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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Seems right that is would be a Brady generated thing, but he's not going to pay any price for it. Is cases like this crap flows uphill and it will stop at Belichick. If the penalty is big enough (if the league actually does anything) then Belichick, rightly or wrongly better be looking over his shoulder for Kraft and a pink slip. I personally think the rule is stupid. But it is a rule. Should have each team bring game balls and make the other tem use them. Or do it like baseball and have the league supply the game balls.
  2. It is only going to be investigated if the Jests hire Marrone before they hire a GM. Honestly, at this point, I don't think Marrone will get the Jests' job because of this.
  3. If Casserly becomes the Jests GM and Marrone gets their coaching job, then the conspiracy theory should be investigated. Even if the Jests do the stupid backward (typical Jests) thing and hire Marrone before hiring a new GM, then there should be tampering allegations.
  4. I think Schwartz will be upset no matter what happens. In my opinion, if the Bills had another good Defensive year and Schwartz kept a low profile, he will be gone after 2015 anyway. I think he'd really be pissed if the Bills make a charade out of the Rooney Rule to interview one of Schwartz' assistants. Hue Jackson got a raw deal in Oakland from what I remember and I don't see him as a re-tread either. He didn't get shown the door because he was unsuccessful. And all that being said, I also wouldn't think shifting Schwartz over to HC is a bad idea, depending on who the Bills bring in as OC.
  5. Stunned. Flabbergasted. What a stupid thing for him to do. That being said, here's to finding someone who can succeed.
  6. If that game was meaningless, like a preseason game, then the Bills finished 8-7. Still had a winning record. I think that was the original point you were responding to. No, they didn't make the playoffs, but they're a lot closer than just two years ago when everything got blown up. Remember how you felt just before that happened? I bet you don't feel the same way today.
  7. I've got to say, I agree with everything you've posted in this thread. I will also add that Sanchize probably wouldn't like going back to play for Rex. It was Rex who put Sanchize into a meaningless pre-season game in the 4th quarter and got him injured. Sanchez lost his starting job and a year of playing. And didn't the Bills basically run Rex's defense last season? Why have him come in and go backwards?
  8. I don't know about Marrone in particular, but the culture seems to have turned a corner for sure. The team never seems totally out of any game, and when someone goes down (at least on defense) it seems like his replacement doesn't want to let down the rest of the team by playing below the level of the guy who went out. Seems like they still have a tough time handling success -- they can't string more than two wins together yet. The next two weeks will tell a lot. I get the Marrone criticisms (bad game day decisions, questionable loyalties, head scratching personnel moves) but there's no reason to let him go, even though there's been a lot of calls to do so. That would be an "old culture" thing to do and it would set the franchise back another couple years. I'm generally in support of continuity. I can see no changes to any part of the coaching staff next year. I think they're happy with the direction and the team will look to keep what they have on defense and upgrade the o-line, tight ends, and running backs.
  9. Did anyone notice that Manziel was wearing a yellow blazer at his post game press conference? I don't know why that annoyed me so much. That guy doesn't give anyone "the best chance" to win anything but a douchebag contest.
  10. Since I don't scout and I don't own the team and I'm a Bills fan, the way I see it my only choice is to support the guys the team brings in. Otherwise why should I bother to even follow the team. Should I not root for success because I don't think a quarterback has every tool necessary? I pull for their success in spite of obvious problems. It isn't that I can't see the problems. I only speak for myself, but I think this can be said for most fans of the team.
  11. Boy, not what I expected but that is one giant haboob anyway. A very impressive haboob. Not the kind of haboob you'd want to be smothered in.
  12. Jets QBs field questions at a joint post-game press conference.
  13. Son of a gun! 4 turnovers an 10 points. I don't like how this is going.
  14. Son of a gun! 4 turnovers an 10 points. I don't like how this is going.
  15. Son of a gun! 4 turnovers an 10 points. I don't like how this is going.
  16. Son of a gun! 4 turnovers an 10 points. I don't like how this is going.
  17. 3 interceptions! Wow...they need more than one score out of that.
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