already looking forward to the draft. That said, we're here. We have a chance to right all the wrongs and forget about all the negative stuff that happened this season with a win tonight. We still have a chance to search for that dominant 3-phase win. We can still find our best football ahead of us. I want this team to embrace this and leave it all out there tonight. This season hasn't been a great one yet. But it still has a chance to be the best season in franchise history with 5 more wins. So, let's go get one of those wins tonight and get in the tournament because once you get in, anything can happen. GO BILLS!!!!
  12. I don't know if there is a way for us to get in along with the Steelers, but if there is, and the Steelers see the Ravens in the 2nd round, I hope the Steelers take them out just for the Ravens laying down and letting them in.
  13. Yup.......crap team that we may be watching in the Playoffs if we don't do our job tomorrow.
  14. No.....If the Jags win, and we lose.....we're screwed. We either need a Jags loss or we need to win. That's it. Only 2 ways we get in (unless there is a strange tie tonight.).
  15. Placed a good bet on the Steelers and Jags moneylines in a parlay. That way, if both those games don't go our way, I at least get something out of it! That said, I hope I lose my money!
  16. Put it this way......I am more worried about this team beating itself like they always seem to do in the Playoffs in some way, shape, or form than I am about a team just beating us because they are superior. Yes, the Ravens are playing great. But am I afraid that they are so good they will just run through us? No. I am more worried about McDermott wasting TOs or challenging stupid plays, or not going for it at the right times than I am of another team just beating us because they are that mich better. I am more worried about our offense not being able to move the ball because they can never scheme open their best WR or run it from the shotgun with Murray right into a lineman's back on 4th and 1 and not just using the tush push. I am worried that Allen might just have one of those days like he had Sunday where the ball just doesn't come out of his hand right and he just misses guys that are open. I am worried about taking the lead with a minute left and the defense not being able to close the game when needed the most. So, all that said, I am more worried about us and what we do than other teams just flat out outplaying us. Of course that could happen, but it's not what I am focused on or worried about the most.
  17. Who cares about the Pro Bowl? Josh surely doesn't. He'll either be getting ready for the Super Bowl or playing golf at the AT&T Pro Am as he's done every year. Josh doesn't give two craps about making the Pro Bowl.
  18. What I want to know is what happened to getting Cook the ball in the passing game. Our best offensive games since Brady took over was when Cook was getting the ball in the air. The last 2 games? Nothing.....nadda. They need to start utilizing him again. I know they tried to hit him on a wheel this week, and I actually think it was there if Josh had waited an extra beat to throw it, but I'm talking about the swings that were leveraging his speed to the sidelines, the play action fake then throw to him over the middle, etc. All of that seems to have disappeared in the last couple weeks. I think this would help drag some attention away from Diggs and maybe allow us to get him involved more. There is a lot more to say about Diggs and his "usage" but I don't want to get sidetracked here. But getting Cook back involved, especially against slower LBs, should be a priority.
  19. Fact is, on the play sheet, the only play under the 3rd or 4th and 1 or less section should be the tush push. That's it. One play. No need to overthink anything. It is a dominant play that will probably work AT LEAST 90% of the time. If a team stops you on 4th down doing it, you tip your cap, say nice play, and then do it again the next time you get in that situation because it is going to work, especially with a horse like Allen running it. If it's 3rd and 1, then you run it and if they stop you, you run it again. There is no way any team is stopping Josh Allen twice in a row on that play back to back times. Not happening. I don't care where you are on the field, just run the play. I promise you we will extend drives and it will look easy instead of watching Murray run directly into the backs of our lineman who get no push on traditional running plays in short yardage.
  20. I know he got banged up on his last play, but Allen needs to run in this game and he needs to do it early. When I have seen Allen at his best is when he gets involved in the running game right away. He takes a hit or 2 and he's off to the races, especially if he hits a bigger run one right away. It's like it gives him that swagger that he knows he's just better than everyone out on the field and he just lets it all loose. So yeah, I want the Bills to come out swinging.....Allen runs and a little bit of tempo. Sometimes I think this team gets into a lull because the game slows down too much for them. Pick up the pace and I think you will see a better offense. For whatever reason, they don't do it much at all. I don't think it is any coincidence that when they are trying to score before a half, or they are down late trying to take a lead with a couple minutes to go that that is when you see this offense click. It makes them play with urgency and focus on the details. But, I am sure they probably won;t do either of these things I mentioned and will go on their inevitable three and out. Man, I miss the days we got the ball and scored on our first drive most every time.
  21. Another very ugly win, but they all count. Going into next week with the division and #2 seed on the line. But man, this offense is broken. Need to fix it and quick.
  22. That'll do it. Just have to hope that shot wasn't too bad. Survived another one. So much to clean up. Very ugly win. We'll be playing for the division, but we won't beat Miami playing like that on offense, though.
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