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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. WTF was Miller doing on the field with the game on the line. He is completely useless at this point.
  2. Yeah…they really miss those 5 yard catch, turn and get tackled plays.
  3. So when you made your bold prediction, you expected the 49ers were going to go the rest of the season with no injuries?
  4. Hahahaha. How did that work out nostradumbass? 😂😂
  5. I’ve mentioned this before, but NOTHING happens in the NFL without the owner’s approval. Lot of misdirected anger at Goodell.
  6. Maybe Kim talked to her about women being empowered, and she mistook that for having sex with whomever she wished.
  7. Uncle Terry no likey workplace shenanigans. Tell Russ Brandon and Lauren Hall hello.
  8. From a BN article when Roth was hired in July…. Six months ago, Roth was a high-profile portfolio manager at Fidelity Investments who had never worked in professional sports.
  9. When Terry took ownership there were stories that none of his employees were ever fired. I guess he has finally got the hang of it.
  10. Unless you are staring at your phone while watching RZ, how would you know it is delayed by a minute or so. To me…not a big deal.
  11. It’s not like they are playing Carolina for the next 12 weeks. They have some tough games on the schedule, and unlikely they run the table in the regular season, let alone all the way to the SB.
  12. I think the overuse of the multi-box view is a fair criticism.
  13. Disclaimer…I love the RZC, have for numerous years now, and if the Bills aren’t playing, this is what I watch. That being said, they get completely carried away with the double, triple and quad box when it is completely unnecessary. I thought the whole point was to show games when a team is in the “RED ZONE”? Now they go to the multiple box scenario even when plays are not simultaneous, and include garbage games with teams snapping the ball in their own territory. Hello RZC…not everyone is watching on a 100” TV. I have a 60” TV, couch is 10’ away, and the multi-box scenarios are annoying as heck. Yes…now I feel better. 😂
  14. That I was never a fan of the signing. Do I need to explain more?
  15. Who said I was basing it on Mr 94.5% performance yesterday? Not me.
  16. Just a hunch on my part, Von is a goner after next year, and his time as a Bill will be viewed as a huge waste of cap space.
  17. Has there been the “NFL needs full-time officials” declaration yet?😂 It is always easy to critique the officials with 800 camera angles, and super duper slo mo. That being said, the official who told Snead to put his helmet back on instead of flagging him, is probably going to get a talking to this week.
  18. A lot of criticism about Goodell & the NFL yesterday. You all know that they work for the owners, right? Therefore, shouldn’t some of the criticism be leveled at Pegula?
  19. I guarantee that he wouldn’t turn Kincaid into Metzelaars.
  20. This is why you want to spend big on offense. Even when your defense is substandard, your offense can hopefully win in a shootout
  21. The real problem is the weather is changing fast in WNY, and the snowstorms of last year got the players thinking about how much snowstorms suck.
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