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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Nobody loves using veterans as a prop, more than Republicans. Lumpy is the worst...
  2. When I used to post here more frequently, there was a "wall-bash" emoticon...it would be perfect for this thread....
  3. Lots of people are saying, everything he touches turns to *****...
  4. I saw an interview with Townsend, from the mid-70's, where he was talking about writing songs for the band...he said that he always had to try to anticipate what Moon would add to the song...he was saying sometimes the songs turned into something completely different...I think that was when he started getting the itch to go solo.
  5. I am a huge Stones fan, and I have always thought that Mick & Keith's vocals together are a really under-appreciated element of what made them so great in their best times.
  6. Thumbs up for recognizing what a great back-up singer Keith Richards is/was. For me, I would put Tina Turner pretty high on my list... and if we are not sticking strictly to rock'roll George Jones.
  7. Understood, and I get what you are saying... I am not talking about blowing smoke, I am talking about keeping things in perspective...our traditionally mediocre team is 5-1...why are we worrying about next year already? Other than being off on a few deep passes yesterday, I really didn't see any problem with his game...or with the game against the Titans. They were solid performances. Not sure that throwing for 400 yards in a loss is going to make me feel any better about him.
  8. I don't know how old a lot of the posters are here, though I know have been Bills fans for 40+ years. I suspect many have only known the Bills during this "drought" era. Anyone who is old enough to remember the Super Bowl era Bills (and I mean really remember them, not just the highlights) can tell you, Jim Kelly had plenty of ***** games along the way....but made plays to win more often than not. Allen is progressing...let him grow. He was fine yesterday.
  9. He is better, in the sense that he talks football...but he (like S & D) always seems to have a whipping boy after every game...no matter how things go, they seem to just always have to find something negative to focus on. like it is the most important take away from every game. I listened the week after the Patriots game, and the big story on both shows was how bad Zay Jones is/was. It started with Bulldog, and continued on with Geary...honestly, it turned my stomach. Our Buffalo teams, for far more of our existence (I think we are roughly the same age) have been pretty bad...so we have a hockey team that gets off to a great start, and a football team that is off to a terrific start, and all the talk about is how they have "seen enough" of one WR (as if he cost them the game) or how as fun as the hockey team might be, they still aren't getting enough secondary scoring...jeezus... give us just a few weeks to enjoy a little success...there will likely be plenty of time to be miserable later.
  10. Honearly, as much as I used to love it, I find sports-talk radio, in general pretty unlistenable any more. . I know Schoop and Bulldog have their detractors, and I understand why. They are probably the worst possible choices to host the post-game show..the kid who is on after them is more informative, but every bit as negative.
  11. This may be as inaccurate a statement as i have seen from one you lunatics.
  12. Frazier was the HC in Minnesota for three and a half years (2010-2013). In 54 games, he had a 21-32-1 record.
  13. It always comes down to this song, or Monkey Man as my favorite Stones song... In the Halloween spirit...one of the eeriest songs you will ever here....
  14. Anything Donald Jennnifer is involved with looks like a bunch of 13-year-old girls gossiping.
  15. There was a similar rankings list on ESPN...they gave Oliver and Singletary the "also receiving votes" category , but they didn't make their "top 10 rookies". No showing at all for D Knox!
  16. Just checking in...the story here isn't the fire, it is the fire alarms...got it! True TDS on display...
  17. I won in week one with the Texans kicker...I needed 2.5 points to win, and he got me 4 pts (via 4 extra points)....it has been all down-hill since...Baker Mayfield has been a stiff, I have one decent every week start receiver (Amari Cooper), and my #1 pick Saqon Barkley is out 4-6 weeks. I go into tonights Monday Night game, needing 44 points from David Montgomery for a win...most likely will be 1-2 and sliding down fast. My worst start in a while...
  18. I have been living and dying with this team since 1972. I have seen a lot more bad years than good...I want them to win, as much as anyone... but at this point, I just try to take it one game at a time...enjoy the wins when we get them, and try not to get too down when they lose...it wasn't always that way. I don't accept losing, I just accept that I have no control over it, so just pray for the best, and enjoy the hell out the ebbs and flows of the season. I think this years 3-0 team is better than the 2011 3-0 team...but I am mindful that I probably thought that team was going to go far too. I used to soak up every article, every bit of NFL coverage I could find...now I just try to enjoy Sundays (win or lose) and enjoy hanging out with like-minded friends, and drinking a few pops. I got nothing against Schop & Bulldog (I may be one of the few who actually like Schop), but you couldn't have worst hosts for the post-game show. They take no joy in anything...it is just a drag to listen to. I don't mind criticism, and I don't mind a little "rah-rah"...but for christ sake, a win is a win...our culture just oversaturates us with everything... too much of anything, even the things we love, is not necessarily a good thing. This instant need to quantify the level of a win, or loss, is just a miserable way to experience the season...
  19. Believe it or not, my brother in-law passed away this past spring. I was asked to make about 3 hours of music to play at his viewing. The last song I put on the mix was "Goodnight" because he (also a big Beatles fan) had mentioned it as one of his favorite Beatles "deep cuts". When it played, my older sister (perhaps the biggest Beatles fanatic I had ever known when we were growing up) said, "Oh my god, I almost forgot about this song...I probably haven't heard it in 30 years". Another sister insisted it wasn't the Beatles said she had never heard it before (I know she has!)... sad the way the memory goes!
  20. Yeah, likewise, but I kinda like Maxwell too... it fits in as part of the bigger piece...Yellow Submarine is probably the first pop record that most of us heard, if we were born in the mid to late 60's. Hell, I remember having a Yellow Subamrine read-along book when I was a tyke.. one of the very first books I was ever exposed to.
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