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Everything posted by Dan

  1. I think this is the point that so many analysts and fans don’t get. It’s a long season, and in 2021 it’s the longest season ever. You need to have guys healthy and rested come playoff time. How do you do that? Limit snaps during the season. Draw up game specific plans to give players rest and highlight the strengths of other players. We have a deep enough roster, that we should be able to do this and still win games. So they seem to be doing it. Sure the individual stats may suffer, but the team’s goal is hopefully achieved.
  2. And this is what’s wrong with the world. People can read or see the exact same thing, yet they’ve already dug in on a preconceived narrative. Hence nothing can change their mind and they still disagree about what is right in front of them despite clear evidence to the contrary.
  3. At one point, I believe the Bills had 24 points on 24 offensive plays. At another point, the Chiefs had 69 offensive plays vs 35 for the Bills. Seems like the game plan was to score fast on O. Then let the D wear the Chiefs offense out with long drives. it worked to perfection.
  4. And that is the point with the Refs and their play calls. It’s the situational reference. How many times did a ticky tack call give the Chiefs a new set of down? How many non calls ended a Bills drive? 3rd and 2, pass to Diggs. Even Collinsworth says it.. yeah Diggs was held there, but he’s gotta make that catch. That is the different standard. This is the difference between this team and the Fitzmagic teams of lore. We finally have a team ...and a QB especially.. that can overcome the Refs biased calls. We finally have a team that refuses to let it get them better of them, and in fact, looks like it just pisses them off more! That 4th quarter drive!! The chiefs are doing the Chief things... they picked the pace up. Made the plays. The Refs practically gift them a score. What does Buffalo do... when they needed it most, Josh put the team on his back. Hurdles defenders, makes the plays and fires an absolute bullet for the TD to seal the Chiefs fate! It was a thing of beauty that drive. Not just because of the plays that were made, but because of the situational context within that moment. They needed that drive..and they refused to let the league take it from them! Go Bills!
  5. Some guys can throw a good shovel pass.... some guys can leap defenders in a single bound.
  6. We have a team that is good! I hope every Bills fan realizes that. Finally, we can beat the best teams in the league... and the league itself. The team kept their cool and over came more bogus penalties than I thought possible, all while completely confusing the Chiefs. This was worth staying up for. Thank you Buffalo Bills!
  7. I just can’t imagine how this screws up the players. If we hate it this bad... what are they doing!?
  8. Yes it is! We finally have a GM and entire organization that understands the proper way to build a team. Its why this team is good and should remain good for years to come.
  9. Until Monday morning, after the Bills beat them on their own field. Then they’ll be a troubled team with injuries. And the Bills will have been lucky to play them while they’re in such a slump.
  10. Completely agree. We all want a Super Bowl win. However, there’s a lot of football between now and then that we should enjoy. And to continually move the goalposts on what this team needs to do to be considered good, just seems like deep rooted BBFS that we as a fan base need to let go of.
  11. There have been several “big wins”. They’ve won the Division. They’ve won in the playoffs. They’ve come from behind, blown teams out. Pretty much every bar that someone now comes up with to be hurdled, so you can finally be convinced the Bills are a good team... has been crossed. If you need more evidence at this point, you have the hurdle to cross.. not the team. Get over it. The Bills are a good team. They won’t win every week. They won’t break every record. But they’re still one of the best teams in the league and have been playing like that for quite some time now. Enjoy it.
  12. Unless there’s a weather concern.. I say always defer. Best chance to give you back to back possessions.. 1 to end the half and then to start the 3rd quarter.
  13. For me... one of the keys to winning is Allen. Not his overall game, because his overall game is awesome. But it comes down to 1 to 2, maybe 3 throws. It seems most games, he has a wide open receiver and misfires badly and missed a big completion. When playing teams like the Texans and Dolphins, you can miss those and keep right on chugging. But against the better teams.... you really need to hit those. They’re the difference makers. Hopefully Josh is dialed in and nails those couple of big throws. If so, I think we win easily. If not, it’s gonna be a dogfight. My game plan, similar to others, is to start the 1st quarter with a lot of runs and screens to slow the chiefs down. Settle Josh down, get him in a rhythm, then open it up as needed. And for the love of god, remember that they have a TE! He’s pretty good! Don’t let him run around unchecked.
