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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Like others, I hated the Rex hire and that may have been my low point. With all the other treadmill coaches of the drought, I had at least a glimmer of hope they could do something. But with Rex, I knew the team was going to be losers. His second year, for the first time ever... I cancelled Sunday Ticket and consciously missed games if I had something better to do. That’s how bad it was... I felt no desire to watch every crappy play of the season. Then came McD. I wasn’t sold at first, I had seen so many others come and go. Then the MN game and Josh’s leap! I felt the first tingle that this kid and the team might be different. That feeling waivers a bit, even after making the playoffs for the first time in forever. So for me, I think it was the 4th down play in Dallas. That’s when I said to myself ..we finally have a QB that just refuses to lose and is going to lead this team. That was the type of some we’d always come out flat and get embarrassed. But not that day. I went to bed that night with a full belly, half drunk and content knowing the Bills finally had a good team that could compete on the biggest stages. Last season just confirmed it all. Re-signing our good players confirmed it all. Seeing solid draft picks and stability in the coaching staff just confirmed it all. Winning the AFC East was.. awesomeness. And by the time we go to the Championship game last season.. winning wasn’t even the most important thing to me. Because I knew, and I’m comfortable now in the knowledge that the Bills are a legitimate playoff team each year that will be playing for the Super Bowl year in and year out. I don’t expect them to win every week. But I know they can. And that feels good after so many years.
  2. Absolutely. Some times it works out. And a lot of times it’s doesn’t. For a variety of reasons. Personally, I think continuity in coaching, schemes and players is being grossly under rated.
  3. How many years do we see players sign big name free agents and draft all sorts of great players. And all the pundits love them and talk about how much that team improved. ...only to get to the season and watch them have trouble putting it all together. I’m not saying we’re the best or anyone else is bad. I’m just saying there’s a big difference between what a team does in the off season and what they do on the field during the season. It’s entirely too early to rank any team based on 2021 drafter players or free agents in my opinion.
  4. I agree. Been bad at it for decades. But how do you let the guy that’s burned you all game, the number 2 receiver in the league, get a clean break off the line; no one touch him; no one within 10 yds of him as he catches the game clinching TD. It’s just inexcusable.
  5. That says it all. You need just a little bit of defense. It felt like the Bills were just glad to be there, while the Chiefs showed up to win.
  6. Story of the game... complete inability to even acknowledge the other team had a tight end, let alone cover him. They have to figure out how to stop tight ends.
  7. Yeah and if he did... we coulda won the division and won at least 12 games. If only.... On a less sarcastic note, I think Murphy exemplifies the way Beane has built this team and the way the coaches coach it. We have a solid roster top to bottom, including Practice Squad players all fulfilling a specific role and weekly, often widely divergent game plans. Coming in to yesterday’s game, who ..knee for certain.. Murphy was going to play and perform like that. We expected more 4-3 sets, but how much? Would we run the ball? Feature more McKenzie sweeps? There were questions all over about which players would suit up and what roles they would perform. And you have to know the Ravens had the same questions. It makes the team hard to prepare for. And what’s better, when these guys get plugged in, like last night, the perform big time! It’s so impressive. The way they’re specifically game planning, not just plays and formations, but players and rotations on the lines for each opponent and each opportunity. I genuinely hope we keep this team and coaching staff together for several more years. Go Bills!!!
  8. I love this team. Also, if you look at the video of the defense running down and mobbing Johnson in the end zone. ... who’s running right down the side line cheering and then joins the mob... #5. Just pretty awesome. And goes to show, as another poster said, this is a team. Everyone plays their part, everyone is involved, every one has bought in to the process!
  9. The same thing I’ve worn all season...last years Houston tailgate t-shirt under my custom Bills Jersey that I got for Christmas last year. Wash the t shirt, jersey not washed, just folded and put away so none of the luck washes off.
  10. After a week of reading this thread, numerous articles, watching videos of pundits, and contemplation; I think the one thing we can all say is this is almost certainly going to be the game of the weekend. In my simple opinion the keys to a Bills’ win are (offensively) have some designed draws and screens to negate the expected blitz, and be prepared for the delayed blitzes that the Ravens seem to like. Defensively, don’t try to get to Jackson as much as just try to contain him. Set the edge, keep him from running and force him to throw the ball - while finally figuring out how to cover a dang tight end. Simple enough. And for the first time in a long time - I truly think the Bills coaches and players are capable of drawing up a winning game plan and executing it. (Even if it’s nothing that I just described). What I’m trying the say is, I no longer have doubts that the Bills will show up or be completely out matched. They can compete and beat any team in the league. That statement doesn’t mean they ..will.. win. I just mean they can. And I fully believe they’ll have the plan and the mentality to execute it. How the game unfolds is yet to be determined, but it’s a nice feeling sitting here on the Eve of the divisional round and read about the Bills. And having supreme confidence that this team can win and advance to the conference championship game. I won’t be shocked if we win. I kinda expect it at this point. I’ll be depressed if we lose, sure. But that’s why they play the game. Go Bills!
  11. Exactly. The first touchdown was just insane. People forget that and only think of the sack and fumble. That was recovered.
