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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Was just about to say that. But yeah..similar distance to go... Penalties no longer seem unsurmountable.
  2. That 3rd and 22... catch and run, knew exactly the yards he needed. Huge play that seems to be less talked about given all the other big plays. But wow! When was the last time we had a QB and WRs that could convert like that?
  3. It’s going to be surreal watching an empty stadium. But I will be watching! Go BILLS!! finally!
  4. This team ..especially Josh Allen.. is a lot closer than many fans and pundits want to admit. For all the misery and irratic play that people want to heap on Allen for the wild card game, I think the glass was actually more than half full. Yeah, he had some boneheaded plays and they ended up losing the game. But... He hit Brown on the sidelines with a great pass that should have given us a first and goal. Brown lost focus and didn't get his feet down. He hit Duke on a beauitful pass that should have been a touchdown. Duke was activated specifically becuase he would be that big, sure handed WR that could make contested catches... He didn't. In overtime, he avoided pressure and heaved a ball downfield to DeMarco for what would have been a huge play. Again, an awesome throw, that Demarco completely miss times his jump and doesn't even get his hands on the ball. How many of those passes does Mahommes complete every week because his WR makes the catch? But our staff has the fullback running that route?? He executed a really nice power sweep, the same play that resulted in a huge gain to start the game. Only to have the TE completely whiff on the block and give the LB a clean shot at his head. Despite those examples, and there are others, he still drove the team with a minute left to tie the game and send it to overtime. He still had us in position to win in overtime if not for a bad penalty call. This team is young. We need some play makers, especially at WR. We need a few other players. I'd really like to see the defense be more aggressive. I'd like to see the coaching staff pull their heads out of their asses. But there is no doubt this team is close to being a perrenial playoff contender. Next season nothing is a given. Everyone, including and especially Allen, needs to improve. But, based on the last 2 years, I see no reason to doubt that they will.
  5. I think that goes without saying. And I think pretty much everyone here is spot on. He's a disruptive player that can make a huge impact on games. But he's a me first kinda guy. I would say, he's 27 and on his 2nd team already. That says to me that he has issues with other players in the locker room. I'd definitely give him a hard look, but he screams attitude player looking for a pay day. So, I'd be cautious about signing him.
  6. Kim or Terry needs to get a seat on the rules committee and start chumming up to the league otherwise crap like this will never end for the Bills. That penalty was ridiculously bad. The fine is unconscionable.
  7. Thank you for summing up exactly what I saw as the single biggest problem we had in this game, and for the season. The coaching staff need to do some pretty serious and deep self scouting. They created soooo many of the situations that demanded perfection from a young team. And then everyone sits here and nitpicks each player's "execution".
  8. Yeah... I didn't feel so bad... Then I see this clip and wow. The play was there... all Knox has to do is block the one guy right in front of him and we, at the very least, have a FG attmept.
  9. I had mixed emotions... depressed, disappointed, but I had a fun time at the game . It was the first ever playoff game I attended. My girlfriend got her first Bills jersey and was with me. We met a lot of great Bills fans (and some good Texans fans) and had a great time all weekend with Bills Mafia in Houston. She truly understands what its like being a Bills fan now. As it sinks in... I think of all the missed oppportunities the team had not only in the game, but the season. It's frustrating to always come up short and to be 1 or 2 plays away. But as I told her, after a few drunk texans fans tried to give me ***** and I laughed it off.... I've been a Bills fan my whole life, longer than those idiots have probably been alive, I've seen just about every kind of win and loss possible. The Bills will be back next year. They'll get better. Or they won't. But I'll still be wearing my shirt, cheering for them, hoping for the win. Its what I do. One loss ain't gonna stop that. Its funny. I had to hold back tears walking into the stadium. Seeing all the Bills fans, chanting with them. I could feel the drought finally gone. It felt good. After the game... I didn't have to cry. Because I know we'll be back in the playoffs next year a better team.
  10. I just want add that Cody Ford is NOT why we lost the game. And I'm glad he's on the team playing very well each week. People can be idiots and one of the problems in the world today is the internet gives them all a platform to voice their insanity for all to see.
  11. We had an awesome time. My girlfriend might be turning into a Bills fan. LOL. The crowd I thought was great. Really good turnout. Lots of drinking, dancing, partying. But none of the crazier table jumping insanity. And yeah I don't think I ever seen beer trucks pulling up half way through the night to restock a bar. Talked to a couple locals.. that live in the apartments nearby. They came down just to see what it was all about. Said they never seen a party like that down there. They became fans of Bills' fans! LOL. It was a good time. Can't say enough about the Houston Bills Backers for putting that all together. It was undoubtedly a lot to get together. But man was it great! Now... time for some breakfast then some hopefully we kick some Texan ass! Go Bills!!
