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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Exactly! I watch a decent amount of sports during normal times (tons of NFL, NHL and NBA) and I am not sure I have ever watched anything on FS1. Maybe a Texas Longhorns football game or two....but other than that? Not even on my radar.
  2. I have watched almost every Bucs game over the last 4 seasons...Howard is frustrating...he has so much talent, and every time you think he has started to assert himself as a major presence, he disappears again. I would definitely be interested, if the cost wasn't more than a later round pick. I thought Arians would do more with him this past season...and lord knows their passing game was super high powered...but OJ wasn't a big factor most games...not sure what it says about him. The Bucs passing game is fully stocked, with or without him. Winston was more comfortable with the other tight ends, for some reason. On a team with less receiving talent, I still think he could emerge as a really good receiving tight end.
  3. To be honest, he achieved his goal...I had no idea he had a tv show...but I DVR'd it and recorded it..now I know he has a show...the "big, big news" was pretty much nothing...but now we all now he has a nightly show....I had to look it up, figuring it was a radio show.
  4. Not trying to turn this into a political thread, but ultimately, the state governors will have more say in this than the president will. The governor of Ohio is already on record as being somewhat skeptical that sports will be happening in his state this fall. Rumors that the NCAA is already making a contingency plan for the 2020 college football season to be pushed to Feb-May of 2021. Of course, college is far more dependent on crowds showing up at stadiums than is the NFL, but you know...there is a big chance that things will be different this fall.
  5. I think the song is extremely relevant to the current state of the world. I think that is part of the reason it was released now, in the middle of this global event.
  6. Yeah, there is no point in announcing any sort of cancellation or delay of the season, in April. Even if that were likely to happen, there would be no benefit to announcing it now. Interest in the draft (the only thing not cancelled in pro-sports)...and even if you thing Glazar is "breaking" a story that the NFL does not want out there, I think he is so entrenched in the NFL, he realizes it wouldn't benefit anyone or anything to break a story like that right now.
  7. The song is a masterpiece...an (good) American Pie for the end-times. You can never count Dylan out.
  8. There is a place on a roster for Winston. You don't have that kind of production, turnovers and all, and not wind up somewhere. How many teams has Fitz found a job with? I think Chris Simms makes a great point in the video. Some teams don't want a guy like Winston as a backup, because he is just too talented...he would create a QB controversy with some teams.
  9. I had season tickets from 1980- 1987 (got out just in time! )...there was some really bad QB play during that time..Joe Dufek anyone? Ferragamo, ultimately was pretty bad too, but for a couple of games, he was slinging it all over the field...more miles (and INTs) than TD's though. And, while I am sure he wasn't the first one, it was the first time I saw an NFL QB (a vetran at that) wearing a wrist band the size of a phone book, because he couldn't remember the playbook. If I remember, he was traded to Buffalo right before training camp started...he had a whole pre-season to remember the playbook. I remember being so embarrassed. It is much more common now, but back in those days, I had never seen anything like that before. They weren't running a real complex offense either...
  10. As I recall, Ferragamo was pretty good in that game..they just couldn't get the ball in the end zone. I recall, for about the first 3 or 4 games of that season, there was a small glimmer of hope we might have some hope of not being as awful as 1984. Hopes died fast though...erragamo wamted out and got traded to Green Bay (maybe as bad as te Bills at that time), never to be heard from again..
  11. Could very easily be the motto for the Trump administration, in total. It is a way of life....
  12. In a world turned upside down, comforting to know that nothing ever changes on PPP....it is like Westworld down here.
  13. None of those 4 guys had played their best football in a Bills uniform. Is that because the teams they were on weren't that talented, or because they were all over the hill (McCoy and Gorel, or couldn't blossom in Buffalo.(Peters and Lynch)?
  14. I like Alan. I am all in. But, I have to disagree with you the way you are remembering things, as far as Kelly's first few years being "comple ass" and fans wanting him gone. The game was quite a bit different in 1986. Back then, a 3000 passing season put you in the elite status as an NFL quarterback, Now that same standard is about 4500. Kelly may have had some personal off the field issues, but before 24/7 coverage, most of those were rumors. I had season tickets Kelly's first 2 seasons, I can promise you, nobody was clamoring to replace him. It was pretty obvious from his first start against the Jets, he would be one of the upper tier QB's in the league. Fans, being as fickle as they are, didn't really start whispering about Reich replacing him, until that Oilers comback game...Kelly had already lead the team to two Super Bowls, albeit losses. Some thought that, perhaps, Reich had some magic after the comeback. That wasn't hardcore fans...it was the bandwagoners who became die-hards when they became a perennial playoff team. I guess what I am trying to say, as somebody who is super excited about the potential of Josh Alan, to pretend he is as far along in his development as an NFL QB as Kelly was, at the same point is not accurate. No reason he can't get there though.
  15. Sorry.. you are right...my eyes are getting bad....didn't read that correct. My apologies plenzmid!
  16. I have seen all but the final two. The show is great...Manning is fantastic. To me, the best one was the Elvis episode. I consider myself a bit of a music guy, and I love Elvis. I knew he was a big Browns fan...but I am not sure how I never knew about his obsession with football in general...
  17. Biggest miss in Bills history? C'mon plenzmd 1!! Super Bowl 25? RIP Tom Dempsey....his record for longest field goal stood for 41 years...that is pretty impressive.
  18. I thought the same thing...though the audio got cut short...Nance might have mentioned it.
  19. Yes...a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He is not quite a year yet...a little more hyper than Murphy, the Corgi we had for 15 years, before him. But I have grown accustomed to his ways! He can be highly entertaining! Pemborkes have no tail...but they still chase them.
  20. I know you appreciate a great songwriter...give him a listen.
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