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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. We will most likely play Houston, Tennessee or KC in the first round.... I feel pretty confident we can beat all of them, though KC would be the toughest. Even in our best years, Arrowhead has been a tough place for us to play.
  2. Exactly! I really don't give a crud about their opinions, the announcers, for me, are simply there to remind me of the in-game situations (time left, time-outs etc etc)...I like them for that, and I will never be one of those who claims to turn the sound down, because the announcers get on my nerves that much. I realize, the stuff I want from them is all up on the screen all of the time anyways, but to me, I find all the graphics, fantasy stats etc etc more annoying than the announcers. On the rare occasion that I am stuck watching a Bills game in a bar, with no sound, or sound from another game, I don't enjoy the experience as much. The announcers, good or bad, are just part of the experience
  3. Jeepers...The Duck was a freaking udrafted free agent QB, in his 4th start...he was their third string QB...what was Collinsworth (or anyone) supposed to say?
  4. The only thing Bills fans seem to love almost as much as winning is taking offense at perceived slights from announcers...I don't know that Collinsworth was "excellent", but he was fine. The "Collinsworth" sucks mantra gets old. During the Super Bowl era it was Dierdorf...we always gotta hate somebody. It was nice to get the big network treatment for the second time in 3 weeks.
  5. Personally, though I loved watching him play , you gotta swap out Favre for Elway.
  6. I have never been to a game in Oakland, but in addition to 130-ish games in Buffalo, I have been to games in Atlanta, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles (Raiders), Minnesota, New York, Pittsburgh, Seattle, Tampa Bay and Washington....14 NFL cities. My opinion on Buffalo may be tainted by the fact that I have been to so many more games there...but I would say Buffalo really does rank on the lower end of "fan behavior". Cleveland, Pittsburgh, New York and Washington round out my bottom 5. That is not to say I don't love the fan base, and enjoy game days in Buffalo more than the rest, but there has been a sort of "anything goes" vibe in Orchard Park for years. I haven't been to a game in Buffalo, since 2014, so it is possible things are a little more under control, but the last few games I went to (granted watching terrible football in bad weather for most of them) I gotta say, I was taken back a bit by how bad things were. For me, an adult male, I never felt in danger, but I would think twice (as my dad did before me, I am sure) about taking younger kids to a game.
  7. I liked the call, because it worked...but I think had it not, that would have severely decreased our chance of having that chance to win in the waning moments of the game. I appreciate your explanation, and I get it, and maybe I am just being obstinate... but I still can't get past the idea that if you blow it on the 2 pt conversion, you now have to come up with a TD, and a field goal, and an extra point (which is not a "gimmie" any more), and less clock to work with.
  8. I understand the reason why you would go for 2, but I think you have to go for the kick. Your defense just played too damn good to gamble their effort on one play, by an offense that was not exactly lighting it up. Not to change the subject: Forgive me if it is being discussed elsewhere, but did anyone else think it was a bit risky to go for 2, after the Beasley touchdown? They got it, so it looks like a great decision, but the ramifications of not converting, would have likely ended the game right there... I tuned in to the post-game show on GR (they are twice as bad as Schop and Bulldog, which is saying something). Nate Geary (I think that is the one who made the point) said that going for 1 pt there is just conservative "old thinking" football, and anyone who thinks otherwise just "doesn't understand football". He actually said "if you don't get it, you are down by 9 and you know what you have to do, you have it all in front of you". It was one of the more idiotic things I have heard in a while, and reminded me why I just can't do the GR post-game stuff any more. I am para-phrasing a little. In my opinion anyone who holds his opinion just doesn't understand math. Again, because they converted the 2 pt play, the point is moot...but if they didn't convert, they would be down by 2 scores, with time running out...they would need to score another td, get the ball back somehow, and then kick a field goal, or get another TD to win. Is this just "old-guy" thinking on my part?
  9. After saying I don't hate any of them, I gotta admit, I have never liked Musberger...but that goes back to his days as the voice of the NBA, back when the Braves were still a thing. Not the first time I have heard/read this...but can you give one example of Collinsworth "hating" the Bills? Personally, I think he is pretty solid...and I am not sure I have ever heard him talk about the Bills enough (at least in the last 20 years) to gauge that he "hates" them. If he just pointed out that they weren't very good, chances are, he was right, in this century. I really think the only announcer I have ever heard who had a bias against the Bills (and he admitted it later) was Steve Tasker, in his stint as a color commentator.
  10. Honestly I really don't care who the announcers are. There are some (Michaels & Collinsworth, Romo & Nantz) who are much more identifiable, so they give the games a bigger feel........but for the most part, other than info specific to the game I am watching, I really don't care. I am not one who gets easily upset and thinks that certain announcers "hate" the team I am pulling for. I am also not one of those who watches with the sound down... there are a few announcers who are just bad (Joe Buck, the guys who do Monday Night footbal now), but I don't hate them so much that I don't want to hear any sound. There are too many things that go on during a game that are not evident from simply watching.
  11. I don't think it has anything to do with whether it is deserved or not...
  12. Justified or not, it is Norwood...all other answers are just an attempt to keep the discussion going. I mean, the missed kick by Norwood in SB 25 was the basis for a cult film, and "Norwood" is a part of the sports lexicon in a way that nobody, or nothing else in Buffalo sports history, save for maybe OJ Simpsons' "slashing style".
  13. It is possible...it just depends on how good we really are, and if the Patriots are truly on the mat, and not getting back up. Bills schedule: Baltimore, at Pittsburgh, at New England, NY Jets Pats schedule: Kansas City, at Cincinnati, Buffalo, Miami On paper, anyways, they have an easier remaining schedule. For us to win the east, we would almost have to go 13-3. We have to do our part, and hope to god KC knocks them off. I don't see them losing to Cincinnati or Miami.
  14. Umm...6 fumbles lost. Different rules, no replay,.. and sorry, it was a much tougher game then. Cribbs and Roger Craig kind of pioneered the dual threat running back idea.
  15. Singletary has a ways to go, before I would say that..though I like him a lot. Cribbs was a fantastic football player. I think a lot of people only remember that Cribbs bolted the Bills for the USFL. That seems to taint their opinion of him. Ralph really ruined a good thing in the early 80's. I've been watching Bills football since 1972...in that time, only OJ and Thurman were better running backs for us. If his career hadn't got jacked up with contract BS, he may have given Thurman a run for his money.
  16. The first 8 games of Drew Bledsoe's Buffalo career were pretty fantastic (maybe better than any like stretch than Kelly ever had)....but the last 2.5 seasons, not so much! Being the obsessive compulsive that I am, Kelly's one rushing TD of 1991 came against the Packers.
  17. Agree, Josh is something to be excited about...but not to be an a-hole, but I think the TD run you are thinking of against Miami was in the 1989 season opener, Jimbo heaving his way into the end-zone as time expired.
  18. I heard a list of teams that are believed to be sending representation (Cowboys, Lions, Cardinals, and a few others I can't remember), but Buffalo was not one of them.
  19. Crimminy...about 3 years ago, I offered up a complete 12 year collection to anyone who was willing to pay for shipping..no takers.... I ended up recycling them.
  20. I didn't listen, but if that is what Schoop said, I completely agree.
  21. I deleted my post. You got me. You are right... I have nothing to add to this community. There really is no point in in engaging. I think a lot of you are very smart people (not all), who have gone off the rails.
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