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Everything posted by brucethomas34

  1. He will be #1 one day and he and Nix will both have statues outside the ralph.
  2. I really don't care who starts i just want some freaking W's stacked all over the place!!!
  3. Anybody who messes with the bills or buddy nix deserves to spend the rest of their lives in jail...
  4. The only thing thats missing is the quarterly intakes of prozac...
  5. Brian Moorman is a punter not a football player, he should keep his mouth shut... Our current punter I support because he hasn't said anything bad about the bills. If he does he'd dead to me... Go Bills
  6. If he is lets trade Eric Wood back for him... Just joking, i love Eric Wood
  7. I am also Krazy for Kiko, mainly because other people are saying he's good. I have no idea.
  8. He's a loser because he pointed out that he came from a team that lost...Simple as that...
  9. I'd be hard pressed to insult a team that I was actually played on...goes to show what kind of a team player he is. So long loser!
  10. Hindsight is 20/20...buddy did the exact opposite and look where that got us.
  11. I only like players who talk great about the Bills, it makes my fragile ego feel better.
  12. Young is good but when was the last time a really young team won the super bowl?
  13. I will be there and I will be drunker and more fired up then i've ever been at any point in my enitre life... Be there boys and bring the noise!
  14. Anything is possible, highly unlikely however due to the fact that EJ is raw and KIKO is a 2nd round line backer.
  15. Fast and good football players who will bring a bowl to the buffalo bills baby!
  16. Yes he's there, i expect him to have a great year this year.
  17. thanks for the update, keep up the great work and go Bills!
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