  14. I’m glad the patsies lost... but can we just make Brady go away. I really hate that guy
  15. That final 2 series of the half effectively ended WFT’s chance of winning. They had just gotten the 2 “fluke” plays and in the span of about 3 minutes made it a one score game. The Bills responded. They took to the field and methodically marched down and got a FG. Then got the ball back with 26 seconds and with a few perfect passes, ended the half with another FG. And just like that, the game was back to a 2 score lead. They never looked back. It’s what we’ve seen so many teams do to us over the years when we had 7-9 teams and glimmers of hope. They just took control of the game and effectively imposed their will. It was beautiful to watch as a Bills fan.
  16. Those that think this was an ugly win or whatever they’re saying are delusional. This was a complete beat down. IMO, Josh is pushing it. He’s gotten the contract and I think it’s in his head a little that he needs to be THE playmaker. Until he settles down, relaxes and just plays his game, he’s going to look like he’s struggling. But a few more wins and I think he will. In no way am I concerned. And after a 35-0 beat down... you have to really want to find things to complain about. There’s a lot of room for improvement. Lots of plays, offensively and defensively, they probably want back. And yet they shut out a divisional opponent and scored 5 offensive touchdowns, despite all the “poor” plays. Lol.
  17. This is the most troubling thing about the Steelers game, perhaps mostly because it’s not the first time an opponent has seemed to have our game plan figured out and when this happens; the coaches make zero in game adjustments. After the loss they just say... we need to execute better. Yes various players played poorly. But the coaching staff did nothing to help them out. That is concerning to me.
  18. I’ll respectfully disagree with you. I think Davis is pretty good with his routes, separation and hands. And he knows the offense better, by sheer virtue of this being his 2nd year. I’m not saying I dislike Sanders. I’m just saying that at this point in the season, I would think Davis should be getting more snaps than him. Whether that continues, would depend upon how the season panned out.
  19. Exactly. Sanders is, IMO, an insurance policy against an injury. But to start the season... we need to go with the players that got us to the Championship game. And that’s Davis and Moss... not Sanders and Breida. Now as the season progresses and they learn the offense, I would expect their snaps to increase. But not in week 1. It was just Daboll out smarting everyone and it backfired.
  20. After a night and morning thinking about it, the Bills as a team just came out flat, unprepared, and completely out of sync. The Steelers just played more physical from top to bottom and had the proper game plan. The Bills, however, just weren’t ready. The OL was blown off the ball consistently. Dawkins clearly is not in game shape. Benching Moss for Breida made no sense, considering how they used him. Davis should be seeing more snaps than Sanders, every week. And Allen... well ..he was just out of rhythm all day. So, historically, how do you get a QB (and and the offense) settled down and into a rhythm? You call some quick passes, and run the ball. Daboll refuses to let this team establish a running game. Defensively, they played without emotion or physicality. But that is the trademark of our defense. Be calm, keep the play in front of you and don’t give up the big play. Problem is.. that almost guarantees some long drives and allows the other team to get into that offensive rhythm that can bite you. Lots of issues. Some big, some small. But the coaches and players need to wake up and realize, the season is here. Nothing will be given to them. They need to put the best players on the field and stop out thinking themselves. 4th and 1 and they toss it backwards 7yds! WTF.
  21. And that’s when you go 5 wide to keep half the defense outside the middle of the field. Don’t intentionally bunch everyone into the middle of the field with an I formation and the lone wr motioning across the line.
  22. They absolutely..have..to develop a run game. We don’t have to run more than we pass... but when you have a 10pt lead, you have to run and burn some clock. You have to. And find a way to pressure the opposing QB. Sitting back in soft zones is a sure way to let a good team back in the game. I’m not panicked. No one should be. But, they clearly have some things to work on if they want to win against tough, physical teams like the Steelers.
  23. The completely ridiculous play call on 4th and 1 was huge. They need to throw that play out and burn it from memory. Just stupid to throw the ball backwards 7 yds on 4th and 1 with the entire defense on the LOS
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