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Everything posted by juno999

  1. I would be interested to know how Schwartz feels about Marrone. Marrone cost his entire staff a job this year IMO. I think Schwartz along with other Bills assistants will be hired but not necessarily with Marrone.
  2. There was a lot of bed wetting when the Bills hired Pettine as well. Break out the Depends!
  3. That was cool. He introduced himself as Rex. A little thing that goes along way in developing relationships.
  4. Rex Ryan is a big personality and gets all the credit as a defensive guy. This is why Pettine left the Jets to become Bills DC in 2013. He wanted to get credit as a DC and get out of Rex's shadow. So, with that in mind, why would Schwartz want to be under Rex's shadow after leading the Bills to the 4th best defense. At least six teams will be looking for new coaching staffs plus the Steelers need a DC. Schwartz is going to find a DC job where it will be better fit and situation for him. I understand why he is leaving and yeah it sucks.
  5. The early consensus is Ryan/Roman will be run first and ground & pound offense. Spiller's injury history should be a concern not only for the Bills but any team. He just can't stay healthy and he is a risky signing because of that. He is an explosive player and has great skills but .......
  6. The Bills need to get a veteran qb and keep "developing" EJ. I hope that the Bills starting qb for 2015 is not on the roster yet.
  7. The Bills get a big name HC who has a great defensive background. He will bring his defensive assistants with him and an OC (either Roman or Trestman) who has been successful for years in the NFL. When was the last time you can say that about a Bills HC? The Bills are finally investing in a HC. Long overdue.
  8. You can bank on an aggressive, physical and tough defense. An offense that will pound the ball and beat up the opponent. You can count on the Bills being aggressive in FA and signing a player or two that will make us salivate like Pavlov's dog!
  9. Not sure about franchising Hughes but agree with most. Sign O line and a QB in free agency. Draft a RB in 2nd or 3rd rd because Ryan and Roman are run first guys.
  10. Shefter reported this when discussing the Ryan hire. Pegulas wanted to bring Ryan in to make it more attractive for potential free agents. This was by design and not by accident.
  11. I like the hire. An experienced HC who will make the Bills relevant again. Gives the Pats fits. Don't get the all hate for Roman. He was OC for 4 years with SF and they went to 3 NFC Championship games. This year was bad for SF but there were a lot of distractions this year with Harbaugh et al.
  12. You may be right about TG but one thing for sure Brandon and Whaley were way off on Marrone. Chip Kelly blew off the Bills in short order and Lovie Smith had to lobby to get interviewed by the Bills. My point is the Bills did a half assed job in conducting a coaching search last time and then spun up Marrone to be some innovative offensive guru. Marrone oversold Brandon and he in turn oversold Marrone to us fans. On this particular point I think TG got it right.
  13. Time will tell but I don't think this is going to be same Old Bills going forward. I think Pegula is going about this in the right way. He will get the best possible coach and structure the FO that makes sense to even the most critical eye.
  14. It is a good 37 minute interview. At about the 20 minute mark he talks about the coaching search. The first 20 are about what happened regarding Moron and Polian. He fills quite a few holes regarding what has transpired. He thinks Reich is a favorite but not a clear favorite. Whaley is vetting the candidates before they are interviewed. If they don't meet his qualifications then there is no interview. T Pegs will pick the coach. K Pegs is there mainly to absorb as much as possible. Graham claims to have sources within the Bills org. that provided this info. Graham opined that the Bills are doing an exhaustive search this go around unlike the last time. Brandon and Whaley were enamored with Moron early on and basically stopped the interview process. My takeaway, if you believe the reporting, is the Bills unlike previous hires will truly interview as many candidates as possible and this will be an exhaustive search with no clear timeline and no hurry to hire a coach. It wouldn't surprise me if it went past the Super Bowl.
  15. All good points. Plus Schwartz is under contract for 2015 so his only choices are stay as DC, become a HC somewhere, or quit. Staying put seems his best choice.
  16. +1 A HC with NFL experience. Add Jackson and maybe Kubiak in the mix.
  17. I like the Cousins part along with Schwartz as DC. The Shanahan's were a disaster here in DC. Not all their fault but it was bad down here. Makes the Marrone thing look benign.
  18. Pure guess on my part but I see them hiring a HC coach with offensive background like Bevell or Jackson and giving Schwartz a pay raise and possibly extension as DC or Assistant HC.
  19. I just had a flashback of Gregg Williams getting hired by Tom Donahoe. Donahoe went on and on about how prepared Williams was for the interview. I need a drink!
  20. It is smart and it is also essential. Five other teams looking for a HC at the same time. There are a lot of repetitive candidates amongst these six teams. Some of these candidates will a) be hired, b) withdraw and remain in their current situation, and c) not be considered a strong candidate. There is also likely a candidate or two who are just getting interview experience and are not ready to bust a move. Factor this all together and it is not hard to understand why the Bills end up somewhere between 12 - 15 interviews perhaps more. Hopefully the next HC will be an innovative guy who can motivate players and work well with others in the organization i.e. not be a pompous ass.
  21. He feels great. He has recovered from various injuries and the idiot who didn't want him is no longer there! Go Bills!
  22. I'm not sure about Rex Ryan or Levitre but agree with everything else. Cutler is the best option out there. He's far from perfect but the Bills have a very good D and strong special teams and as we know no qb or 1st rd pick.
  23. He doesn't have a compatible personality with many people. He wouldn't be a good fit for the Bills. I live in DC and he was terrible.
  24. This is all about Marrone. First he quit because he didn't get the extension and now he is using Polian to spin the story in a way that Marrone looks good and gets another HC job. Whaley might not be perfect, who is, but the roster is much more talented and there is better depth since he came on board. Marrone failed to use the talent he had properly, failed to recognize the shortcomings of his OC, and most importantly failed to recognize his own shortcomings i.e. too conservative, predictable, and bad game day management. I have full confidence that the Pegulas will get this going in the right direction for the first time in a long time maybe ever.
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