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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Tickets bought. My 2nd game this season! Woo hooo
  2. How many years does it seems the Bills were in the Steelers situation? Needing to win and a couple teams lose in the final week. Watching it all slip away. And looking back to that one game.. saying we shoulda won that one! It's a good feeling not being there this year. Watching the Houston game.. and having the announcers talk about us playing them next week. It's been a great year. Let's all enjoy this!! It hasn't happened often for us Bills' fans.
  3. I agree. I think we all wanted him to be the deep ball threat this season. But he's gotten more than enough playing time, and had more than enough opportunities, only to do absolutely nothing.
  4. Duke had more catches and more yards today, then Robert Foster has had ...all year. Personally, I don't know why we keep Foster out there when he seems to just watch the ball hit the turf.
  5. Just bought my tickets to the game! Hope to see lots of Bills fans there!
  6. No it doesn't! We are in the playoffs... just stop.
  7. Borrowing injury Josh is our franchise QB Anyone that can't see that just isn't Latin attention ornis nitpicking too much.
  8. Come on. I don't think I wrote the worst thing ever on here. ?? There's been a lot of really, really asinine stuff!! LOL. We can disagree though. I thInk NE top to bottom wanted it more and it showed. Tre was being manhandled by their WR. Brady running out throwing blocks. Edelman head hunting on pick plays. Whoever that was grabbing Josh's facemask. And where was our fire? Where was our coach yellin to the Refs to call a flag? One team looked flat, the other put it all out their and got the win. Plain and simple.
  9. I didn't want to reposed to each individual post.. that seemed a bit much. But I'll say... Yes I was serious in my OP. Anyone can check my posting history. I like to think I'm a pretty rational person and don't post "hot takes" to get people riled up. I apologize if I did. And I rarely, ever start threads. So, yeah; if I do it's because I'm serious about it and I feel it needs to be drawn into the light so to speak. I'm sure the players want to win. And they've won some good games this year. That's not what I was saying. I think they just don't see every game against the Pats as seriously as we fans do. So yeah, they wanted to win and tried there at the end. But do you really think this team did everything they could? At one point they flashed the stat.. 4yds offense for Buffalo to 96 yds for the Patsies. You don't get that lopsided unless you're failing in every aspect.. coaching, preparation, execution, you name it. That's not slightly better. That's complete domination. How the score stayed so close is a testament to a few really good players making some great plays. I think several folks are right, they were all holding back and saving themselves for the playoffs. The coaches didn't want any more plays on film and went pretty vanilla. The players did the best they could with it. But in the end... we're the ones sitting at home wanting to crush that damn team. And they were the ones in the stadium content with just getting to the playoffs and taking their chances there. Which is fine I guess and in some ways i could argue makes sense. But I hate the *****in Pats. And we made it easier for them to get to the Super Bowl yesterday.
  10. In thinking about the game, it feels to me that all of us fans just want these wins more than the players and coaches. We're the ones that have suffered for nearly 2 decades. Each year, twice a year, they walk all over us. We want Brady gone. We want to win at all costs. The players, the coaches... yeah it's just another game to them. They got the playoff spot wrapped up last week. They didn't ..have.. to win today. They could come out a little flat. Have a lackluster game plan. They don't truly understand the misery we feel watching that team walk all over us. Because, yeah, they haven't been here through it all. Maybe they'll play better next time. Maybe in a few weeks they'll come out and actually care. But for today it seemed like they just played a bit like... the win just didn't matter as much. We all sit here and rip each other over this play and that play. But really didn't the whole team look flat? Wasn't the game plan on offense and defense just bad? It's hard to find any one player or coach that lost the game because they all looked a bit disinterested other than a few moments here and there. The passion everyone on this board just seemed missing on the Bills' sideline for the most part.
  11. That play is exactly why we need a big "jump ball" type WR. None of our current guys have the ability to go up and fight for the ball and bail out the QB on a throw like that.
  12. No doubt the Bills did everything they could to lose. They pretty well sucked it bad. But that doesn't mean the refs didn't do their part to ensure we didn't somehow screw up and win. The missed facemask alone on the final drive is all you need to see for evidence of that.
  13. The offense is just tooo inconsistent, and has to get away from that "we have a lead, lets get conservative" crap. And the kraft muct pay the league huge money to get all the calls/non calls. Some of them were horrible! To miss that face mask is unconscionable.
  14. When was the last time they lost 2 games in a row? When was the last time they lost 2 consecutive games in Foxboro? I agree with everyone that says anything can happen. And it would be awesome going into the final week with that glimmer of hope in my mind. But, man is it tough to think it could actually happen.
  15. I absolutely agree with you. My only, albiet sarcastic, point is that people always say ..this is the most important game. But the reality is they're..all..important. And to the posters comment that I repsonded to... I think its a game we could win. Not that we should, but could. And hopefully will. If this season has done anything.. Its proven to me that the Bills can play with and beat any team... Even the team in foxboro. That.. Is a tremendous feat considering the past decades. Yes, beating the snot out of this sniveling bunch of panszies would be awesome on so many levels. I want nothing more this weekend than to see that.
  16. Yeah... Your sarcasm meter should be breaking. I agree the game is important for a number of reasons. But it seems every week (although I haven't seen it this week), some one chimes in.... This is the most important game of the season! That started in week one. So i was just having some fun and making sure we all see it again.
  17. I think its the most important game of the year! Our whole season depends on it. If we don't win then we haven't done anything but prove we're the same old Bills.
  18. I think you do everything possible to keep this defense together, while adding to the offense (WR, RB). They can't break the bank, obviously, with several ..key.. players due up in the next couple years. But, they have something special in this group right now. It'd be nice to see them keep it together for a few years.
  19. I was just going to post the same thing. I know what he meant... That they/he had to approach it as just another game. But, I could easily see the Raven defense taking it as throwing some shade. Hopefully, he and the rest of the team stay quiet and focused this week..and into the playoffs. You never know what may serve as motivation for some one.
  20. The missing point in all this talk of 300 yd passing games is where this team is talentwise... currently. Lots of really geat QBs took a couple years to consistently put up big yardage games. Prior to that... they were "game managers" with the ability to lead their team and make big time throws when needed. That is exactly where Josh is right now. Add in the fact that ALL of his WRs ,TEs and RBs were signed last offseadson, while completely overhauling the OLine; and you have a young offense that's still a couple years from being consistently able to put up big numbers. I think people get too hung up on stats and numbers thanks to fantasy football. There used to be a time when you focused on the team and what each individual did each week to help the team win. Too many people now want to look at the top 10 yardage/touch down/sack leaders and define them as good. The Bills (similar to the cheaters mold) don't have a lot of stat leaders, but they have a solid team with each player doing their part in the game plan. For those still concerned, give the offense and Josh a little time. Beane himself even said they have a long way to go. Let's enjoy the ride as we hopefully keep moving forward.
  21. Agreed.. If Payton and Greggo got a ban... How can they not ban him for far longer? He is and has been actively cheating and undermining the league's rules for years. It's a complete slap in the face to every other franchise if its anything less.
  22. I was in Prague for Christmas 2 years ago when we made it. Try a vpn service? Don't know if this is your first time in Prague, but I loved it. Beautiful city, especially at Christmas time. Enjoy!!
  23. Completely agree.... The experience a couple seasons ago will pay dividends in a few weeks, as will winning primetime games like last night. It's fun watching this team and these players learn to win games like this. It's been far too long for us all. But we've earned the joy we're experiencing today.
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