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Everything posted by jaybee

  1. I dunno man. I think they're gonna bury us. And...I damn sure hope I'm wrong. A victory in Foxboro would really go a long ways in making us legit.
  2. The beauty of being a Bills fan is I can jump on my motorcycle. Take a nice ride. Get home, check the game and see that I havent missed a thing. I'm just about ripe on this team and frankly the NFL period. It just doesn't really do it for me anymore. The whole deal is entirely random. But...as always, GO BILLS !!
  3. Smart TV did not work at all. It knew where I was but nuthin but a white screen. Roku worked perfectly so I saw the loss nicely.
  4. Same here. My brand new Sharp gets nothing. Watching it via ROKU. They must have over-looked a detail on smart tv's ??
  5. Getting a white screen on the smart tv. A purple screen with audio on the roku. The pregame was crystal clear perfect but at 9:00 its all gone on my end, except the audio on the roku. The smart tv isnt gonna work apparently. Just a white screen. It does say bills / jags so it knows where it is but nothing.....
  6. I'm an old idiot not in touch with all the gadgetry but here's what I did with my ROKU 1: Roku Home--->Search-----typed YAHOO using on screen keyboard-----all good.She came down fine. Theres a lot there to see I just hope I can find the game there.I reckon it'll be obvious but who knows ? If not I have the smart TV at the ready and the good old laptop if worse comes to worse. Lol !
  7. OK. I'm a dope. I just did a search and low and behold I found and installed Yahoo. What threw me was it said search for a movie, so I didnt realize that included apps. But I'm all good now...I think ! Lol ! I added it on the smart tv and the roku so one or both should work; if not...HDMI cable time. Thanks a bunch for the help I appreciate it. jb
  8. False. I just did this and there is no Web Video category in Main Menu. Just looked. (I have a Roku 1 so maybe thats why)
  9. Sorry because this must have been covered here but I didnt see it. Will the Buff / Jags game be available on television in Rochester NY ? I'm seeing the Yahoo only broadcast news stuff. Although it does say available in Buffalo market but I'm uncertain if that includes Rochester. Anybody know ? Many thanks. jb
  10. I dont know who wanted who but I reckon if Matt lights it up in Dallas this week and EJ struggles (AND PLEASE...I'M NOT PREDICTING THIS) It'll be a painful week listening to the media go after Whaley et al.
  11. According to wcmf, it is rumored Ray Rice will be looked at. I reckon you guys already know this. Who knows if its true but I just heard it on the radio..fwiw.
  12. We're all frustrated after yesterday. I'm not ready to throw in the towel on Rex just yet though. His press conferences admittedly are getting hard to take but he did take a Jets team to the playoffs (Twice maybe ? I forget) and I'm not sure those teams had the quality roster we have. So lets hope the injury bug takes a break. A string of a few wins will cure all of this. The season is still young, fellas.
  13. Its pretty much all random. Even the mighty Patriots, or the Cards will lay an egg. Any week now. I'm watching the NFL sport less and less any more although I am really starting to really like college football. It just seems more "real" to me.
  14. Thats what 'm trying to say, thanks MU. the guy that says I'm comparing him to Kolb has poor reading comprehension, or is trying to "twist" things to suit his MO. What we gave up for Sammy (and I love Sammy) is more than we've gotten in return...so far. Its not recurring injuries for Sammy, its something new each time and I get the human body isnt designed for NFL contact but so far he seems out, or not 100% more than similar position players. Go Bills.
  15. Interesting how this board gives certain players a "pass". Remember when Kolb got injured ? The entire board said...get rid of him. With Sammy...let him wait forever. And then the EJ thing. The entire board said...he only has had 14 starts give him a chance. And with Manziel who has had..I dunno, maybe 3 or 4 starts, (not sure) is a 110% total and complete bust. Sammy is definitely a disappointment and Manziel will be a good QB in this league. May take 3-4 years but he'll be a good one. This board bases its decisions on popularity, and nothing else. OK, I'm going back to sleep for another year.
  16. Couldnt agree more. I didnt like the pick up of Harvin initially but I totally agree. He's a very good player I hope he stays healthy and we can let him finish his career as a Bill. Its a blast watching this bunch so far. Love it.
  17. All the best to you and your Browns too, Cleve.
  18. Really looking forward to this. I really havent seen a lot of his ability to throw. If the kid is accurate and decisive we've got ourselves a low budget Russel Wilson. Weapons galore surrounding him. Just get it into their hands TT. The rest will take care of itself. Hell yea I'm stoked.
  19. I got nuthin. Nice assessment there. I would comment that maybe the (defensive)coaching is + only because Rex has playoff experience, and our OC is likely much better this year too. EDIT: Oops, scratch that last one, I just re-read it you've nailed it. Good assessment though. Thanks.
  20. Very glad he is in the mix. He's a Bill, he's a veteran. Given the importance of the position, and the severe lack of talent at that position in the NFL; you've just got to be glad he is a Bill. I trust him thoroughly. Be it as a starter or a back-up. Its the injuries to EVERYBODY that I dont trust.
  21. Thanks for putting that up, Yolo. The kid is a class act...Period. Hats off to you for highlighting the "larger than football" act by one of our world-class athletes. Many thanks. jb
  22. I wont beat on you for making that call. Not for a minute. But...I look at it this way. ...if the Patriots lose, every band-wagon Pats fan I know (there are a bunch of em) had the opportunity to hear it loud and clear on 1280. That'd be my motivation to "pat" 1280 on the back ! Lol !
  23. Thanks everybody. Actually, I'm OK with this. I'll be a listener. I like routing against the Patriots enough where I'll be tuning in from time to time on Sundays.
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