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Everything posted by jaybee

  1. Did I hear that right ? Thought I just heard that 1280 is now the official ROC station for the new England Patriots. Probably old news but I just heard it. At least I think I did, I was busy and the radio was on in the background. Anybody confirm / deny this ? Kind of odd if true I thought but I do get why they would try it.
  2. Hey Mike. Many Thanks. Excellent work on the pictures too. You got a lot of good ones there. I enjoyed those and with nothing but respect, I must say Kim Pegula is a stunningly beautiful woman.
  3. Alex, I'll take one in infinity for a thousand please. Or .00000001%
  4. Pretty much agree. Maybe not a total bust, but he'll never live up to the over-blown expectations. Maybe a 3rd rounder, but not a first. Just guessing here like everyone else.
  5. I look at this way: If he somehow comes around this year and becomes the starter we'll be in very good shape. Matt Cassel as a backup in case EJ gets injured. Not a bad stable at all at the position...if it were to happen that way. Go EJ ! If we can get solid play out of the position I gotta believe we are a playoff caliber team.
  6. Well, we did get Richie. Maybe Kujo steps it up too this year ? A healthy Chris Williams. Maybe a draft pick with our 1st (2nd round) pick. Who knows...we might be OK up front ? If we are....there is no stopping this offense. Even if I'm the QB. This is the strongest roster I've seen in a VERY long time on both sides of the football. Maybe even stronger than the SB run teams, and we had Kelly back then. Fasten your seat belts....this season is gonna be a blast fellas !
  7. I'm not a trash talking type. Never will be. BUT..every once in a while I surprise myself. At work today NE Fan says.."Jaybee..come here". He points to his PC screen on FB with a NE SB winner pic. He says "read this". So I take a gander...... First line said... "they hate us" (I read no further) and I said said..."They hate us because we are band-wagon fans and as soon as Brady retires and we start losing we will jump ship for a new team". The Seattle and NYG fans that were standing right there died laughing. Man that made me happy. PS..this particular NE fan did not know Revis was gone, Browner was gone or Wilfork was gone. To me...that is not a fan. Also he was unaware we had gotten Percy. I told him to shut his pie hole ....without actually saying it.
  8. You mean to tell me people actually say stuff like that here ? I guess I never noticed. Lol !! Long time Rex Fan here. Elated that he is ours now too !!
  9. Most certainly. I am a bigger EJ fan than anyone here. If he plays well enough to start and Mark is the back up, we're good. Till the next draft anyway. I just want to make the playoffs for cryin out loud. Even if we fail round one. I'd be happy as hell in that scenario....for about 15 years now. Lol !!
  10. Its one play. ONE PLAY ! Yea...ONE PLAY. C'mon guys. Watch the play for cryin out loud. Use your head for something besides a hat rack. Vince Wilfork is the reason for that play, (which is one freakin play scientists) The one that throws the O lineman back into Sanchez's path. Idiot land here at TBD. Sanchez is probably the most economical back-up we can hope for. Athletic, smart, good arm. Everything you want in a QB. We're screwed this year unless EJ wakes up. Which he wont...he isnt smart enough. If EJ does what we all figure he will.....we've got a guy to get us to round one...but no further in the playoffs. Frankly I'd call that a huge Victory. Hell yea bring in Mark Sanchez.
  11. This is not so, Yolo. With all due respect. He was to be a back-up behind Kevin Kolb unless he won the competition. Kolb became injured so EJ was thrown into the fire. Where he goes from here will be fun to watch. Hopefully far because without him, or a capable QB we've got a few more years of mediocrity. The rule changes have made the QB position too important over the years. Its ruined the game for fans of many NFL cities. Not enough to go around and there probably never will be.
  12. I'm not understanding the Manning talk. Sure, if healthy he's a very good option. Buffalo probably wont make the SB this year so to have him play for us would be a waste because I doubt he'll come back for another after that. He is a pretty frail human at this point lacking the ability to get out of harms way. Frankly I am hoping beyond hope that the starting QB is already on our roster. EJ. Maybe he has a breakout year ? Not betting on it but damn sure hoping so. Even if EJ were to start a FA acquisition would still make sense. A lower budget vet. Mark Sanchez, Colt McCoy maybe ?? I really dont know the answer but a capable game manager would be needed in this scenario. Also, who knows what happens to Jeff Tuel with Rex on board. Marrone was high on him for whatever reason. He may disappear under this regime.
  13. That Incognito poster made an ass out of a bunch of big mouth tough guy regulars here. He was spot on correct. If he never comes here again I dont blame him at all. This place has too many children. I was never embarrassed being a Bills fan. I'm embarrassed to be associated with this site though...at times. Yolo...cb26BLITZ and a few others keep me coming back. I appreciate what you guys do. Many thanks for your useful insight. The children...well, it takes time I dont have to filter thru that stuff.
  14. Must say: I do too. No he's not a character guy like you'd like to have but out O-line was a problem under marrone / Hacket. Inconsistent play. Anything to make it better is positive and quite frankly I'm starting to not care about character guys. 15 years is a long time fellas.
  15. This is what sucks about this forum. The kid (OP) puts up an idea about a CFL QB. He brings a fresh idea to the site. The same people as always bash him into the ground, even though they've never even heard of the QB the OP recommends. WTF people ? Be open to the ideas of posters for cryin out loud. Hey...maybe this QB is the answer for all we know. If so, I'm certain all NFL teams are aware of him.
  16. I heard the same thing. In fact, they even repeated it twice. Then they also said Rex really has his work cut out for him with the cap situation being way over. They also said (of course as they will) that the hire of Rex made no sense for Buffalo. Screw ESPN. They suck. Except Berman !!
  17. Vince Lombardi has spoken. The Canton bust has spoken. We must move on now. JTSP has given us all the information we need. Right here on an internet chat site. So there is no reason to think about that magical quarterback he envisions on his madden game or whatever the F***. That guy can do nothing and I mean nothing wrong. A QB with no other players around him can go 19-0. Internet chat site. Thats where I get my info. Only here are there deep thinkers, that are in the mix and in the field house and on the training facility in training camp. People like JTSP. People like JTSP are the ones you can make your wagers on. Big wagers. Win big money. Just look at the in-depth analysis he delivers. You cant go wrong.
  18. I'm with Gumby. Both of these teams are at the top of my list for teams I dont like. If I have to root for a team I'll plug my nose and root for New England. Really dont like either team...or coach (especially Carrol) at all.
  19. Glass buildings are the second largest killer of songbirds (domestic cats are #1) in the midwest migration songbird population. Its a bigger deal than most smart phone types would ever imagine. Brown-headed cowbirds are another huge problem to the songbird population whereby they remove the songbird eggs and replace them with their own. Cowbirds are hedge-row birds but now with all the farmland there are no deep woods and the songbirds breed in the hedge rows where the cowbirds are. Yup, learn more about the world around you. Life is more than meaningless football and smart phones. Experimentation with different colored lights is under way in hopes the birds will see and respond positively. Basically bug lites...but only for birds.
  20. I'll put that in the top 3 of any post I've ever read in this forum. Thank you very much for sharing this. Just a neat story, and congrats on your retirement ....and I know you probably dont want to hear it but...many thanks for your service to the country.
  21. ..............and thats why you and I arent NFL executives. We know nothing about football. Frankly I'm happy as a lark we got Rex, but I honestly know nothing about football and am not afraid to be honest and admit that.
  22. A realists' perspective. Pretty sad though if any of that article is true...which I question given todays state of the media situation.
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