  12. Seriously, why would a team or the league let a player play if he has to have a big brace on. Not only does it risk further injury to him but to other players as well. I get the mportance of a playoff game, but it just seems like if you need a huge brace/cast on ou shouldnt be playing. *exceptions for knee braces as they can't really be used to hit people with and I would have all O linemen in knee braces just for cautionary reasons.
  13. It is much appreciated! Your efforts and certainly hers are going to make this an awesome weekend. Thank you so much. Go Bills!
  14. I agree.. The best way to calm Josh down is to start off with quick passes and a hurry up type offense. Get him in a rhythm with quick passes and a lot of Singletary. In my mind, the same way they started the season in game one. Come out with a quick pass, dink and dunk, no huddle type game and move the ball. Defensively, yes, play outside containment and stop the run in the middle. Blitz on the passing downs. Whatever it takes but don't let Watson get comfortable.
  15. Agreed. I think he gets a minimum of 1 more year regardless. Assuming of course he doesn't jump to a HC gig. But I just can't see them deciding after 2 years and a 10win season, that they need to shake up the coaching staff. Personally, I like the approach they're taking wth Josh and the offense. It's complicated, they're limiting his running, and it's causing them to have an inconsistent year. But it seems they're trying to teach him to be a true NFL QB that can read all the defenses and make all the throws. If you wanna be the franchise guy for 10-15 yrs... that's what you need to do. The scramblers, the one read RPO guys, they just don't seem to last long.
  16. IMO, I think Beane, McD and Daboll knew that they wanted to install a complex, yet highly productive professional offense. So they drafted a guy with high upside and intelligence . Because no matter who they drafted it was going to be a multiyear learning curve. But, IF Allen learns it all, IF they get a few other pieces to fall in place, then we have an offense to lead the team for years and not a flash in the pan type season. So, do they see the current offensive inconsistency as just part of the learning curve? If so, then my guess is they're more than happy with the way its looking, regardless of the stats and standings. And, assuming Allen continues to grow and mature into the system next year, then so am I.
  17. Someone refesh my memory.... When do assistants for wild card teams interview? Certainly not this week?
  18. If you like Cajun... Zydeco Diner is the best I've had in Houston. 1119 Pease St, Houston, TX 77002 Its a few blocks from them Friday night block party. And only open during lunch on Thursday and Friday. Wish they had better hours.
  19. I would agree with you. I don't like the continuity just for continuity sake. But in my mind, we have a young, 2nd year QB that has made inprovements in his game . We have a, reportedly, highly complex offense that Daboll is installing. And we had 10 new starters going into this year. To see ..any.. improvement given all that says to me that Daboll isn't completely incompetent. Hence, I'd be in favor of another year to see if progress continues. He definitely needs to work on lots of his game planning, preparation and most importantly.. situational play calling. But, to be fair, so does McDermott. If he does leave, I don't think it's the end of the world. But, for Josh's continued development, having stability at the OC level seems highly important. Very few, if any, young QBs develop into true top 5 talents in an ever changing offense. So, if Daboll, does leave... McDermott better get it right.
  20. For 20 years, I've heard nothing but we need to get rid of this guy or that guy and we'll immediately be better. Finally, we have some continuity. The same HC, OC, DC and several key players in place. And we're finally 10-6 and in the playoffs. Yet, we want our young QB's OC gone?? I say no.. I want them to continue developing together and getting better; not starting over with someone new in a new system.
  21. I'm old enough to know what winning every year and being Super Bowl favorites is like. It's been a long time. And I would hope everyone that's a fan of this team knows that double digit win seasons and playoff games don't come around often. Enjoy it! I agree. It's been a great season to be a Bills fan. If someone can't look back at this season and be proud, can't look forward to this playoff game and be excited, can't appreciate the long hard road we all have been down to get here... well then they're just sad souls. I wish them well. I wish they could see the fun we're all having. Go Bills!
  22. That's my problem with Foster. After spending an entire season waiting for him to show up... He just hasn't. None of the passes thrown his way seem catchable. Why is that? Whether its him or the QBs or the defenses or whatever... I'm not sure it matters. Unless he's blowing up special teams, which I'm not sure I can say, why is he out there every week? IMO, WR is still one of our biggest needs this off season. And a big part of that is because Foster has disappeared all season. I would be very hesitant to make ..any.. changes going into the playoffs. But, to my untrained eye, I just don't see how dropping him in favor of pretty much anyone else would make our inconsistent offense any worse.
  23. Thanks for posting that pic! I was just about to raid my girlfriend's FB to check it out. (I dont do facebookin).
  24. Agreed. You don't need that Karma. Sorry to hear about her Uncle, but you can't miss that. I dont make many Bills games... having not ever lived in Buffalo. Every few years my schedule works where I can catch a game. I "made" the TN game fit this year and was so glad I did. Had a blast with my parents, sister, and Aunt and Uncle. Me and my girlfriend just moved to Houston this year. So... Gotta make this game now! It's Destiny! She just got me a customized Bills jersey for Christmas too. LOL
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