  12. I’m already drunk. I took a drink after every play for luck. With my sister. Needless to say we can’t keep this up is they go to overtime
  13. We all want to beat the Colts... keep this train rolling right into the Super Bowl. And with a team like this. A team full of players and people like Dawkins... I truly for the first time in a really, really long time believe we can make it. His letter is an inspiration. Not just for the games and what’s happening on the field, but also for getting through the days of this past year and year to come. i love this team, the players and the fans that have become the face of the franchise. We’ve survived the desert. We waded through 20 years of purgatory and finally... we can bask in the sunshine of a promising new era. Go Bills!!
  14. Merry Christmas to all. My girlfriend got me the AFC east winning shirt and hat! Lol. She’s awesome. The Bills are awesome. 2021 is lookin good. Go Bills!!
  15. This is perhaps the single greatest update to this forum in over a decade.. if not longer. Thank you for all you do for us Bills nuts. Go Bills!
  16. Exactly how I feel. There’s situations that just cross a line... banging on a car and shouting through the window definitely fit that description to me. Otherwise... this team and this fan base deserve to celebrate, let the players know how much we enjoy everything they’ve been working for, and shout their joy to the heavens. In this year of so much hardship.. the Bills are the o e shining star. So some jubilation is to be expected, and I would say allowed. Had they had better security along the road out... I would see absolutely nothing wrong with the celebration at the airport.
  17. Agreed. That’s exactly how I felt watching the first half. This was a heavy weight fight! This was play off football. We got the best the Steelers had, took the punches and then started throwing our own! It was a magnificent game.
  18. I think Kyle on the GMFB show kinda hit the nail on the head with this game. The problem with the Bills... for several decades!... has been a trust issue. We all want them to do well. We want them to show up in big games. We want them to win. But they always let us down and came up short. So you just couldn’t trust them. And that lack of trust is the very core of BBFS. It’s why so many of us can’t sit easily with a 2 score lead in the 4th quarter. Because we’ve had our hearts broken so many times, in so many ways over the years. We can’t trust that the team will actually do what it takes to win. Last night, above all else, the Bills as a team and an organization said... you can trust us. We got this. On a national stage, they faced the #1 defense in the league and a team desperate to get back on the winning track and get the #1 seed. The Steelers came out playing hard, physical, impassioned! They threw everything at Josh. And I mean every thing! And yet, the Bills matched that hard-nosed play, hung in there and took control of the game. They didn’t let us down. They didn’t let a great opportunity slip by. They took care of business and proved to the NFL that they’ve arrived. We won’t win every game. We won’t be perfect. But, we can trust that this team is going to show up and play hard. And based on a record of 10 and 3, more often than not, they will prevail! It was a great game for a lot of reasons. The best may just be that they didn’t wither. They didn’t crack. They made adjustments, played tough. They won a game that most people thought they’d lose. Not because they’re the worse team, but because they couldn’t be trusted. Now, you have to look at the Bills on their talent and their merits of play and not think.. I’m just not sure they’ll show up. Those days are over! It’s a great time to be a Bills fan, indeed!! We all deserve this and should relish it! Go Bills!!
  19. All I can say is ...wow! The Bills as a team have arrived. Prime time wins, beat teams with winning records, over come adversity, Josh staying cool and leading the team. Everyone on this team, coaches and staff included, showed up! There’s a lot more football to be played this season. But let’s enjoy the fact that the Bills are a legit, no bull#### contender. It feels good! I’m goin to bed drunk and feeling good! Go Bills!
  20. This was perhaps my biggest concern in thinking about the game yesterday morning. The 49’ers had to be in a “must win” mentality. So you figure, you’re going to get their best. They were going to be fired up and play hard to keep their hopes alive for the division. And the Bills just matched that intensity and beat it down! That was good to see. It’s been a long time! For so many years, we’d go into these kind of games and the team would just come out flat. Not this team. Not any more. One play not talked about a lot... the 4th down in the 4th quarter. I’m thinking kick the FG, extend the lead. They went for it! Converted and 2 plays later iced the game. For me, that was the play of the game. It took balls and it was executed perfectly. And it crushed SF’s hopes for a come back. There would be no Hail Mary this week!
  21. Miss is still the same back he was... he’s a rookie on the Monday Night stage, and made a mistake. It happens. There’s zero reason to think he’s not gonna be in the game plan going forward. (unless he hurt his knee more than we know)
  22. I must admit ..I missed that drive. Expected the Bills of old and assumed they were running for the locker room. Got up to use the bathroom, walked back in the living room to see them lining up for a FG. WTF! They simply excelled in every aspect of this game. This was them on day night game we have been wishing for! And I’m savoring every wonderful moment ...still.
  23. The one thing I’m certain of... if the Bills have 10pt lead in the 3rd quarter, the flags against us will start flying fast and furious.
  24. I’m always nervous before every Bills game. I just can’t help it. Add in knowing that both Miami and the pats won yesterday, and it’s a Monday night game; now I’m ready for some drinks just to get through the day! Go Bills!
  25. Agreed. Congratulations to Klein. It’s good for him and the team. However, Bosa was looked all world on Sunday.
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