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Everything posted by jaybee

  1. Absolutely, but advertisers will likely make noise if this continues; for whatever the reason.
  2. I'm sure you're right but thats probably a fairly stable percentage I am uncertain how it all works. I've never gotten a call from a ratings geek. They probably check thru the wires these days but I watch via air signal...when I watch. Just something to keep an eye on. I was surprised to hear the story on this.
  3. They (ratings)seem to be slipping early on here in the 2016-17 season. I'm guessing most here are not in this population of folks tuning out. They are saying its the Kaepernick thing and the NFL encouraging the Anthem antics. Who knows? Games have been one-sided too...doesn't help. A lot of cord cutters (of cable and satellite ) may be a contributor as well. At some point this may come to a head from those paying 700K for a 30 second spot. Myself..I've tuned out for none-of-the-above but instead due to the lack of flow to the games and an anemic pace due to excessive commercials. Just an observation on my part, thats all. “The league has now seen an apple-to-apples ratings drop in each of the seven prime-time games this year,” http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/21/nfl-tv-ratings-down-again/ GO BILLS !
  4. I've gotta say the kid looks very comfortable back there. Like he belongs. He just out-muscled Kiko and avoided a sack too.
  5. If you believe what they are saying, Roman was let go for not properly utilizing the talents of Tyrod and the elite offensive weapons on the offense. So I agree, his athleticism needs to be show-cased to keep defenses guessing. I reckon we'll look good against the cards if for no other reason; there is no book out yet on our new OC. GO BILLS. We're still in the hunt ! Lol !
  6. Excellent thread. Many thanks for taking the time to put this all in one place.
  7. I've got to agree with this. Only thing I can figure is they feel they can go deep into the playoffs with some semblance of a passing game to compliment Adrian who is still a beast. But man, thats still a kings ransom. Good luck to the Vikes, I'm bummed about Teddy. I like the kid.
  8. Agree, but I'm not sure Reggie belongs on that list. I "think" he's more of a 3rd down specialist than a 2 or 3 down back. Of course I could be wrong on this too.
  9. I think we made a mistake like this years ago. Injury riddled running back. Bad knee. Missed a whole year. His name was Thurmal. Not sure whatever happened to him. ps...Love this pick.
  10. Just curious if there are any other consumers of the winter seasonal Genesee Bock Beer. I'm a buyer of large quantities each year. My favorite. This years batch seems to be off. Not tasting right. At all. Am I the only one ? I'd appreciate any opinions on the 2016 batch of Genny Bock. Many thanks everybody.
  11. Absolutely love to see him get a ring. One of the NFL good guys for sure. A Fine human.
  12. Oh man, that is sad. Something definitely not right. Been watching his analysis for many years. I hope he'll be OK.
  13. Kinda funny, listening to the pre-game (radio) this morning. Mark Kelso and Murph both picked the Jets to win whereas all season prior to this they took the Bills. NFL=total unpredictability. Lol ! EDIT" Right on Glorybound, Fouts is an excellent human, and a great QB in his day. He can say whatever he wants...I'll listen !
  14. Its not that hard to say a player was unsuccessful...after the fact. As you have just done...But, I dont really care at this point. Cassel is gone, EJ will be out of football soon and We still dont have a QB that is "deep into playoffs" caliber. Although, Tie Rod was a little better than the past few we've suffered thru...except for Orton perhaps?..... but he hung up his cleats..
  15. I'm a stubborn enough old bastid that I want them to win every time they step on the field. I'll probably throw things at the TV....as normal even though we are only hanging by a thread !
  16. Agree. A couple of other things: If you recall early in the season, Rex publicly called him out. I think "maybe" Rex is in his head...mental thing. Additionally, you guys all saw the holder mess up the hold yesterday on the missed FG. Not saying Carp isn't struggling but there may be factors causing it that are not readily apparent. and yes, I think he'll come out of it. Not sure who could replace him at this point that would be a whole lot better either.
  17. You all saw the same thing. Lets all breath a sigh of relief. We are still in this thing. And, this kid showed me something today I wasnt convinced he was capable of. Thank you Tie Rod. Ya done proud. Thanks to LeShon McCoy and all the rest of em. Lost my voice today and it was FANTASTIC ! Please serve me an order of fries to go along with my order of CROW. ps...that right there was a classy team we beat today. JJ signing autographs and puttin smiles on the yungins faces..Class all the way. And..Coach O"Brien B word slappin the incompetent refs. It was awesome beating this team but the Texans have my respect fer sher. GO BILLS !!
  18. Tie Rod comes to life. Turnovers plague KC from the get go. Bills run away with a Victory, Game decided with 1:12 left in the 2nd quarter. Fans crash the exits at half-time.
  19. That right there is what burns me as well. In fact I avoid certain gas stations because of it too. Heck, the welfare / disability / non-workers make a career of scratch-offs and you have to wait in line to buy gas and a 6-pack of beer while they break out their little ticket books. Like the other guy said earlier..."makes me want to strangle kittens" Lol !! NYS=do as we say, not as WE do. Man what a scam.
  20. Fact #1. The league has been re-engineered to favor the passing game. Thank fantasy for this. Fact #2. There is a major shortage of NFL QB's with a CPU speed fast enough to prosper in todays NFL Fact #3. The Buffalo Bills are a VERY GOOD football team, but need a QB that conforms to mostly fact # 2.
  21. I think your 2nd and 3rd bullets are most truthful above. And ...your conclusion I really cant argue either but thats almost entirely because they made that draft deal knowing they still had (and still have) a gaping hole at the QB position. Oh I am of the opinion Sammy, under the right circumstances is absolutely a world class talent. Man,, its just so frustrating as a fan of this team.
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