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fergie's ire

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Everything posted by fergie's ire

  1. Yeah, make that 37....so I guess putting up 40 is what one does against Tampa.
  2. Man, how bad is Tampa's D? Rams hadn't scored a touchdown this year, and have 31 points today.
  3. I think that part of the confusion is the terminology. These used to be called separated shoulders....and there are varying degrees. Sometimes a first degree (and maybe even second degree) was called a sprain....because there was nothing torn. However, because people confused separated with dislocated, they seem to have started using the term "sprained" for all AC joint injuries. A grade three, like yours (and which I also had) means that a couple of ligaments are completely torn. A week out of such an injury, I doubt he would be able to lift his arm above his shoulder....making throwing the ball difficult. I do remember that someone, I think it was Brian Griese for the Broncos, finished a game with a grade 3 and was sling the ball side armed because he couldn't lift his arm....but probably not something you want your quarterback to try.
  4. Just be patient. Gilmore is the best cornerback in the league in May (OTA's) and in December (once we have been eliminated). Just wait and see.
  5. I can't help thinking of how similar Woods' route is to the one that Baltimore ran for the touchdown. Flacco hits it. TT doesn't see it and we lose. I think that is often the difference in the NFL.
  6. I think that Marcel was influenced by Mario throughout most of the year...that his griping was encouraged my Mario's example....but it seemed like in the last few games there was a change in him...and there was a difference in him...and a difference in the D.
  7. What gives me hope is that he shows the potential to catch contested balls....doesn't do it consistently, but is pretty well covered in some of those clips. I am not sure that Goodwin or Graham have caught a contested ball yet.
  8. Drafting two Ohio State quarterbacks? Interesting.
  9. So, if the quarterback is a bust...and Tennessee hist on most of these picks, will we be seeing these picks be honorary captains when Tennessee plays the Rams in a few years?
  10. Sure, I will miss being the Buffalo Williams...but what were building is a deeper concern. I really really don't want us to be the Browns.
  11. Certainly not the Patriots. Nobody cuts their own loose faster than them. As soon as they expect a "star" has passed his value, they unload him (Richard Seymore, Wes Welker, etc. all the way back to Lawyer Milloy) and have a quarterback who takes less than his value because A) He wife makes a gajillion dollars and B) there seem to be some illegal revenue streams.
  12. No need....I am sure our name is just about as offensive to many Native Americans as it stands.
  13. He was, indeed. Part of the Bermuda Triangle defense with Fred Smerless. I don't remember who the third point of the triangle was.
  14. I just heard Rex on Mike and Mike and one thing he said made a lot of sense. He said that this year they tried to make the defense a combination of what the Bills had been last year and the defense he was bringing in. When you do anything half way, it is sure to be a disaster. While I was not a huge fan of the Rex hire, if you are going to go Ryan, push your chips to the middle and go Ryan all the way....and see what happens.
  15. Jimmy G DID play....was put in with 2 minutes to go and Pats down 10. Decided to concede the game rather than risk injury to Brady (who had been knocked around during the game).
  16. Thank you so much....and sorry for the repeat. I missed the other thread...and clearly I missed the reset after commercial. I had just seen 2:10 and then 2:10 and was wondering why nobody complained about the clock not running....so thank you again very much for the clarification.
  17. Maybe this has been discussed elsewhere, but can someone who has NFL gamepass check the end of the Patriots/Giants game? I swear that I looked at the clock and there was 2:10 left on the clock. The Giants ran a run play that gained about 3 yards and the Patriots took a timeout. I looked at the clock and it read 2:10. I swear that no time ran off on the play....which would have been a big deal because it mean having to run more play before the two minute warning which saved NE a timeout.
  18. A request: Can we stop putting "Williams" in Bills headlines and thread titles? When half the team is named Williams, it is not that helpful.
  19. Supposedly Rex calls the defense so the D coordinator is not essential. However, since Pettine left the Jets D has been mediocre....until this year and now it is great again. Yes, they made major upgrades in their secondary...but still. I think there is a common denominator.
  20. I seem to remember that our defense suffered quite a bit when Aaron Williams was out last year. I think he is more important to our defense than many realize.
  21. Clearly, you weren't watching the game on TV. The announcers kept going on and on about what a great fullback he is....and then when Felton was on the field with him they were clearly confused and I THOUGHT the light bulb was flickering on....but then they just shrugged it off and ran with it and talked about the Bills jumbo formation with two fullbacks.
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